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Best and Worst City Flags


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May not be the worst flag, but it's one of the worst that hasn't been mentioned.


Sweet baby Jesus! :shocked: That's awful... Just plain awful

That flag gets even better when you know the story behind it. The city solicited designs from residents in the 1950s and that particular one was created by an Alderman who took the gear from one of the submissions, the faux skyline from another, etc. and ended up keeping the prize money for himself. Somehow it seems appropriate that Milwaukee's flag would look like the product of a corrupt local government that's stuck in the Laverne & Shirley era and blissfully ignorant of how ridiculous it makes us look to the rest of the world.

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May not be the worst flag, but it's one of the worst that hasn't been mentioned.


Sweet baby Jesus! :shocked: That's awful... Just plain awful

That flag gets even better when you know the story behind it. The city solicited designs from residents in the 1950s and that particular one was created by an Alderman who took the gear from one of the submissions, the faux skyline from another, etc. and ended up keeping the prize money for himself. Somehow it seems appropriate that Milwaukee's flag would look like the product of a corrupt local government that's stuck in the Laverne & Shirley era and blissfully ignorant of how ridiculous it makes us look to the rest of the world.

Reno's is still worse.

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No... it's not. Reno's might be bland and unimaginative, but a child could draw it from memory and that alone puts it ahead of my hometown's fustercluck of a banner. Speaking of which... does anyone know where the flag in the bottom left gap in the gear came from (the version on wikipedia is clearer) I almost wonder if that was one of the original submissions.

And one last thing since this is a sports-based community... the entire left half of the skyline is County Stadium. What, you couldn't tell? :P

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No... it's not. Reno's might be bland and unimaginative, but a child could draw it from memory and that alone puts it ahead of my hometown's fustercluck of a banner. Speaking of which... does anyone know where the flag in the bottom left gap in the gear came from (the version on wikipedia is clearer) I almost wonder if that was one of the original submissions.

And one last thing since this is a sports-based community... the entire left half of the skyline is County Stadium. What, you couldn't tell? :P

I just laugh everytime I look at that Reno flag. A flag isn't supposed to be a map, it's supposed to be a little more elegant! LOL! At least your Milwaukee flag has charm!

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Re: People who don't know about the tampa flag

Red, white, and blue for the Stars and Stripes, the red and gold of Spain, the British Union Jack, the red, white and green of Italy and the French tricolor were used to portray the countries that contributed to the growth of Florida.

You would know something like that lol.

Ive heard it before somewhere, I googled the exact meaning, hahah.

Well I dont have much respect for your school, so it wouldnt surprise me if they were teaching pointless meanings of city flags LOL. haha jk

Oh my God! The blue eagles helmet in your sig, it all makes sense now! You go to ELHS. Eww, Dunedin is where it's at!



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I love Seattle's. The design flowing up into the upper left side is particularly appealing to me. Reminds me of water, and the colors just "feel" like Seattle to me. Don't ask how.

JQK Posted Pittsburgh's on the first page. I'ts alright. I like it. The best part about it is how it pretty much governed the colors of all our sports teams and many other things for nearly a century. I'm pretty sure there aren't too many cities that happens to, if at all, in the US. Unique colors for an american city, too, being in the land of Red, White, and Blue.

Thank you, William Pitt.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Geesh... why do the rednecky parts of every state that's not New York or California want to claim they represent the "real" version of the state. No friggin' way would I have spent ANY of my adult years in Wisconsin (let alone the majority of them) if it really WAS just cheese, cows and the Packers.

That said, Amarillo gets 10,000 man points for producing this guy...


...plus another 5,000 for his dad and each of his brothers.

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I never liked Jacksonville's city flag. The bottom logo is fitting. It is suppose to be the city of Jacksonville. To me it looks like a guy with a mullet.


The flag isn't that bad. I just can't stand the color scheme. It makes me dislike the flag.

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