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2010-11 NHL Season Thread


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I love how ol Teddy demanded as many tickets being allocated to Washington as there were, but yet when Pens fans try and show up to a game in Washington he blocks ticket sales to anything outside of the DC Metro area.

Considering this is a League event and not a "Penguins" event, he had the right. This was a "Hey Ted, would you like your team to play in this game?" type deal. He could've said no, but he said yes with such and such conditions and the League gave in.

Seeings how the game comes from the Pens home slate, I disagree, the NHL may list it as a league event, but its being played in Pittsburgh. The Super Bowl, or the NFL Europe game, something where its played at a neutral site, then obviously I have no complaints.

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DiPietro gets hurt... why am I not surprised?
On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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The NHL also screwed up with the Alumni Game, they could have had over 60,000 for that easily.

The explanation I heard was that the NHL was still trying to prep the site for the Classic and couldnt have 60,000 running around for the alumni game, otherwise I agree completely. I was reading a number of people who were more excited to see Mario come back in that game then they were for the classic itself.

Not to mention they opened only one gate. It was a logistical disaster. Thousands of people were left outside in a massive mob moving at glacial pace, and missed half the game by the time they got in. I was one of them.

As a kid who was too young to comprehend what was going on when Francis, Stevens, Coffey, etc. were playing and is a huge fan of Lemieux, I am still bitter.

It was really refreshing to see Pittsburgh's stadium get invaded for once, since you know, they invade everyone else's home stadiums.

Hell yeah. There were large swaths of red in the crowd. I was proud to be a Caps fan seeing us invade someone elses stadium.

This is only because the NHL designated tickets for Caps fans. If the NHL doesn't do this, it's all Pens fans. Guaranteed.

Also, your friends didn't do you guys any favors. Worst group of away fans I have ever seen. I usually give away fans the benefit of the doubt and focus on the good ones, but I don't think I saw a single tolerable caps fan last night.

Thats pretty subjective TBH. You guys lost, our fans were happy, alot of Pens fans left early. Of course we were gonna cheer and be loud, it was a night game, on New Years weekend, most of the fans were I'm sure pretty well lubricated, theres gonna be obnoxious people on both sides. I heard it was a pretty good crowd on both sides with a few fights to be had but thats expected with all the hours of tailgating that was done.

I'm talking even before the game. The arrogance and rudeness was staggering. Yes, there was jarring on both sides. Our own fans had their own share of stirring the pot, and I understand how you guys feel winning just one regular season game against us (really makes up for years of playoff domination, let me tell ya), but come on. Have some class. Especially if it's before the game even happened.

Also, I am disappointed in Pens fans for mass-voting Fleury and Malkin into the top six of all-star voting. Malkin does not deserve it at all, and Fleury, while he's been pretty damn good this season, is not top-all-star-vote-getter quality.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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It was really refreshing to see Pittsburgh's stadium get invaded for once, since you know, they invade everyone else's home stadiums.

Hell yeah. There were large swaths of red in the crowd. I was proud to be a Caps fan seeing us invade someone elses stadium.

This is only because the NHL designated tickets for Caps fans. If the NHL doesn't do this, it's all Pens fans. Guaranteed.

Also, your friends didn't do you guys any favors. Worst group of away fans I have ever seen. I usually give away fans the benefit of the doubt and focus on the good ones, but I don't think I saw a single tolerable caps fan last night.

Thats pretty subjective TBH. You guys lost, our fans were happy, alot of Pens fans left early. Of course we were gonna cheer and be loud, it was a night game, on New Years weekend, most of the fans were I'm sure pretty well lubricated, theres gonna be obnoxious people on both sides. I heard it was a pretty good crowd on both sides with a few fights to be had but thats expected with all the hours of tailgating that was done.

I'm talking even before the game. The arrogance and rudeness was staggering. Yes, there was jarring on both sides. Our own fans had their own share of stirring the pot, and I understand how you guys feel winning just one regular season game against us (really makes up for years of playoff domination, let me tell ya), but come on. Have some class. Especially if it's before the game even happened.

I can't ignore this any longer. That's the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen it. I know you're a good fan (and from what I've read, I believe you), but come on.


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It was really refreshing to see Pittsburgh's stadium get invaded for once, since you know, they invade everyone else's home stadiums.

Hell yeah. There were large swaths of red in the crowd. I was proud to be a Caps fan seeing us invade someone elses stadium.

This is only because the NHL designated tickets for Caps fans. If the NHL doesn't do this, it's all Pens fans. Guaranteed.

Also, your friends didn't do you guys any favors. Worst group of away fans I have ever seen. I usually give away fans the benefit of the doubt and focus on the good ones, but I don't think I saw a single tolerable caps fan last night.

Thats pretty subjective TBH. You guys lost, our fans were happy, alot of Pens fans left early. Of course we were gonna cheer and be loud, it was a night game, on New Years weekend, most of the fans were I'm sure pretty well lubricated, theres gonna be obnoxious people on both sides. I heard it was a pretty good crowd on both sides with a few fights to be had but thats expected with all the hours of tailgating that was done.

I'm talking even before the game. The arrogance and rudeness was staggering. Yes, there was jarring on both sides. Our own fans had their own share of stirring the pot, and I understand how you guys feel winning just one regular season game against us (really makes up for years of playoff domination, let me tell ya), but come on. Have some class. Especially if it's before the game even happened.

I can't ignore this any longer. That's the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen it. I know you're a good fan (and from what I've read, I believe you), but come on.

I understand Pittsburgh fans aint the best out there either. Frankly, I hate that kind of behavior period, even when our fans do it (I wanted to get out of Columbus as fast as I could because of it), so maybe I'm just bitching about unruly fans all around.

At least we have something to boast about, though. Washington, however...

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Is that [theregoesmazwhiningagain]? C'mon, we're all fans and not players, if they wanna talk, let em talk. Your teams got the rings.

Red, the Pens got ticket allocations for the 1st one, as did the Wings, as did the Flyers. It IS a league event, not a Pittsburgh event. Yes it gets chalked up as a Pens home game, but the league organizes EVERYTHING from the venue, to the ticketing, they decide (along with NBC) who will play in the game. The Caps had every right to demand ticket allocation for their fans.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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Is that [theregoesmazwhiningagain]? C'mon, we're all fans and not players, if they wanna talk, let em talk. Your teams got the rings.

Red, the Pens got ticket allocations for the 1st one, as did the Wings, as did the Flyers. It IS a league event, not a Pittsburgh event. Yes it gets chalked up as a Pens home game, but the league organizes EVERYTHING from the venue, to the ticketing, they decide (along with NBC) who will play in the game. The Caps had every right to demand ticket allocation for their fans.

And I am simply saying that they shouldnt.

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Ladies & Gentlemen, Your 2010-2011 New Jersey Devils!

The Devils suck this year that can not be denied, but the Rangers suck every day of every year and every moment for all eternity.



For the best in sports history go to the Sports E-Cyclopedia at



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Is that [theregoesmazwhiningagain]? C'mon, we're all fans and not players, if they wanna talk, let em talk. Your teams got the rings.

More or less it was more [theregoesmazmakingapostjusttotalktrashonwashingtonagain]

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Ladies & Gentlemen, Your 2010-2011 New Jersey Devils!

The Devils suck this year that can not be denied, but the Rangers suck every day of every year and every moment for all eternity.

Keep telling yourself that. The reality of it all is that you can't stand seeing the Rangers do well and the fact that the Devils look old and tired. It looks like they they sold their souls years ago and now have to pay for all their success by being worse than the LA Clippers of the NHL (Islanders) and there doesn't seem to be any hope on the horizon by young talented players.



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Is that [theregoesmazwhiningagain]? C'mon, we're all fans and not players, if they wanna talk, let em talk. Your teams got the rings.

Red, the Pens got ticket allocations for the 1st one, as did the Wings, as did the Flyers. It IS a league event, not a Pittsburgh event. Yes it gets chalked up as a Pens home game, but the league organizes EVERYTHING from the venue, to the ticketing, they decide (along with NBC) who will play in the game. The Caps had every right to demand ticket allocation for their fans.

And I am simply saying that they shouldnt.

So why throw Ted under the bus? Why Not Illitch, or your own owner or Snider?

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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Is that [theregoesmazwhiningagain]? C'mon, we're all fans and not players, if they wanna talk, let em talk. Your teams got the rings.

Red, the Pens got ticket allocations for the 1st one, as did the Wings, as did the Flyers. It IS a league event, not a Pittsburgh event. Yes it gets chalked up as a Pens home game, but the league organizes EVERYTHING from the venue, to the ticketing, they decide (along with NBC) who will play in the game. The Caps had every right to demand ticket allocation for their fans.

And I am simply saying that they shouldnt.

So why throw Ted under the bus? Why Not Illitch, or your own owner or Snider?

Because I just find it sad that he goes out of his way to deny ticket sales to Pens fans for games in Washington, then the Winter Classic comes along and he is demanding to send nearly half the capacity of Heinz Field up for the game. As for the other three owners, I hadnt, and still havent heard of them making demands on ticket allocations for the previous WC's. I do remember in the case of the '08 game that the 40k general admission tickets sold out in minutes and many Pens fans were disappointed they couldn't attend. Teddy is the first example Ive heard publicly stated, and by the Commissioner no less, of a demand made for tickets for his fanbase to a WC.

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