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2011 NBA Playoffs

Rockstar Matt

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...and then he single-handedly derailed it by having DANIEL EWING guard Raja Bell in the clutch. Daniel freaking Ewing.

I mean, Dunleavy basically took a dump on that miracle playoff run with that one matchup.

...and considering your Clippers haven't done :censored: before then, or since then, you can't fault the man for making one bad call. I mean, at this point, that's the best Clipper team ever assembled. Daniel Ewing or not, there were a lot of big plays in that series, and to lose to the Phoenix Suns at that time, to that team, that's not a bad thing.

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One bad call? That's just one in a long series of "what the hell were you thinking" moments from Dunleavy.

True, but let's not act like other coaches haven't made questionable decisions throughout their coaching career, because whether you like it or not Lights Out, he did guide your Clippers to their most successful campaign ever. Even Larry Brown couldn't do that.

For the record, I too would take Adelman over Dunleavy, while Shaw is an unknown commodity. Regardless of how much Kobe Bryant likes him, he could flame out or have a decent career.

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One bad call? That's just one in a long series of "what the hell were you thinking" moments from Dunleavy.

You gave us a matchup on a shot which was Daniel Ewing vs. Raja Bell. I assume it was game 4, but even still talking about that specific match-

up, on that particular shot, costing the team the series is a farce. Ewing vs. Bell is a "battle of the chumps"; then and now.

That was young, tired team basically Cassel and Cutino with experience.

Dunleavy is a good coach and a nice man as he used to live in Fort Worth before he took the LAC job. Met him for drinks on more than one occasion.

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In game 4 and game 6, Memphis had poor taste in their game presentation as they played the GAP Band's "You Drop The Bomb on Me" in the 4th quarter in each game.

The Mets have used it for Home Runs every now and then.



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In game 4 and game 6, Memphis had poor taste in their game presentation as they played the GAP Band's "You Drop The Bomb on Me" in the 4th quarter in each game.

It's a really popular song, I like it and I really don't see what's so offensive about it.

On the basketball side of things though, I thought Memphis played like a veteran basketball team in game six, not an untesting eight seed. Alot of teams would have just folded after getting down by that much at the half especially after the way they played game five and nobody would have held it against them, but they showed they were better then that and forced the game seven.

Its one of those series where its really a shame that somebody has to lose.

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I think the problem with the song might be the events of April 1995. After all, they are playing Oklahoma City.

I'm pretty certain that's not how the song was meant to be taken at all, and I would say the vast majority of people wouldn't have even made that connection unless somebody had said it, and I'll include myself in that as well.

People just need to stop trying to connect things that aren't really related to each other. Its a great way of creating a problem out of nothing. Don't think it accomplishes anything more then that though.

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1) It's a cool song.

2) The lyric is, "You Dropped a Bomb on Me". Tim McVeigh did not drop a bomb, he planted a bomb.

3) The bomb in the song is not a literal bomb.

4) Do you expect the bands Anthrax and Katrina & The Waves to change their names?

5) I'm 100% sure that LeBron didn't even have developmentally diabled people in mind when he used the R-word.

6) I am also 100% sure that Kobe has nothing against gay people.

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There was some controversy about this after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans, and during one of their games in 2005 or 2006 (can't remember) the opposing team played "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by the Scorpions when the Saints had the ball during one of their drives.

Is it a little insensitive, yes. Is it morbidly amusing, yes. But is it a big deal, no. America is already too politically correct with the hyphenated-american, how they rename physical or mental disabilities to act like their label for those individuals is more acceptable, and a whole lot more annoying tendencies. Point being, the song isn't in bad taste or should it be considered offensive, due to the fact it's been over 15 years already and it's a damn good song. So there's no reason for Americans in general to act like bigger pussies than they sometimes are.

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I seem to recall the Grizzlies playing the song against the Spurs too. Its got a good beat and its a classic Funk song there is no thought about the OKC.



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...and then he single-handedly derailed it by having DANIEL EWING guard Raja Bell in the clutch. Daniel freaking Ewing.

I mean, Dunleavy basically took a dump on that miracle playoff run with that one matchup.

...and considering your Clippers haven't done :censored: before then, or since then, you can't fault the man for making one bad call. I mean, at this point, that's the best Clipper team ever assembled. Daniel Ewing or not, there were a lot of big plays in that series, and to lose to the Phoenix Suns at that time, to that team, that's not a bad thing.

You have to admit that WAS kind of an egregious brain fart on Dunleavy's behalf. Especially considering that Bell was playing out of his mind in that series.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Anybody know when the last time there was 4 new teams in the conference final from the previous season? None of this years team were there last year, if I remember correctly.

1977 I believe which featured Portland, LA, Philadelphia and Houston. '76 featured Golden State, Phoenix, Boston and Cleveland. Been a bunch of years such as '96 where three of the four teams were new but that's the last time when all four were new unless I'm mistaken.

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1 down, 3 to go for good to overcome evil.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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