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2004 World Cup of Hockey Trophy


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it is a silver trumpet with glass vases strapped to it? odd.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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The winning nation gets a scary looking old man with a giant drink mixer attached to his hands? Sucks to be these guys...




The world's foremost practitioners of professional tag-team wrestling.



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Taht guy looks like he wants to smash it because its so ugly

And he's the one who designed it! (seriously)

Then that guy sucks.




The world's foremost practitioners of professional tag-team wrestling.



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Get out of here Frank Gehry, no one likes your style.

prize to whomever gets that.

personally, i think Frank Gehry is pretty fluffing sweet....although, he's no I.M. Pei!

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there are so many things wrong with that trophy it isn't even funny. wheres the space for the names of past winners? where is the hockey sembelence? thats taking things too far, this is an award, not an abstract art piece

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Get out of here Frank Gehry, no one likes your style.

prize to whomever gets that.

personally, i think Frank Gehry is pretty fluffing sweet....although, he's no I.M. Pei!

you know I.M. Pei... I.M. Impressed...

ok bad Simpsons line i know...

but as for the trophy... yikes... i dunno im all for modernization of things but that trophy looks terrible... something more understated and classic would make alot more sense... not a trumpet surrounded by waterwings.... the 1996 trophy may not have been in line with the stanley cup but atleast it looked nice...

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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there are so many things wrong with that trophy it isn't even funny. wheres the space for the names of past winners? where is the hockey sembelence? thats taking things too far, this is an award, not an abstract art piece

I read the players names would be be etched on the "cup" portion, which can be easily replaced with a new "cup" when the next world cup comes around.

I saw, I came, I left.

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