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Re-Rebranding Arizona State


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So, I had a uniform concept in progress for Arizona State long ago that used the pitchfork on the helmet (their previous pitchfork, not the custom one in this version) but never got to the point where I was ready to post it. For some reason, in the last couple of days I got the urge to completely re-brand the school. Their recent re-branding has some parts I like, and others that I think could have been done much better.

I decided to make a completely new Sparky, since the current one is pretty much gone now anyway, other than the back of the helmets. I am still not completely happy with the full-bodied version, as you can see by the fact he didn't even make it on the uniforms. I was happy with how the head turned out and worked with the uniforms, so the redesign of him wasn't a complete waste, and maybe the full body version can still be salvaged. I redesigned the pitchfork and a number font/ ASU wordmark that have a similar styling. I did not include black anywhere in the logos or uniforms, other than the Pat Tillman patch on the collar. Let's not turn this into another BFBS argument.....

Anyway, without further ado, this is what I have come up with. It has been quite a while since I posted a concept on these forums, so I hope to get some useful feedback!




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The uniforms are good, but that new Sparky just doesn't work. He looks even creepier than the real Sparky.

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The uniforms are good, but that new Sparky just doesn't work. He looks even creepier than the real Sparky.

Well, he is a devil, so creepy kind of fits. Do you want him to be cuddly? :P

I am not arguing though, like I said, he didn't even make the cut for the uniform, other than the small head logo on the back of the neck.


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Well, he is a devil, so creepy kind of fits. Do you want him to be cuddly? :P

Well, you have to remember, I see the world through cardinal-and-navy tinted glasses so there's no way Sparky can ever not look creepy. :P Really, though, aside from making the maroon a little more red than purple, the Sparky logo is the only problem I have with the total package.

Maybe just scrap the full-body version entirely or base it more on the current version?

Mighty Ducks of Anaheim (CHL - 2018 Orr Cup Champions) Chicago Rivermen (UBA/WBL - 2014, 2015, 2017 Intercontinental Cup Champions)

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Trying to make the full body Sparky a little less cartoony is a nice idea, but I think that having a devil in pajamas and that semi-evil smerk only works as a all-out cartoon, the way Sparky is/was for real. But this could work if you make the head a little bigger and the pitchfork bigger. Right now it's all body which might be anatomically correct, but it's too much body IMO.

Of all these, I like the sun with the pitchfork inside the best. Im not much of a critic when it comes to jerseys, almost everything looks good to me and these look fine.

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I love everything here, but Sparky could use some work as others have noted. Also, that pitchfork-in-the-sun logo is brilliant, and I would go as far as to say that you should make that the helmet logo (and swap the pitchfork helmet logo in for the logo on the pants). It seems to have an 'iconic' feel already, and if you're going for a rebrand, I'd take the pitchfork-in-the-sun idea and run with it.

You also forgot to color the pants on the road uniform.

Excellent work, dp.

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the pitchfork logos and unis are absolute class. but the full body sparty needs work. he's too muscular. I think what I liked about him before is how pathetic he looked, just fully straight limbs with no muscles or toning. the position you have him running in right now is fine, but I think if you made it look as cartoony as the past one looked, it'd make him look a lot better.


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LOVE the sparky head logo in the sun, that's a real strong point here. The pants logo is also very effective in the simplicity and i think the pitchfork looks excellent vertically as opposed to how you angled it in other logos. Jerseys are beautiful. This proves that ASU doesn't need white at all in the dark jerseys, just maroon and gold and it works just fine. As everyone else has been saying the full body logo is a weak point, one of the things that bothers me is the tail placement, it looks like its sprouting out of his shoulder. However I think if you changed the placement of the tail and possibly put the full body over a sun, and added a yellow outline in the style of the partial logo, it would improve dramatically. This is far superior to what Nike came up with, nice job.

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The overall package is excellent, but Sparky kind of looks like this kid grown up and just waiting to run into Chris Hansen:


And it took me a minute or two to figure out the A-Fork-Sun logo. Maybe connect the right side where the handle is first coming into the A, but leave the top part seperated as is to show the fork in front.

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The pitchfork/sun logo and the wordmark both look fantastic. The unis are top notch...way better than what was just produced. The lettering would serve as a better font than the recently created type as well. I'm 50/50 on the Sparky logos, but the Sparky/sun logo would be my pick over the full body version.

Great work.

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The new sparky kinda looks like a naked guy streaking... or from "Community" the Human-Being. human-beings.jpg

already been said but it needs more detail. Also, when when you run, you legs never come that far apart. That's is more of the splits than a run. The face looks great also.

I love the pitchfork in the sun, I wish you made that the primary. It looks great every where you have it.

"Classic" does not mean it gets a free pass for being bad design.


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Thanks for all the feedback so far, guys! It seems the general feeling is that the full body Sparky needs work, or maybe just needs scrapped, the head alone with the sun is kind of hit or miss, and the pitchfork logos are pretty well liked. Hopefully I will have time to work on some more stuff late tonight or tomorrow.

jaha: I actually did have some earlier versions with a larger head/smaller body. I will try to refine one of those a little more and see how it works. I agree, maybe being caught somewhere in the middle of cartoonish and realistic in regards to proportion and muscular definition is what is holding this logo back.

cj: Here is what the helmet would look like. Does it still work when the sun is maroon? Also, the maroon pants are just another option for the road uniforms.


chestnutz: Thanks, I will work on making him look more pathetic. ^_^

Elliott: Yes, the tail placement gave me a ton of problems. Making it come out by the back of the pitchfork made for a weird spot of clutter, and like you said, it doesn't look quite right where it is now. It is something I will work on more as I try the other suggestions for the full body logo. Thanks.

McCall: I thought everybody knew that is the exact story behind Sparky? :P Here is the pitchfork A with your suggestion. I do think it possibly makes it more legible. Thanks.



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