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Australia Unveils New Hockey Jerseys


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I'm surprised they have enough people interested in the game over here to field 2 teams, let alone play internationally. Seriously, we're a a nation with lots of outdoor activities and sun and beaches...why would you want to play ice hockey?

Um yeah...those uniforms are very 80's. I apologise on behalf of all Australia for us inflicting them on the world. But you guys gave us George Bush, so maybe we're even?

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They aren't the worst things in the worls, but they are plenty bad. Whats witht he font on the numbers?

There is a little bit of me sniffing a fake here... what is your source?

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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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They aren't the worst things in the worls, but they are plenty bad. Whats witht he font on the numbers?

There is a little bit of me sniffing a fake here... what is your source?

Those are real. The pics came from the official Australian hockey website, which actually part of the NHL website network.

I saw, I came, I left.

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we have aussies here...let's use em :D

the jersey sort of reminds me of something the Thrashers might use. cool logo, but it doesn't fit for my stated reason. the 'ugly' stuff is livable, though.


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To answer the question as to why Australia uses Green and Yellow(Gold) for their national teams, and not the obvious red, white, and blue... well it's quite simple: The provinces can't decide on what colors to use (since each one has it's own colors), so they chose Green and Yellow so as not to tick anyone off!



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To answer the question as to why Australia uses Green and Yellow(Gold) for their national teams, and not the obvious red, white, and blue... well it's quite simple: The provinces can't decide on what colors to use (since each one has it's own colors), so they chose Green and Yellow so as not to tick anyone off!

OK then. Now, why don't you introduce yourself...

I saw, I came, I left.

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I did an Aussie hockey concept before. It was basically a sharks jersey recolored with green replacing the teal and yellow replacing the gray with the new logo slapped on it. I felt it would work for them. Its definitly better then these things though.

If Australia wants to start making its mark as a legitimate hockey nation, then these jerseys are a step in the wrong direction. the logo is cool, but the jerseys....no

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