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2011 NHL All-Star Game Logo


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This is one instance a logo called for more black. Too much red.

Agreed. There doesn't seem to be quite enough contrast between the two shades of red and the silver. A little bit of black would really set them both off.

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I don't see anything unique to the Hurricanes or North Carolina in it. I'm disapointed.

You don't see the hurricane in the logo?

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i also agree, the color balance isnt quite there. the stark difference in the palate draws your eye to where theres the most contrast. this case, being the NHL logo and the puck. thats not a technical bad thing but it leaves the rest of the logo feeling "empty". the perspective of the NHL shield dosnt fit with the rest of the logo, but maybe thats not a big deal.

overall i really like this though. id say its actually one of my favorite sports logos of 2010.




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really, all they need to do is replace the light red with black, and you have this:


It's not a bad logo...i just find it really generic. The basic shape of the hurricane is there? yeah, sorta, i guess...it's just lackluster

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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Overall it fails because like others have said, the red and silver just compete against each other. Throw in the fact that it really doesn't have a Hurricanes feel to it and they just "NHL-ized" the logo, aka bevels and the silver metal look that is everything the league produces, it just fails.



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The thing that gets me is that it's nondescript as hell.

Sure you have the red and the vague silhouette shape of the Hurricanes' logo. But nothing besides the city name and that vague silhouette tell me that it's being hosted by Raleigh, Carolina, or the Hurricanes.

No personality or distinguishing features.



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Maybe it's just because I'm a 'Canes fan, but the first thing I saw when the logo was unveiled was the Hurricanes logo silhouette. Not sure how that could really be missed, honestly. Plus, of course, the red and silver. Agreed on the use of black. Could have used some more somewhere in the logo.

One reference to the state of North Carolina that is going to be overlooked quite a bit is the banners on the top and bottom of the logo, which pays homage to the state flag: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_North_Carolina.svg

Overall, I'm digging the mark.

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