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XXI Olympic Winter Games


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That was a great game and congratulations Canadians. That would've been really something if the Americans could've pulled it off and I thought that after Parise scored with 20 seconds left that the momentum would carry us to victory. I knew after beating Canada the first time that we would probably see them again and they would be a few games more seasoned and a few games more prepared. This still doesn't mean that I wasn't completely deflated. I hope the NHL plays in 2014 because the US will have a solid group.

About 15 minutes after the game ended I went to a meeting still wearing my USA hockey jersey from the 02 olympics. Everyone there, mostly non-hockey fans, were very impressed with what an exciting game it was and this fact kept being restated to me. To which I replied, "a lot of hockey games are exciting, it's a great sport". They wouldn't know because they're too busy watching college basketball or regular season NBA games. This isn't a shot at basketball fans, but I hate when non-hockey fans finally sit and watch a hockey game and then come to me surprised that the game was actually exciting.

And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.


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And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Perfectly defensible. For seven or eight months a year, they have a deep emotional investment in the success of Sidney Crosby. He plays in or on behalf of Pittsburgh, which is in America. Why should they root against him for two weeks because he happened to spring from a womb in scenic Nova Scotia? That's silly. I was happy when Toews scored a goal because Toews is my favorite player and I only know how to react positively to his goals. It's just an all-star game; people like to see their respective teams' players do well. HAVE SOME INTEGIRTY, ROOT FOR AMERCA. Come on. It doesn't matter. Only the Stanley Cup matters.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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and 14 golds beats pretty much anything else.

This. Hats off to the USA for dominating the overall medal count, really, it is something to be proud of.

We have the most gold though, and considering our huge disadvantage in terms of population numbers I think we can claim victory. That and the fact that our 14 gold medals means we now hold the record for the most first place finishes then any other country in a single Winter Games. Quite an accomplishment for little old 34,000,000 Canada.

I've never gotten this argument. It's not as dumb as the "Your team won the Cup because they have mostly Canadians on the team." argument, but it's close. Do Canadians use this excuse for every international competition when they come up short?

The US and Canada both spend a lot more money on national athletics than just about every nation. Both nations send approximately the same amount of athletes to the Winter Games. And considering how much of the US population lives and/or participates in Winter Games-ish activities, the population ratio gets a lot closer to that 10:1 ratio Canadians tend to point out.

While it may be a fact, it's a grossly exaggerated excuse, at best. If you're going to flaunt that around, then explain why little old Norway has earned more overall Winter Games medals than Canada.

Well first off, sour grapes? Your prediction that Canada wouldn't get past Slovakia is even more amusing now.

Given how well the US played yesterday I didn't want to gloat, because they very easily could have won that game. Plus the majority of American fans here seem like (from what one can tell over the interwebs) mature, centred people. Plus, it seems like this USA team will be one of, if not the, team to beat for years to come.

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed lauding the victory over vmd for his amusing sig thingy. The same can be said for you, to be perfectly honest.

As for the issue at hand, assuming this fact alluded you, I made that post while I was still very excited about seeing Canada prevail in the gold medal mens hockey game. So yeah, illogical national pride was at an all-time high for me when I made that post.

Secondly, while the US and Canada may come in at 1 and 2 in terms of funding for national athletics, it's kind of like the difference between between the Yankees and Red Sox. Yeah, the Red Sox spend the second most of all MLB teams, but they're still far behind the Yankees. I may be remembering Summer Olympics statistics from 2008, but if I remember correctly what Canada spends on Olympic programs doesn't even really come close to what the US spends.

Finally, congrats to Norway.

It's quite well known that European countries fund athletics much more than the United States and Canada. The Medal counts prove this. Look at the numbers for Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Russia (this olympics not included). Then look at the money China throws at not only summer, but winter olympic sports.

Is that so? Gotcha. So I assume this would be incorrect....

The US and Canada both spend a lot more money on national athletics than just about every nation.

Many of the European powers funnel loads of money into their national sports programs. Much more per capita than the United States and Canada. That was basically the reason for the "Own the Podium" program. The Canadian government realized that they were being left behind after seeing what funding programs in Norway for example have done. Norway while having less than 5 million people is one of the most dominant Winter sporting countries in the world.

To say that Canada and the US are the only countries throwing boatloads of cash at their athletes is incorrect.

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Seriously I think ABC/ESPN would do a better job with the olympics. They could show live events during the day on ESPN, ESPN2, and ESPN Classic, Recap/Interviews on ESPN news with ABC covering the prime time events. and everything on espn360 to watch online

While I can see the advantages of the olympics being on a sports channel, and several at that, ESPN and the personalities running around Bristol, have become a joke to me. NBC has its faults covering the games but I think I would still rather watch their coverage, given the two.

It's a catch-22. Yeah, ESPN would probably be much easier to watch considering all of the channels that they have, but if I had a choice between host Al Michaels & host Chris Berman, NBC's hockey commentating crew (even Milbury) & Gary Thorne, & having Mike & Mike do Curling (come on, you know damn well they'd stick them on that sport.), I'm going with NBC. I think the only thing that ESPN's commentary would be an improvement on would be the snowboarding because they'd probably put their X-Games people on it.

But yeah, point being that NBC needs to get with the times. All that tape delay bull :censored: when it was just on the West Coast was ridiculous.

Also, I'm proud as hell of the USA Hockey team. I was expecting Bronze, so the fact that they went toe to toe with the best team in the world (& beat them in group play) on their home turf is just amazing. Can't wait to see how they do in 2014.



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Ugh. I knew this kind of conversation would happen.

Canada won the most gold. USA won the most medals.

Does it really matter what feat is more impressive?

The Olympics has ended with tremendous results from our athletes, a better sense of national pride across Canada, and the overall consensus that Vancouver was a fantastic host to the world. I'm more than impressed, more like absolutely floored, with the rebounding effort that VANOC and Canada has done to make the olympics a tremendous success.

Considering how disaterous the olympics started with:

  • The tragic luge accident
  • The opening ceremony malfunction
  • Weather issues/shortages of snow
  • Large ticket cancellations
  • Poor results from Canadian athletes
  • Homophobic comments from French-Canadian TV commentators
  • Team Canada losing in the Hockey prelim. rounds

I could care less about specifics on bragging rights between us and all you wonderful Americans.

Although the rest of the world probably still thinks of us as a bunch of Mounties, Lumberjacks & Hockey players, it feels damn good to be a Canadian today.


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And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Perfectly defensible. For seven or eight months a year, they have a deep emotional investment in the success of Sidney Crosby. Why should they root against him for two weeks because he happened to spring from a womb in Nova Scotia? That's silly. I was happy when Toews scored a goal because Toews is my favorite player and I only know how to react positively to his goals. It's just an all-star game; people like to see their respective teams' players do well. HAVE SOME INTEGIRTY, ROOT FOR AMERCA. Come on. It doesn't matter. Only the Stanley Cup matters.

I'm a fan of the Columbus Blue Jackets because I happen to be from Columbus. That's no more silly than rooting for Team USA because I happen to be American. And those Pens fans who rooted for Canada? They happened to spring from a womb in the United States too. For these two weeks, he's not on their team. I don't see why it's so hard to separate this tournament from the NHL season. Rick Nash is my favorite player, but the only thing I was rooting for him to do in this tournament was to not get injured.

If anything, team loyalties are hollow. We cheer for a uniform and a logo. The players move around so often that changing your country allegiance for a player who may not be on your NHL team in 5 years is what is silly. The real reason that Penguins fans like Crosby is because he plays for the Penguins, it's as shallow as that. If he didn't play for the Penguins then they would hate him just like everybody else. If Crosby were to jump to another NHL team would they all of a sudden become Predators or Devils or Kings fans? No, they wouldn't. They would still be Penguins fans. I don't see how this is any different.

I, like you, am the glad the NHL schedule is back on, but I was actually able to find some enjoyment out of this tournament.


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I can't really tell if Admiral is pulling a schtick there or not. He usually suggests an enjoyment from watching sports but criticizes any deep emotional connection. Now he's advocating for it in pro sports.

I'll say this. Patty Kane is a little b***h and Ryan Kessler is an a**hat. As soon as the NHL games start again, my feelings on Kane will return, though Kessler earned a lot of permanent respect from me. But regardless, for the last two weeks, those were my guys. That's how it should be.

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That was a great game and congratulations Canadians. That would've been really something if the Americans could've pulled it off and I thought that after Parise scored with 20 seconds left that the momentum would carry us to victory. I knew after beating Canada the first time that we would probably see them again and they would be a few games more seasoned and a few games more prepared. This still doesn't mean that I wasn't completely deflated. I hope the NHL plays in 2014 because the US will have a solid group.

About 15 minutes after the game ended I went to a meeting still wearing my USA hockey jersey from the 02 olympics. Everyone there, mostly non-hockey fans, were very impressed with what an exciting game it was and this fact kept being restated to me. To which I replied, "a lot of hockey games are exciting, it's a great sport". They wouldn't know because they're too busy watching college basketball or regular season NBA games. This isn't a shot at basketball fans, but I hate when non-hockey fans finally sit and watch a hockey game and then come to me surprised that the game was actually exciting.

And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Why do you hate that? If anything, I figure you would embrace it and look at it as an opportunity to invite them to a bar to watch a Jackets game with you or something.

I don't get mad when hockey fans admit that a basketball game can actually be entertaining. I take the opportunity to try to get them to learn more about basketball and possibly watch a game with me. And then I bash hardcore hockey fans...but that's just me. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Ugh. I knew this kind of conversation would happen.

Canada won the most gold. USA won the most medals.

Does it really matter what feat is more impressive?

The Olympics has ended with tremendous results from our athletes, a better sense of national pride across Canada, and the overall consensus that Vancouver was a fantastic host to the world. I'm more than impressed, more like absolutely floored, with the rebounding effort that VANOC and Canada has done to make the olympics a tremendous success.

Considering how disaterous the olympics started with:

  • The tragic luge accident
  • The opening ceremony malfunction
  • Weather issues/shortages of snow
  • Large ticket cancellations
  • Poor results from Canadian athletes
  • Homophobic comments from French-Canadian TV commentators
  • Team Canada losing in the Hockey prelim. rounds

I could care less about specifics on bragging rights between us and all you wonderful Americans.

Although the rest of the world probably still thinks of us as a bunch of Mounties, Lumberjacks & Hockey players, it feels damn good to be a Canadian today.

Well, using the system I just made up (and I'm sure I'm not the first), I have calculated that the US has won the Olympics. By weighting the medals (3 pts for Gold, 2 pts for Silver, 1 pt for Bronze), you can turn medal counts into Medal Prestige Points (that's what I'm calling them). The US earned 70 Medal Prestige Points. Germany earned 63. Canada earned 61.

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I'm a fan of the Columbus Blue Jackets because I happen to be from Columbus. That's no more silly than rooting for Team USA because I happen to be American. And those Pens fans who rooted for Canada? They happened to spring from a womb in the United States too. For these two weeks, he's not on their team. I don't see why it's so hard to separate this tournament from the NHL season. Rick Nash is my favorite player, but the only thing I was rooting for him to do in this tournament was to not get injured.

If anything, team loyalties are hollow. We cheer for a uniform. The players move around so often that changing your country allegiance for a player who may not be on your NHL team in 5 years is what is silly. The real reason that Penguins fans like Crosby is because he plays for the Penguins, it's as shallow as that. If he didn't play for the Penguins then they would hate him just like everybody else. If Crosby were to jump to another NHL team would they all of a sudden become Predators or Devils or Kings fans? No, they wouldn't. They would still be Penguins fans. I don't see how this is any different.

I emphatically second this notion.

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That was a great game and congratulations Canadians. That would've been really something if the Americans could've pulled it off and I thought that after Parise scored with 20 seconds left that the momentum would carry us to victory. I knew after beating Canada the first time that we would probably see them again and they would be a few games more seasoned and a few games more prepared. This still doesn't mean that I wasn't completely deflated. I hope the NHL plays in 2014 because the US will have a solid group.

About 15 minutes after the game ended I went to a meeting still wearing my USA hockey jersey from the 02 olympics. Everyone there, mostly non-hockey fans, were very impressed with what an exciting game it was and this fact kept being restated to me. To which I replied, "a lot of hockey games are exciting, it's a great sport". They wouldn't know because they're too busy watching college basketball or regular season NBA games. This isn't a shot at basketball fans, but I hate when non-hockey fans finally sit and watch a hockey game and then come to me surprised that the game was actually exciting.

And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Why do you hate that? If anything, I figure you would embrace it and look at it as an opportunity to invite them to a bar to watch a Jackets game with you or something.

I don't get mad when hockey fans admit that a basketball game can actually be entertaining. I take the opportunity to try to get them to learn more about basketball and possibly watch a game with me. And then I bash hardcore hockey fans...but that's just me. :P

I'm going to guess that the people that Mac is referring to, are the ones that say things like "I'll never watch hockey, it's boring" and despite trying to explain to them that it's not, they still won't listen. Then, they finally do watch a game, and are surprised that it was exciting. Essentially, it's what you told them it would be, yet they're still surprised.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Because they happened to spring from a womb in the United States. For these two weeks, he's not on their team. I don't see why it's so hard to separate this tournament from the NHL season. Rick Nash is my favorite player, but the only thing I was rooting for him to do in this tournament was to not get injured.

If anything, team loyalties are hollow. We cheer for a uniform. The players move around so often that changing your country allegiance for a player who may not be on your NHL team in 5 years is what is silly. The real reason that Penguins fans like Crosby is because he plays for the Penguins, it's as shallow as that. If he didn't play for the Penguins then they would hate him just like everybody else. If Crosby were to jump to another NHL team would they all of a sudden become Predators or Devils or Kings fans? No, they wouldn't. They would still be Penguins fans. I don't see how this is any different.

I agree completely. Was I happy when Crosby led the Penguins to the Cup last year, oh absolutely, was I happy when he led Canada to the gold medal yesterday, not at all, because I'm not Canadian. As a matter of fact I posted a rather harsh anti-Crosby comment on another forum right after the game ended yesterday, which the Craps fans were all too happy to agree with.

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Ugh. I knew this kind of conversation would happen.

Canada won the most gold. USA won the most medals.

Does it really matter what feat is more impressive?

Well, using the system I just made up (and I'm sure I'm not the first), I have calculated that the US has won the Olympics. By weighting the medals (3 pts for Gold, 2 pts for Silver, 1 pt for Bronze), you can turn medal counts into Medal Prestige Points (that's what I'm calling them). The US earned 70 Medal Prestige Points. Germany earned 63. Canada earned 61.

You didn't answer my question.


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Ugh. I knew this kind of conversation would happen.

Canada won the most gold. USA won the most medals.

Does it really matter what feat is more impressive?

Well, using the system I just made up (and I'm sure I'm not the first), I have calculated that the US has won the Olympics. By weighting the medals (3 pts for Gold, 2 pts for Silver, 1 pt for Bronze), you can turn medal counts into Medal Prestige Points (that's what I'm calling them). The US earned 70 Medal Prestige Points. Germany earned 63. Canada earned 61.

You didn't answer my question.

You're right.

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That was a great game and congratulations Canadians. That would've been really something if the Americans could've pulled it off and I thought that after Parise scored with 20 seconds left that the momentum would carry us to victory. I knew after beating Canada the first time that we would probably see them again and they would be a few games more seasoned and a few games more prepared. This still doesn't mean that I wasn't completely deflated. I hope the NHL plays in 2014 because the US will have a solid group.

About 15 minutes after the game ended I went to a meeting still wearing my USA hockey jersey from the 02 olympics. Everyone there, mostly non-hockey fans, were very impressed with what an exciting game it was and this fact kept being restated to me. To which I replied, "a lot of hockey games are exciting, it's a great sport". They wouldn't know because they're too busy watching college basketball or regular season NBA games. This isn't a shot at basketball fans, but I hate when non-hockey fans finally sit and watch a hockey game and then come to me surprised that the game was actually exciting.

And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Why do you hate that? If anything, I figure you would embrace it and look at it as an opportunity to invite them to a bar to watch a Jackets game with you or something.

I don't get mad when hockey fans admit that a basketball game can actually be entertaining. I take the opportunity to try to get them to learn more about basketball and possibly watch a game with me. And then I bash hardcore hockey fans...but that's just me. :P

I welcome the opportunity to explain what's great about the sport of hockey, the best sport on two feet as far as I'm concerned, and I have a few converts. The problem is that people groan when I put hockey on, but then these same people watch one game every four years and tell me that "I can't believe that I was actually entertained by a hockey game". I just find it a little condescending.

I don't hate basketball at all. I can find enjoyment out of watching basketball especially during March. It just seems to me that I'm more tolerant of watching basketball than basketball fans are tolerant of watching hockey.

I'm going to guess that the people that Mac is referring to, are the ones that say things like "I'll never watch hockey, it's boring" and despite trying to explain to them that it's not, they still won't listen. Then, they finally do watch a game, and are surprised that it was exciting. Essentially, it's what you told them it would be, yet they're still surprised.

This too.


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And the overnight ratings for Canada v USA are in.

Per Greg Wyshynski of Puck Daddy:

17.6/33 overnight rating, via Sports Business Daily. Writes Lepore:

This is up 46% from the 2002 USA/Canada showdown, and will very likely be the highest-rated hockey game since 1980. The share means that 1 in every 3 Americans with a TV were watching the game. This is, to put it professionally, out of this world.

Sunday's game drew a higher overnight rating than every World Series game since 2004 (including every game of Yankees/Phillies last year), every NBA Finals telecast since 1998, and every NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four game since at least '98.

Excluding the NFL, the 17.6 overnight for the game is the second-highest of the year for any sporting event, behind only the Texas/Alabama BCS National Championship Game in January (18.2).

This is a win for the Game of Hockey's success in the United States, 1 in 3 that's crazy.




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And the overnight ratings for Canada v USA are in.

Per Greg Wyshynski of Puck Daddy:

17.6/33 overnight rating, via Sports Business Daily. Writes Lepore:

This is up 46% from the 2002 USA/Canada showdown, and will very likely be the highest-rated hockey game since 1980. The share means that 1 in every 3 Americans with a TV were watching the game. This is, to put it professionally, out of this world.

Sunday's game drew a higher overnight rating than every World Series game since 2004 (including every game of Yankees/Phillies last year), every NBA Finals telecast since 1998, and every NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four game since at least '98.

Excluding the NFL, the 17.6 overnight for the game is the second-highest of the year for any sporting event, behind only the Texas/Alabama BCS National Championship Game in January (18.2).

This is a win for the Game of Hockey's success in the United States, 1 in 3 that's crazy.

IF the NHL can somehow build on this or get more people attracted to hockey, that's awesome. And it will get some more people out there.

But in all honesty, a lot of that rating is just people tuning in because of the "USA" on the uniform.

I really do hope that a majority of that new audience comes out to a hockey game and gets into it, but it is a shallow hope I think.

The USA is very nationalistic like that. You can put the USA against anybody in any sort of competition, intense or silly, and people will watch and root for the US.

But still,

That is pretty friggin amazing for a hockey game. USA Nationalism or not. That's still pretty damn impressive.



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That was a great game and congratulations Canadians. That would've been really something if the Americans could've pulled it off and I thought that after Parise scored with 20 seconds left that the momentum would carry us to victory. I knew after beating Canada the first time that we would probably see them again and they would be a few games more seasoned and a few games more prepared. This still doesn't mean that I wasn't completely deflated. I hope the NHL plays in 2014 because the US will have a solid group.

About 15 minutes after the game ended I went to a meeting still wearing my USA hockey jersey from the 02 olympics. Everyone there, mostly non-hockey fans, were very impressed with what an exciting game it was and this fact kept being restated to me. To which I replied, "a lot of hockey games are exciting, it's a great sport". They wouldn't know because they're too busy watching college basketball or regular season NBA games. This isn't a shot at basketball fans, but I hate when non-hockey fans finally sit and watch a hockey game and then come to me surprised that the game was actually exciting.

And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Why do you hate that? If anything, I figure you would embrace it and look at it as an opportunity to invite them to a bar to watch a Jackets game with you or something.

I don't get mad when hockey fans admit that a basketball game can actually be entertaining. I take the opportunity to try to get them to learn more about basketball and possibly watch a game with me. And then I bash hardcore hockey fans...but that's just me. :P

I welcome the opportunity to explain what's great about the sport of hockey, the best sport on two feet as far as I'm concerned, and I have a few converts. The problem is that people groan when I put hockey on, but then these same people watch one game every four years and tell me that "I can't believe that I was actually entertained by a hockey game". I just find it a little condescending.

I don't hate basketball at all. I can find enjoyment out of watching basketball especially during March. It just seems to me that I'm more tolerant of watching basketball than basketball fans are tolerant of watching hockey.

That's funny...because I would say the same thing, just flip the sports. I am WAY more tolerant of watching hockey than hockey fans are tolerant of watching basketball...but it just shows that we're both really, really biased.

But, I guarantee that I am more tolerant of watching hockey then you are tolerant of watching basketball...lol

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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It seems to me that the reason hockey can't carry fans of Olympic Hockey over to NHL Hockey is pretty simple. In the Olympics every game is meaningful. Yesterday's game was for all the marbles. The same can't be said of the next Blue Jackets game. So yeah, casual fans are going to really enjoy an all or nothing game in the Olympics and maybe even a few of them will try to carry it over to watching NHL hockey. Just don't be surprised when "casual fan" decides that Tuesday night's Jackets - Predators game, the 53rd of 80 for the Jackets, just doesn't have the same impact that USA - Canada for the gold did.

I like hockey but I have to be honest; I don't watch it at all until the playoffs and then I only watch elimination games.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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That was a great game and congratulations Canadians. That would've been really something if the Americans could've pulled it off and I thought that after Parise scored with 20 seconds left that the momentum would carry us to victory. I knew after beating Canada the first time that we would probably see them again and they would be a few games more seasoned and a few games more prepared. This still doesn't mean that I wasn't completely deflated. I hope the NHL plays in 2014 because the US will have a solid group.

About 15 minutes after the game ended I went to a meeting still wearing my USA hockey jersey from the 02 olympics. Everyone there, mostly non-hockey fans, were very impressed with what an exciting game it was and this fact kept being restated to me. To which I replied, "a lot of hockey games are exciting, it's a great sport". They wouldn't know because they're too busy watching college basketball or regular season NBA games. This isn't a shot at basketball fans, but I hate when non-hockey fans finally sit and watch a hockey game and then come to me surprised that the game was actually exciting.

And American Penguins fans who were rooting for Crosby and not the US should not be allowed to watch hockey ever again. period. Have some character and root for your country.

Why do you hate that? If anything, I figure you would embrace it and look at it as an opportunity to invite them to a bar to watch a Jackets game with you or something.

I don't get mad when hockey fans admit that a basketball game can actually be entertaining. I take the opportunity to try to get them to learn more about basketball and possibly watch a game with me. And then I bash hardcore hockey fans...but that's just me. :P

I welcome the opportunity to explain what's great about the sport of hockey, the best sport on two feet as far as I'm concerned, and I have a few converts. The problem is that people groan when I put hockey on, but then these same people watch one game every four years and tell me that "I can't believe that I was actually entertained by a hockey game". I just find it a little condescending.

I don't hate basketball at all. I can find enjoyment out of watching basketball especially during March. It just seems to me that I'm more tolerant of watching basketball than basketball fans are tolerant of watching hockey.

That's funny...because I would say the same thing, just flip the sports. I am WAY more tolerant of watching hockey than hockey fans are tolerant of watching basketball...but it just shows that we're both really, really biased.

But, I guarantee that I am more tolerant of watching hockey then you are tolerant of watching basketball...lol

Haha. Maybe it's all these Cleveland Cavaliers fans that I've surrounded myself with. You'd think that with Cleveland being as cold as it is that it would be a hockey hotbed, but that isn't the case.


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