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2011-12 NHL Season


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That's another 20 years tacked onto the Cup drought, easily.

Will those 20 years finally be the impetus for Canada to apologize for Bieber? I think they still owe us for Celine Dion.

And Nickelback.

Well, they skated with the Isles a few years ago. Make what you want of that.

Setting us back another 5 years? :P

By the way, I was thinking about the whole Capuano situation with him surviving while everyone else is getting the ax. I think the reason why he's still on board is because Doug Weight's kinda being considered the coach in waiting, but they don't want him rushed into the head coaching position. That and the Islanders have been playing... mediocre instead of terrible as of late. So I guess take this analysis for what it's worth.

I would say the Islanders are a Mickey Mouse organization but that would be an insult to Mickey Mouse organizations. My only hope is that the losing streak in black keeps continuing so the players will not want to wear that garbage anymore.

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Bruins win 8-0. Average scoring differential of 1.636. Mother of God. I am having trouble envisioning a world where the Bruins do not win the Stanley Cup.

Whoever replaced Doc Emrick on Devils telecasts has the thickest goddamn Jersey accent I've ever heard in brawdcasting. I can't tell if yes, this is endearing because it's a Jersey guy calling Devils games, or if no, because nothing about a Jersey accent is ever endearing.

EDIT: Devils win their eighth shootout. Only 11 regulation/overtime wins, though! lol

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Bruins win 8-0. Average scoring differential of 1.636. Mother of God. I am having trouble envisioning a world where the Bruins do not win the Stanley Cup.

Whoever replaced Doc Emrick on Devils telecasts has the thickest goddamn Jersey accent I've ever heard in brawdcasting. I can't tell if yes, this is endearing because it's a Jersey guy calling Devils games, or if no, because nothing about a Jersey accent is ever endearing.

EDIT: Devils win their eighth shootout. Only 11 regulation/overtime wins, though! lol

12th time this season that the Bruins have scored two goals in under a minute, too. They're on fire right now. 20-1-2 in their last 23.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Watching the Jets game, what I would give to be in the MTS Centre. That's already the most intimating venue in the NHL.

No...no it's not even close. It's one of the smallest, so you can say "intimate" but not intimating....

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Watching the Jets game, what I would give to be in the MTS Centre. That's already the most intimating venue in the NHL.

No...no it's not even close. It's one of the smallest, so you can say "intimate" but not intimating....

Ever heard of a spelling mistake? Also, yeah it's pretty damn loud in there because it's smallest. It's great.

Also. Alex Burrows, definition - douche.




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Really nice win by the Flames over Vancouver tonight. Leland Irving played out of his skin to get his first NHL win; glad to see the rest of the guys play hard in front of him, even if the shutout bid was ruined.

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Really nice win by the Flames over Vancouver tonight. Leland Irving played out of his skin to get his first NHL win; glad to see the rest of the guys play hard in front of him, even if the shutout bid was ruined.

Agreed. One of the most complete games they've played all year, and that's after playing the night previous against the Wings, and playing a Canuck team that's been off since Wednesday. Can't say enough good things about Leland he was tremendous all night long. Great way to go into the break. Just like last year the Flames pick up a huge win on the eve of the break.




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Watching the Jets game, what I would give to be in the MTS Centre. That's already the most intimating venue in the NHL.

No...no it's not even close. It's one of the smallest, so you can say "intimate" but not intimating....

Ok Mr. Hockey Expert.

Also the Jets are more profitable in the smallest arena in the league then they were in Phillips in Atlanta :trollface:

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I think New Era got caught between "intimate" and "intimidating," and got caught supposing that the MTS Centre shares privileged information with you better than anywhere else.

To actual Jets fans and not just inaugural well-wishers like myself: knowing by now what you have in this roster, what is it that you want this team to do? Do you think they can keep pushing for 8th place in a merely top-heavy East, or is best in the long run to get the picks and prospects they need? I haven't looked at Hockey's Future to check, but I've gotta believe the Jets are second only to the Sharks in terms of being developmentally bereft.

The hockey fan in me is so enamored of the whole Winnipeg experience that I want to see their playoff-level intensity last all the way through the season and go to another level for the playoffs, but thinking pragmatically, I'm not sure if the playoff revenue from being drawn and quartered by the Bruins outweighs the serious work they have to do in building their system back up. The Ladd and Byfuglien trades ransacked them.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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