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I didn't just fall off the turnip truck! Child molesters "being left in gen-pop" is and has always been code for punitive rape. We shouldn't have the death penalty and shouldn't have the rape penalty. 

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♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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20 hours ago, DG_Now said:

I have no patience for Malcolm Gladwell or Joe Paterno defense. Is Bill Simmons trying to be Joe Rogan? I'm glad I'm done with this.






Who is the audience for this?o

Can't wait for Gladwell to tell me the President and Athletic Director at Michigan State as well as USA Gymnastics acted properly regarding Dr. Larry Nassar and Simmons go, "Yea, yea, yea".


EDIT: Gladwell was once on an Epstein airplane and in the Epstein "Black Book".


“I don’t remember much except being baffled as to who this Epstein guy was and why we were all on his plane.”


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The star:censored:ing and bootlicking phase of Bill Simmons' career is really disappointing.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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2 minutes ago, DG_Now said:

The star:censored:ing and bootlicking phase of Bill Simmons' career is really disappointing.

Bill trying to display his writing ability to Sean Penn last week forced me to punch out of a pretty interesting conversation.  He bragged to Penn on how many pages and words his basketball book was.  I'm now listening to him at 1.5x speed. 


On the bright side, Tate is gone from The Ringer.

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I thought Tate was the literal worst, but didn't realize Bill would dip deeper into the bro pool with his nephew Kyle. (For someone who speaks so highly of hard work, Bill Simmons is awfully prone to including his uninteresting family members in his podcasts.)


Where did Tate go? Presumably far away from Mike Lombardi?

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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11 minutes ago, DG_Now said:

I thought Tate was the literal worst, but didn't realize Bill would dip deeper into the bro pool with his nephew Kyle. (For someone who speaks so highly of hard work, Bill Simmons is awfully prone to including his uninteresting family members in his podcasts.)


Where did Tate go? Presumably far away from Mike Lombardi?

He just quit and didn't give two weeks notice.  Word on the street (Reddit) is that he may have gotten a job doing digital work for Tar Heel athletics or some entity focusing on UNC athletics. 

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Gladwell's ignoring a key detail in order to defend Paterno (Penn State Jopologists do this too) - They all mistake (or willfully misconstrue) the McQueary report as the first time Paterno had heard of an incident like this and he was too old and simple to do anything about it and also he did all he could. He's saying that Paterno was a football obsessive for 50 years before McQueary came to him in 2002 and it's unreasonable to expect him to know how to handle that properly. In that story it's fair to say that Paterno did everything right. EXCEPT that's not how it happened, Malcolm! Paterno knew about Sandusky as far back as the late 1970's, he forced the guy into early retirement, for crying out loud!. Despite this he still let him coach with the team for another two decades and continued to allow Sandusky to bring kids to the facility. When Mike McQueary came to him that was not the first time JoePa had encountered Sandusky being Sandusky with a kid. He had more than MANY opportunities to get Sandusky away from Penn State football and never did. 

I thought his Eugenics Basketball team thing was the lowest point he could go on that podcast. 

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6 hours ago, McCarthy said:

Gladwell's ignoring a key detail in order to defend Paterno (Penn State Jopologists do this too) - They all mistake (or willfully misconstrue) the McQueary report as the first time Paterno had heard of an incident like this and he was too old and simple to do anything about it and also he did all he could. He's saying that Paterno was a football obsessive for 50 years before McQueary came to him in 2002 and it's unreasonable to expect him to know how to handle that properly. In that story it's fair to say that Paterno did everything right. EXCEPT that's not how it happened, Malcolm! Paterno knew about Sandusky as far back as the late 1970's, he forced the guy into early retirement, for crying out loud!. Despite this he still let him coach with the team for another two decades and continued to allow Sandusky to bring kids to the facility. When Mike McQueary came to him that was not the first time JoePa had encountered Sandusky being Sandusky with a kid. He had more than MANY opportunities to get Sandusky away from Penn State football and never did. 

I thought his Eugenics Basketball team thing was the lowest point he could go on that podcast. 


Hold on a minute...what?


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9 minutes ago, Kramerica Industries said:


Hold on a minute...what?

It was during a November 2018 podcast with Simmons.  Basically, Gladwell tried to claim that one drop of Nigerian blood made you Nigerian for his basketball roster. It included South African-born Steve Nash and Jamican born Patrick Ewing.



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2 hours ago, dfwabel said:

It was during a November 2018 podcast with Simmons.  Basically, Gladwell tried to claim that one drop of Nigerian blood made you Nigerian for his basketball roster. It included South African-born Steve Nash and Jamican born Patrick Ewing.




I must have missed the part about Nigeria being Africa's "heart" in my African Economics class. And again when my Professor said repeatedly not to treat Africa as a country. And again in the second African Economics class I took. And again when I wrote a 35-page paper about Nigeria as part of my Senior year thesis.


I did however miss the part where Steve Nash was born in South Africa. I will admit I didn't know that, so Gladwell has me there. Maybe he has me on the rest as well.

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Hey, Malcolm Gladwell likes to re-litigate child abuse scandals for fun and, literally, profit: https://deadspin.com/malcolm-gladwells-penn-state-rabbit-hole-isnt-very-deep-1838381737



Once Gladwell finishes with McQueary, he spins the chapter out into a discussion of the Larry Nassar abuse scandal, which he then uses to batter the Sandusky case. He describes the case against Nassar as “open-and-shut,” and then proceeds to marvel at how, despite the many reports of abuse that had been made against Nassar, so many people in his orbit, including some of those he had abused and their parents, failed to recognize Nassar for the monster that he is. He brings up Trinea Gonczar, a gymnast who was digitally penetrated by Nassar many times but still stood by the doctor even after the Indianapolis Star revealed the extent of his crimes. Gladwell compares her actions to that of Brett Swisher Houtz, who testified that Sandusky had put his penis in his mouth at least 40 times. Gladwell points out that, despite all the years of abuse, Houtz remained friends with Sandusky well into adulthood. Then he writes:

This is a much more perplexing example than Trinea Gonczar in the Nassar case. Gonczar never denied that something happened in her sessions with Nassar. She chose to interpret his actions as benign—for entirely understandable reasons—up until the point when she listened to the testimony of her fellow gymnasts at Nassar’s trial. Sandusky, by contrast, wasn’t practicing some ambiguous medical procedure. He is supposed to have engaged in repeated acts of sexual violence. And his alleged victims didn’t misinterpret what he was doing to them. They acted as if nothing had ever happened. They didn’t confide in their friends. They didn’t write anguished accounts in their journals. They dropped by, years later, to show off their babies to the man who raped them. They invited their rapist to their weddings. One victim showered with Sandusky and called himself the “luckiest boy in the world.” Another boy emerged with a story, after months of prodding by a therapist, that couldn’t convince a grand jury.

Sexual-abuse cases are complicated, wrapped in layers of shame and denial and clouded memories, and few high-profile cases were as complicated as Jerry Sandusky’s. Now think about what that complication means for those who must make sense of all that swirling contradiction. There were always doubts about Sandusky. But how do you get enough doubts when the victims are happily eating Kentucky Fried Chicken with their abuser?

This is the point at which I wanted to hurl the book across the room. You should have to be a lot dumber than Malcolm Gladwell is to argue, in a widely published book, that one sexual assault victim’s method of compartmentalizing the horrors they endured is somehow more valid and less suspicious than another’s.



I spoiled this quote because 1. it deals with graphic depictions of child abuse and 2. you shouldn't have to accidentally read Malcolm Gladwell casting doubt on Jerry Sandusky's victims because they didn't act like someone else's victims.


More like Malcolm GladBAD.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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No, Pat Foley isn't getting fired. If there were a shortstop named Gord Schysynchuk, I'd expect someone to say he sounds like a goalie. But I'm sure the Julie DiCaro Twitter squad is irate and prepared to get him cancelled. And during Latino Month too!


If I had to guess, he'll apologize or be apologized for and that'll be the end of it, but it's just as likely that they pretend nothing happens. It was a preseason game against a German team, no one was watching except this guy. But some Hawks fans have been gunning for Pat Foley for a while for being insufficiently statistics-friendly and I'm sure this will be used as ammunition against him. They're vastly outnumbered by people who like him, though, and the Hawks surely know that.

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♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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