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2024 NFL Changes

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I'm curious. How many people here go on the team feeds and suggest they stop using certain combos? Teams are more likely to read their feeds than this forum to get feedback. If we have reason to believe that's how teams choose their uniforms, we should be saying all of this on their feeds too.


Full disclosure: I don't look at their feeds so I may be part of the problem myself.

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I think it's kinda like the Buffaslug...it's not terrible in its own right but it's not what the people wanted; it's a letdown.


To me, it's a slight improvement. As much as the little shoulder design isn't that exciting, neither is 25 years of side panels tapering into the armpits. I think the update is an upgrade My personal tastes lead me to calling the number font an improvement (though I still hate the 4). The overall helmet situation is a bit of a downgrade as the "summit" (lol) white one is not very good and the new stripe thingy up the middle stinks (that said, I didn't like the tapered stripes either).

Overall, not terrible. But with the dark shades and the less-than-exciting design (and for some that it's not a throwback), I see why people are disappointed...kinda like when the Sabres went to blue and yellow and then pulled the rug out with a logo that totally missed the boat.


OBSERVATION: This thread is moving fast so I'm not sure if anyone else has suggested this...Denver was ahead of the "sleeves are going away" game with their late-1990s design. It feels like they could be starting another trend here: stripes don't go all the way around anymore, so just arc color(s) across the shoulder.


Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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7 minutes ago, Germanshepherd said:

The far left combo is the only properly color balanced one here. 

They theoretically could wear blue socks with white pants, orange with blue, and blue with orange, but there’s gotta be a reason they’re not showing it. 

Like the Cardinals last year, believe these teams when they show you the combos. They’re not gonna mix in match in any way that looks good to us. 



Far right's not to shabby either. It's the only other one that has contrasting pants and socks. Depends on how you feel on the white helmet.

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18 minutes ago, ruttep said:


This is a lateral move, at best.

Side by side, I miss the outgoing uniforms even more. Template/cut changes had eroded them over the years, but on the whole, I think this is a significant downgrade

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22 minutes ago, ruttep said:


This is a lateral move, at best.

100% agree. The new ones aren't bad, certainly better than I was afraid they were going to be, but I'm not sure they're better than the old ones, which had built up a fair amount of equity with 25+ years of continuous use and 3 Super Bowls.

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Reminds me of the Seahawks uniforms, where the core concept of the uniform isn’t terrible, but it’s brought down by a bunch of obnoxious, extraneous details.


I will say I really like the blue helmet over white jersey over orange pants combo and hope that becomes the default.

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24 minutes ago, 29texan said:


I don't think so -- I'm just reacting to what I'm seeing, and they look like trash to me. Not the worst uniforms I've seen by any stretch, but they're still garbage. 


They had an opportunity to design something that could stick around for more than five years and, in my opinion, they failed.


If you like them, that is 100% fine, I'm not going to take that away from anyone. Please, by all means, like this uniform.


But to me, it oozes 'fast fashion' aka something that is meant to be replaced in a short span of time so they can sell more merchandise. 


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39 minutes ago, LogoFan said:

The white helmets and navy jersey set reminds me of the 2020 Seattle Dragons.

Navy should've been replaced with royal.  This isn't the goth 90s.

The helmet "stripes" are pure excrement.

Toilet seat collars.

The relentless triangle "mountain" design is just sad; too much of a good thing is too much.  It's just a distracting gimmick and adds nothing.

I agree with an earlier post that he blue should have continued down to the cuff on the sleeve.

***Is the horse head truly on the throwback, or was that just a rumor?  Can't tell from the pic.

Overall, not bad.  It's a true lateral.

Royal blue isn’t intimidating and aggressive like navy. Or some other bullscheisse explanation. 🙄 

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3 minutes ago, MCM0313 said:

Royal blue isn’t intimidating and aggressive like navy. Or some other bullscheisse explanation. 🙄 

I wish they made the eyebrows on the Bronco even more angrierest than before. Then the rest of the league could see that they mean business.

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7 minutes ago, Chromatic said:

Reminds me of the Seahawks uniforms, where the core concept of the uniform isn’t terrible, but it’s brought down by a bunch of obnoxious, extraneous details.


I will say I really like the blue helmet over white jersey over orange pants combo and hope that becomes the default.

With blue socks that’s passable. With trash white socks it looks like Boise State. 

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Remove the '5280's from the helmet, pants and collars


Replace the tail light helmet stripe with a single orange one.


Fix the shoulder stripe so it extends all the way across and looks like an actual mountain instead of a lightning bolt


Remove the "speed holes", this isn't a car.


Extend all of the pants stripes from waist to ceiling.


I think this would make them decent. Right now they look like a Chargers concept that swapped yellow swapped out for orange. 



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1 minute ago, Chromatic said:

Remove the '5280's from the helmet, pants and collars


Replace the tail light helmet stripe with a single orange one.


Fix the shoulder stripe so it extends all the way across and looks like an actual mountain instead of a lightning bolt


Remove the "speed holes", this isn't a car.


Extend all of the pants stripes from waist to ceiling.


I think this would make them decent. Right now they look like Chargers uniforms that yellow swapped out for orange. 



Oh, I see we’ve finally cross the “this team looks like this team” threshold.

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The last set felt iconic and was trend-setting when it released -- hard to believe they'll be thrown back to in the future. I actually preferred the navy jerseys over the orange ones with that template and felt there was enough of a foundation there to improve and modernize the set without starting from scratch.

If they were going to go in a different direction, the answer was to obviously switch to their new throwbacks permanently.

As it stands, it feels to me like they completely whiffed here. I'm thinking we'll be seeing new uniforms for Denver in another 5 years. Perhaps they want to jump on that cycle.

A lot to unpack here but a quick thought from what I've seen -- the navy helmet looks pretty good (I like the new finish) but I'm afraid that helmet "stripe" is going to look ridiculous from viewing distance on Sundays. The horse simply doesn't work for me on the white helmet and it will look even worse as the white elements of the logo are lost.

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My NFL concept series (in progress) --ATL, CLE, NE, WAS done. AZ updated 04/21/23.

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Just now, DCarp1231 said:

Oh, I see we’ve finally cross the “this team looks like this team” threshold.

I'm not saying they look like the Chargers, I'm saying this jersey looks like a concept for the Chargers you'd see here. 

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My issue with the Broncos upgrade is that they went from very dynamic uniforms to very traditional (stale to be more critical). The Bronco logo remains dynamic (curves and forward moving), but none of the elements on the new uniforms do anything but stand still.


I believed the old ones outlived their worth, but the direction they went is very disappointing. 



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The white helmets worked last year because they paired them with an orange uniform. They still think they're a navy-first team, while featuring more orange than they have in years.  Ditching navy for royal blue would help some of the aesthetics but not the gimmicky b.s. of course. 


Getting lost in all of this is how terrible the helmet "stripe" is. 

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