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Congrats on the EIU contribution, ren. Must feel great to have your work in their official visual history now.

Thanks SeattleSonics, & YES it's an awesome feeling...now if only more universities will follow as well, lol.

Your work is outstanding and they would be smart to update their logos with your versions.

Thank you for the kind words CreamSoda. Would be nice to see more universities make my restorations part of their official marks.

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MASSIVE congratulations on your work with Eastern Illinois! For lots of reasons, it's rare for any of us to have the work we've developed here turn into something in the "real world". This is an incredible achievement. Have a cookie, you deserve it. :)




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They stole it? Bah.

You know...I filled so many requests on this thread that I'm not sure if the person who requested that logo restoration is the one selling these & is under the impression that since he/she requested it they can use it or just someone random who found it online & thought OH LOOK our school logo all cleaned up, lets use it without asking & make some sweatshirts to sell for $20 a piece. Also if you didn't read the comments one says this:

Hey guys, due to a few copyright complications, we had to remove the word University. Please let us know if you want to change your order at all. smile emoticon

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If they did steal it; that's ridiculous because USD is the LAW school of the state. Know that its likely a frat that's just selling homecoming shirts and not the actual university though.

But, I'm not sure the one on the mock-ups is your re-worked one. Look at the right leg; you added fur to it and the mock-up has the smooth lines like the reference photo. Also, the eyes on yours are clearer and you added a sort of "widow's peak" that isn't present in the mock-up. I think they took the reference photo and used that.

Also, congrats on EIU. I've "cold-call" emailed some schools and teams about designs before and always come up just short. How'd you get them interested?



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Good eye hettinger. I couldn't get a clear image of the sweater & have been pretty busy to even take the time to examine the design, thanks! As for getting your work noticed just keep at it. I've emailed & tried making contact with countless universities in regards to my redesign work with little to no response. The funny thing about EIU is that they found me. I never sent them my Billy Panther restoration design nor did I ever try contacting them. Sometimes all we need is a little bit of luck & for our work to be seen by the right people at the right time. Good luck!

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