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2010 NFL Season


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Wow, seeing Favre getting hauled off was really scary. Damn.

As in, it's scary how much of a drama queen Favre is.

What was scary about it? It was probably the weakest injury I've ever seen someone get carted off for.


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The Lions have scored 18 more points than they have allowed yet are only 2-5. I think they are better than their record shows, only 1 loss this season has been by more than one score.

Are they finally turning the corner?

I think we are finally seeing the light at the end of the Millen tunnel. I could see them going on a little run coming up, tearing off 3 out of their next 4 or something similar... Honestly, if the Lions had a schedule anything close to what the Chiefs or Buccaneers have, then they would be right there with the other "surprise" teams of the NFL.

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There's no doubt Brett defy the odds, heal from that crippling cut to the chin, and be ready by next Sunday. But if Brad Chidress has ANY brains and.or balls, Tavaris Jackson gets the starting gig. Brett to the bench!


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I'm TopCat, biggest Vikings homer and Favre lover/apologist known to man. Don't insult my little Favre-kins or I'll call you all a bunch of apes.


Oh, and by the way, I didn't bring up Rivers because he's a Charger. I brought him up because he sucked it up and played with a far worse injury on a far bigger stage. Gotta love how I'm immediately called a homer if I use one of my favorite players or teams as a comparison. :rolleyes:


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Alright, you two. Stop it right there. If you guys want to continue this petty fight, then settle it over PM's and not on the board, ok?

Anyway... This has been quite puzzling for me as a Seahawk fan. They won at Chicago, yet they lost to a Denver team that lost to the Niners today, a Rams team that is far better then what everyone thought they would be, and now it's looking like they'll lose at Oakland today.

Meh... It's all just another year as a Seahawk fan. Some years are better then others.


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I'm TopCat, biggest Vikings homer and Favre lover/apologist known to man. Don't insult my little Favre-kins or I'll call you all a bunch of apes.


Oh, and by the way, I didn't bring up Rivers because he's a Charger. I brought him up because he sucked it up and played with a far worse injury on a far bigger stage. Gotta love how I'm immediately called a homer if I use one of my favorite players or teams as a comparison. :rolleyes:

Actually, you did bring him up because he was a Charger. Had you not been a Chargers fan, you would never have remembered. And I never called you a homer, you just have to make sure you post something about your team every chance you get (basically, every post). Also, I am a Favre apologist. Favre is Favre. He is a legend. The only reason you all hate him is because he grabs the headlines and your players don't. If ESPN never said a word about Favre for the last 5 years, would you hate him? No. Hate the TV channel, not the player.

This interview is over.

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This thread has basically become see how much of a butthurt douchenozzle TC can make out of himself. Seriously, just walk away. You're only making yourself look worse.

He already did. Then he came back.

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I'm Lights Out and I have to make sure every conversation on these boards includes something about my teams.

I'm TopCat, biggest Vikings homer and Favre lover/apologist known to man. Don't insult my little Favre-kins or I'll call you all a bunch of apes.

And I'm the rest of the community here to tell you that you're both acting like idiots. Oh, and you're both hopeless homers. Deal with it.

And I'm Billy Mays, here to tell YOU about a new product that just could change your life!


Well done Ginger. That was pretty funny.

This thread has basically become see how much of a butthurt douchenozzle TC can make out of himself. Seriously, just walk away. You're only making yourself look worse.

Finally, props to bruschimania for "butthurt douchenozzle." That's pretty funny too.






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The Lions have scored 18 more points than they have allowed yet are only 2-5. I think they are better than their record shows, only 1 loss this season has been by more than one score.

Are they finally turning the corner?

I think we are finally seeing the light at the end of the Millen tunnel. I could see them going on a little run coming up, tearing off 3 out of their next 4 or something similar... Honestly, if the Lions had a schedule anything close to what the Chiefs or Buccaneers have, then they would be right there with the other "surprise" teams of the NFL.

Lets review why I say they will be awesome in a year or two. They have a strong young QB to build around, a good young RB, and a star WR. Now they a have a monster defender and they are all young. Add a few parts a better line and a good secondary and the Lions can win the Super Bowl before you know it. They may be 2-5, but they have the look of a team that next year at this time could be 6-1.



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Very scary injury to Favre.

If only he put his physical health and what's best for his team ahead of his ego this cut to the chin could have been averted.

Look, I don't want to see anyone get seriously hurt, but honestly, who didn't see this coming? You can't keep throwing your broken, ageing body out there against some of the fastest, strongest athletes in the world and expect the Farve Miracle Season to just happen. At the end of the day I don't have sympathy for the kid who gets burnt touching the stove or the forty-one year old with the body that's breaking down who insists on starting in the NFL and gets injured.

I couldn't give two shi*s about Whiner Rivers.

I'll take Phillip Rivers over Brett Farve any day of the week. The magic's gone with Lord Brett.

I'm TopCat, biggest Vikings homer and Favre lover/apologist known to man. Don't insult my little Favre-kins or I'll call you all a bunch of apes.


Oh, and by the way, I didn't bring up Rivers because he's a Charger. I brought him up because he sucked it up and played with a far worse injury on a far bigger stage. Gotta love how I'm immediately called a homer if I use one of my favorite players or teams as a comparison. :rolleyes:

Actually, you did bring him up because he was a Charger. Had you not been a Chargers fan, you would never have remembered. And I never called you a homer, you just have to make sure you post something about your team every chance you get (basically, every post).

Lights Out is a homer, but he did have a point. Phillip River did play with a worse injury. Brett Farve got carted off for a much less severe injury. Of course Brett is older, but since he's apparently calling the shots in the Twin Cities he should have realized this fact and sat the game out.

Also, I am a Favre apologist. Favre is Favre. He is a legend. The only reason you all hate him is because he grabs the headlines and your players don't. If ESPN never said a word about Favre for the last 5 years, would you hate him? No. Hate the TV channel, not the player.

Dear G-d. The man's had a disastrous season and you're still doing the same song and dance from this past August. He's cost your team games, he's proven he can't get it done anymore. He had one last chance to go all the way last season and he let his GUNSLINGER ME FIRST mentality get in the way of a Vikings win in the NFC title game. He never should have come back, and the proof is in the pudding. Your legend, a man who has had a very impressive career, is tarnishing his legacy every week he steps onto the field as the quarterback for your Vikings.

As for jealousy, no, you're wrong. I'm glad the players on my team aren't grabbing headlines for sending pictures of their junk to sideline reporters, throwing INT upon INT, and generally putting their own egos ahead of their team. The Chargers have their fair share of problems this year, but at least Brett Farve isn't one of them.

This interview is over.

You don't get to say stupid :censored: and then pretend that people can't respond to it :P

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