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Dallas Cowboys Uniform Concept


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The Cowboys will likely never change their logo or wordmark; they are, however, more likely to provide sensible updates to their on-field aesthetic. I decided to make realistic, logical updates to both the white and dark sets, including a before-and-after crude mockup of Dak Prescott in the lighter set.


The royal blue and green/gray have been entirely eliminated. The only colors displayed in the entire set are a dark blue, blue-tinted-gray, and white. All striping is now consistent. All numerals feature a small silver outline. The Cowboys "star" appears once on each set: the helmet. It's purposely not featured anywhere else, to give the helmet logo prominence. Each jersey features "AMERICA'S TEAM" on the inside neck collar.


This new look gives the Cowboys a classic, yet modern look. It's clean, timeless, and built to last.


C&C welcomed!





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4 minutes ago, Unwind said:

The Cowboys will likely never change their logo or wordmark; they are, however, more likely to provide sensible updates to their on-field aesthetic. I decided to make realistic, logical updates to both the white and dark sets, including a before-and-after crude mockup of Dak Prescott in the lighter set.


The royal blue and green/gray have been entirely eliminated. The only colors displayed in the entire set are a dark blue, blue-tinted-gray, and white. All striping is now consistent. All numerals feature a small silver outline. The Cowboys "star" appears once on each set: the helmet. It's purposely not featured anywhere else, to give the helmet logo prominence. Each jersey features "AMERICA'S TEAM" on the inside neck collar.


This new look gives the Cowboys a classic, yet modern look. It's clean, timeless, and built to last.


C&C welcomed!





I like it, the consistency is nice, and it reminds me of the 70s uniforms but more updated. Good work!



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50 minutes ago, Unwind said:

The Cowboys will likely never change their logo or wordmark; they are, however, more likely to provide sensible updates to their on-field aesthetic. I decided to make realistic, logical updates to both the white and dark sets, including a before-and-after crude mockup of Dak Prescott in the lighter set.


The royal blue and green/gray have been entirely eliminated. The only colors displayed in the entire set are a dark blue, blue-tinted-gray, and white. All striping is now consistent. All numerals feature a small silver outline. The Cowboys "star" appears once on each set: the helmet. It's purposely not featured anywhere else, to give the helmet logo prominence. Each jersey features "AMERICA'S TEAM" on the inside neck collar.


This new look gives the Cowboys a classic, yet modern look. It's clean, timeless, and built to last.


C&C welcomed!






It's safe and consistent...

Would prefer white-silver-white stripes on the navy jersey and at least a pinstripe outline, but it's fine.



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29 minutes ago, BigRed618 said:

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is how the Cowboys should look. I’ve yet to meet a single person who cares if the blue on the jerseys match the blue on the helmet, or miss the black trim on the shoulder stripes.

We’re out there, you’re not alone. The majority of nfl concepts on this board do this exact same thing! Maybe we should all sign a petition haha...

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The mismatched white uniforms the Cowboys wear may suck, but they do pop on the field. Giving the white uniforms the standard navy blue makes them look kinda dull. I think the best solution is to meet in the middle on the two blues. Granted, it probably wouldn't look as good on the blue uniform as the darker blue does, but I think it'd make the set look better overall.

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Looks great! Pretty much how I would envision changing the 'Boys as well. You could definitely do this concept with the green/grey color as well but the important thing is for the pants and helmet to match. Their current combination just looks goofy. 

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As a diehard cowboys fan, I wouldn't mind this, but I think I'd prefer just a double stripe, drop the silver in between, just to keep consistency with the design we've always had. Id also use a silver number to match the stripe on the away and to mimic the 70s blue, I always loved how the silver and navy looks on those. My only other gripe might be the shade of silver, feels too muted and dull, almost like a soft grey, I would prefer a nice shiny silver on the jerseys to match the pants. Solid set, probably an improvement over what we have, although I honestly don't mind the double blues we currently use.

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On 3/13/2021 at 3:00 PM, jackkmart said:

I kinda understand the mismatching colors on the cowboys current unis (brought back for historical reasons? I'm not really sure), but a more consistent use of colors makes a lot more sense.

There is no historical reasons... Jerry just thinks we don't all have HDTV. 

There's no reason at all for the colors to be mismatched. 



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  • 2 months later...
On 3/9/2021 at 1:34 PM, Audiodrama said:

The Cowboys will likely never change their logo or wordmark; they are, however, more likely to provide sensible updates to their on-field aesthetic. I decided to make realistic, logical updates to both the white and dark sets, including a before-and-after crude mockup of Dak Prescott in the lighter set.


The royal blue and green/gray have been entirely eliminated. The only colors displayed in the entire set are a dark blue, blue-tinted-gray, and white. All striping is now consistent. All numerals feature a small silver outline. The Cowboys "star" appears once on each set: the helmet. It's purposely not featured anywhere else, to give the helmet logo prominence. Each jersey features "AMERICA'S TEAM" on the inside neck collar.


This new look gives the Cowboys a classic, yet modern look. It's clean, timeless, and built to last.


C&C welcomed!





THANK YOU! Honestly, this uniform concept you've created is MILES better than what the Dallas Cowboys currently wear on the field for most of their games. I HATE the Cowboys' current uniform set. It's trash. The only constructive criticism I have for you, though, is that in my opinion, the Cowboys should use the same shade of silver in their helmet, jersey, and pants. I also think the Cowboys' silver should not have any blue tint in it whatsoever. It should be a pure silver. 

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On 3/13/2021 at 7:50 PM, bcon_731 said:

What’s the reason the cowboys helmet never matches their uniform, expect one time a year. 

If you're interested in reading to know why the Cowboys' helmet never matches their uniform, here's an article from FOX Sports that explains why:
Here's the real reason behind the Dallas Cowboys’ mismatched uniform colors | FOX Sports

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On 3/9/2021 at 10:24 PM, JB-the-Hunter said:

The mismatched white uniforms the Cowboys wear may suck, but they do pop on the field. Giving the white uniforms the standard navy blue makes them look kinda dull. I think the best solution is to meet in the middle on the two blues. Granted, it probably wouldn't look as good on the blue uniform as the darker blue does, but I think it'd make the set look better overall.


The way to meet the middle is make the silver-cyan and navy blue work as a combo.

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On 5/23/2021 at 11:14 AM, ramsjetsthunder said:

I think there is some beauty in the mismatched colors, but I must say, I don't hate these. Definitely one of the better concepts I've seen with Navy/silver only.

I disagree. I don't believe for a second that there is any such kind of beauty in the mismatched colors in the Dallas Cowboys uniforms. My personal opinion is that the main reason why the Cowboys wear their "Star Blue" uniforms at home is because the area in which they play their home games in (Arlington, Texas) sees an average high temperature of 89 degrees in late August/early September. It's hot in North Texas during that time of year, so I'm guessing that that's the reason why the Cowboys wear their "Star Blue" uniform at home all the time. There is a psychological factor in it, because as the Cowboys' equipment director has pointed out, when the Cowboys used to play at Texas Stadium prior to their new stadium opening in 2009, the old stadium had a hole in the roof, which allowed the sun to beat down onto the field. Darker colors tend to retain more heat, according to the Cowboys' equipment director (I think his name is Mike McCord):
Here's the real reason behind the Dallas Cowboys’ mismatched uniform colors | FOX Sports

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Every time someone makes a concept that matches the colors for the Cowboys, it's better in theory. But I've resigned myself to the fact that I like their mismatched colors.  The concepts are always kind of boring.  I'm not quite sure how or when it happened but I don't think there was ever a conscious decision to be unmatched. It just sort of happened, and I like it.  It's similar to when the Tigers made all their D's match; a smart idea in theory but I think both their hat and (especially) jersey were downgraded.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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