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NFL 2022 Changes


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3 minutes ago, PERRIN said:

perhaps -and I know this is a bit of a stretch - they do it because it's their name..?


Darrius Slay has corrected people numerous times and said "just call me Slay".  Yet he has Slay Jr on his jersey.


Is a suffix technically part of your legal name?  Or is it just an accoutrement?  It's 100% unnecessary unless your dad or son is on the same team, and even then, you can be IDd because one of you looks older than the other.

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37 minutes ago, BBTV said:


Darrius Slay has corrected people numerous times and said "just call me Slay".  Yet he has Slay Jr on his jersey.


Is a suffix technically part of your legal name?  Or is it just an accoutrement?  It's 100% unnecessary unless your dad or son is on the same team, and even then, you can be IDd because one of you looks older than the other.

Darius Slay Jr. has always gone with Slay Jr. on the back of his jersey (ever since he was drafted as far as I can tell). If anything, this goes against what you said earlier about tacking it on just to be cool. Slay has it on his jersey, yet prefers to go colloquially as just Slay. 


That being said, I don't see how your point means anything. Preference on nicknames or personal branding doesn't necessarily coincide with what's on the back of a player's jersey. It does in some cases (Ichiro being an example, though it's a bit more nuanced than simple preference) but not all the time, as Slay indicates. You don't see Ahmad 'Sauce' Gardner rocking Sauce on his nameplate, though if he did that'd be hilarious and I'd be 100% down for it.


And yes, prefixes and suffixes are legally a part of one's name. It might not be necessary, but there's no reason to get upset over people putting their legal name on their jersey.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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9 hours ago, simtek34 said:

They always were. They never changed it in the end zone. The new wordmark is only for marketing and branding stuff, and was never for the field.

If they were going to change the wordmark, they should have gone all the way in on incorporating it into their brand.


If it’s a good enough wordmark to be on the helmet in their eyes, it should be good enough to be in the end zones too.


The Eagles have a similar problem with their wordmarks, except it’s flipped where the new one is in the endzone & the old one remains on the jersey. 

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2 hours ago, MJD7 said:

If they were going to change the wordmark, they should have gone all the way in on incorporating it into their brand.


If it’s a good enough wordmark to be on the helmet in their eyes, it should be good enough to be in the end zones too.


The Eagles have a similar problem with their wordmarks, except it’s flipped where the new one is in the endzone & the old one remains on the jersey. 

The Eagles case is a bit different. They are going to have that changed next season supposedly. Similar to how the Patriots in 2013 introduced their current Wordmark but it didn’t change on the uniforms until 2015. The NFL has that two year heads up thing for Jersey changes.

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9 hours ago, PERRIN said:

And yes, prefixes and suffixes are legally a part of one's name. It might not be necessary, but there's no reason to get upset over people putting their legal name on their jersey.


How is it possible that it's part of your legal name?  You're not a SR when you're born, so SR wouldn't appear on any legal document unless you changed it when you had a kid, which I doubt anyone does.  You can add it informally to documents in cases where there's potential for confusion, but in most cases, it's not your name.  There's zero chance for confusion on an NFL team.


That said, I'd have no problem with "SAUCE" on a jersey, because it's just fun, and more fun is better than less fun.  If every player did it, even jabronies that nobody has ever heard of, it would defeat the point, which is to help identify players.


Unrelated question - does Sr. only apply if you were a Jr?  Like, if you're a Jr, are you "promoted" to Sr if you're father dies?  And in that case, does your son go from III to Jr?  Or can you be Sr. and your son III?  Not being a Jr., I've never really thought about any of this.


And does it "bother" me?  No, I'm not losing sleep over it or throwing things through my TV screen.  But I do think it's silly that they do it when it's completely unnecessary given the whole point of 1) what a uniform is for and 2) what a generational suffix is for.

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6 hours ago, simtek34 said:

The Eagles case is a bit different. They are going to have that changed next season supposedly. Similar to how the Patriots in 2013 introduced their current Wordmark but it didn’t change on the uniforms until 2015. The NFL has that two year heads up thing for Jersey changes.


The last I read, the team itself said that the change wouldn't occur until 2024 given the "two-year rule" (which matches the timeline you referenced for the patriots).  But it wouldn't shock me if they were able to wiggle around that.

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8 minutes ago, BBTV said:


How is it possible that it's part of your legal name?  You're not a SR when you're born, so SR wouldn't appear on any legal document unless you changed it when you had a kid, which I doubt anyone does.  You can add it informally to documents in cases where there's potential for confusion, but in most cases, it's not your name.  There's zero chance for confusion on an NFL team.


That said, I'd have no problem with "SAUCE" on a jersey, because it's just fun, and more fun is better than less fun.  If every player did it, even jabronies that nobody has ever heard of, it would defeat the point, which is to help identify players.


Unrelated question - does Sr. only apply if you were a Jr?  Like, if you're a Jr, are you "promoted" to Sr if you're father dies?  And in that case, does your son go from III to Jr?  Or can you be Sr. and your son III?  Not being a Jr., I've never really thought about any of this.


And does it "bother" me?  No, I'm not losing sleep over it or throwing things through my TV screen.  But I do think it's silly that they do it when it's completely unnecessary given the whole point of 1) what a uniform is for and 2) what a generational suffix is for.

John Smith has a son, whom he decides to name John Smith Jr. John Smith adds Sr to differentiate he and his son. Years later, John Smith Jr has a son whom he also decides to name John Smith. This baby becomes John Smith III. A few years pass and the original John Smith dies. The “Sr” dies with him. So then it’s still John Smith Jr and John Smith III.


There’s no “graduation” to the “Sr” title. Technically, I suppose the Sr isn’t really official, but the “Jr” title definitely is. As well as III, IV, V, and so on.

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11 hours ago, BBTV said:


That's 100% all this is.  There's no practical reason for it.  The NOB is for identification only, and I don't need to know that you're Smith IV.  I can tell who you are by your number and the fact that there's not 4 other Smiths that you're related to,  You think it was a coincidence that "RG3" was such a big brand?  It's just doing something because you can. 


I think this is particularly true for the Jr/SR/III, etc. I completely understand the argument that, if those are their names and how they identify, they should be allowed to use them. However, in most cases, the bigger point is that those players could easily get by playing without those suffixes. It doesn't serve a function other than personal identification. 


However, I do think I was wrong in dismissing the trend of longer hyphenated names. If a player and his family go by two surnames, or two family names, then shortening it to something that would more easily fit on a jersey wouldn't be displaying their true name. 

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42 minutes ago, gosioux76 said:


I think this is particularly true for the Jr/SR/III, etc. I completely understand the argument that, if those are their names and how they identify, they should be allowed to use them. However, in most cases, the bigger point is that those players could easily get by playing without those suffixes. It doesn't serve a function other than personal identification. 


However, I do think I was wrong in dismissing the trend of longer hyphenated names. If a player and his family go by two surnames, or two family names, then shortening it to something that would more easily fit on a jersey wouldn't be displaying their true name. 

I remember when I was in school, there was a kid who wanted to use his surname and his mom’s maiden name on his jersey. He ended up merging the two names together instead of using a hyphen. Smart, but it probably wouldn’t fly at the professional level.

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8 hours ago, simtek34 said:

The Eagles case is a bit different. They are going to have that changed next season supposedly. Similar to how the Patriots in 2013 introduced their current Wordmark but it didn’t change on the uniforms until 2015. The NFL has that two year heads up thing for Jersey changes.

Yes, but in both of those cases I would have waited until the change was ready for the uniforms as well, and then released the new wordmark when it can be used consistently across the board. The inconsistency that results from the Eagles’ current strategy bugs me.

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11 hours ago, DCarp1231 said:

People can do whatever the hell they want with their legal name as they see fit


They want to put “M. Jackson V” on the nameplate? Go ahead. Just “Jackson”? Be my guest.

The Jackson Five? Sweet!

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1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

I remember when I was in school, there was a kid who wanted to use his surname and his mom’s maiden name on his jersey. 


Totally normal if he was Hispanic, but if he was Polish, kinda odd

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3 hours ago, BBTV said:


How is it possible that it's part of your legal name?  You're not a SR when you're born, so SR wouldn't appear on any legal document unless you changed it when you had a kid, which I doubt anyone does. 

It can be placed on the birth certificate if the parents request it. I can remember when the NFL wouldn't let Cleveland WR Michael Jackson put his father's last name, Johnson, on his jersey for one game after his death. Why are we getting bent out of shape about nameplates? There's guys in college that wear "Smith Sr", so Slay Jr is not as big a deal as you seem to feel that it is. 






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You guys are starting to soften me up on it.  I suppose to be consistent with other things I've said, I should be supportive of the player being able to choose how he's identified - but - it should be consistent.  So if he goes by Johnson XVII everywhere possible, then cool.  But if he's just like "hey cool, they're letting us put crap on our jersey so I'm going to add whatever 'decoration' I can" then I have issue*.  It's SFSS (suffix for suffix' sake).


RG3?  Cool.  But for someone like Darius Slay (who not only said to not call him Slay Jr, but to not even call him "Darius" and just use "Slay", as if he was Madonna) it seems silly to request SLAY JR as the NOB.


*by "issue", I simply mean that I think it looks dumb, not that I'm losing sleep over it or kicking puppies.

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I feel like with Darius Slay, at least from what it seems, he's using "Slay" as his brand, well acknowledging "Slay Jr." as his birth name with it being the NOB, which sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

I have borderline personality disorder, if my posts ever come off as aggressive or word vomit-y to you, please let me know.
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6 hours ago, SailorOfSilence102 said:

I feel like with Darius Slay, at least from what it seems, he's using "Slay" as his brand, well acknowledging "Slay Jr." as his birth name with it being the NOB, which sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


Yes, but Slay Jr. is not his surname.  His wife isn't Betty Slay Jr, (or whatever her first name may be).  Like BBTV, I think a lot of these guys are SFSS. 

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Surname or not, a name is a name. Any player with Jr. or III on their name is wearing their legal name on their jersey. Nothing is requiring players to only use only their surname specifically and nothing more on the back of their jersey. The SFSS perspective is a load of baloney. Let players wear whatever name they want on their jersey, doesn't make a difference to me if that means a player wearing Smith or Ja. Smith III. A player isn't being a punk or going for attention for picking one over the other, it's just personal preference. That preference may be swayed by a variety of things (they may think it simply sounds cooler, nothing wrong with that at all) but I'm not gonna judge someone on how they choose to write out their own goshdarn name.

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Perrin Grubb | Aspiring Designer | NAFA Project ~ NFL Redesigns

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