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Interesting fact about TheCarolina Panthers Logo


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I see what some of you guys are saying, but unless you hear it through the grapevine that the logo is supposed to be the two states, you're not gonna see it. To me, that's not at all effective. I do like the logo, but it almost seems to me that they designed the logo as it is and any similarity in shape is coincidental.

It?s not meant to be subliminal advertising, just a way of tying into the Carolina's.


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The point is is that's why the Panthers logo is slanted to the left. The point is is that's why it's heavy on the right.

My gosh, this isn't SUPPOSED to be anything but extremely subtle. But that subtlety is why the logo looks the way it looks.

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You guys didn't even notice that my Avatar is in the shape of Wyoming. A little too subtle, I guess.

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I see it guys! :lol: Actually it would be a lot closer if paint would let me rotate it less than 180 and more than 90. Stupid Paint.


Ohh! I see it now after you behead the Panter. :lol:


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The point is is that's why the Panthers logo is slanted to the left. The point is is that's why it's heavy on the right.

My gosh, this isn't SUPPOSED to be anything but extremely subtle. But that subtlety is why the logo looks the way it looks.

You guys are reaching.


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if you stretch and rotate and add and subtract from ANY logo enough times you can make it resemble just about anything you want

that's true...I've seen (and used a couple times) a Flyers P that was warped so as to resemble a bird head. it's pretty cool if you haven't seen it. :D


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this has been discussed here over and over...

the designers, which i have worked with, did intend to have the logo resemble the general feel of the two (states like shown above, thanks Survival) to energize the fan base in the region.

as for the Bobcats in SC, they're still using the old Hornets practice facilities in Ft Mill, SC, just across the I-77 border. so for the near future SC is a temporary home. the new arena in downtown Charlotte will be open this summer/fall and the new practice facilities will be housed there. Charlotte is on the NC/SC border so attracting all the SC folks who work in CLT is a major factor for the Bobcats.

Carolina Dreamin'


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I would almost think that if this was the intent that they could have done a better job. Specifically, they could have cropped the neck so it to more accurately reflect S. Carolina's west border, which runs diagnally. The neck is cropped to be nearly horizontal. To be honest, the shape of the logo looks more like N. Carolina alone than the combination of both states right now to me...


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the designers, which i have worked with, did intend to have the logo resemble the general feel of the two (states like shown above, thanks Survival) to energize the fan base in the region.

To "energize" the fan base? Marketing buzzword alert!!

I mean no disrespect, but it amazes me how otherwise astute business people buy into marketing hype. Pardon my going outside sports for an example, but how in God's name did some marketing firm convince Delta Air Lines to remove the so-called "widget" - a mark recognized universally as Delta's - from their aircraft tails and replace it first with a modified look and finally with the crap the marketing firm calls "flowing fabric" - something that has no meaning to anyone anywhere?

Old - 289672.jpg

1st Mod - 471016.jpg

New - 557453.jpg

No doubt the old look needed freshening but "flowing fabric"? Please. It sure hasn't "energized" Delta.

If the intent was to look like the Carolinas, fine...but again...any subtlety that's so subtle as to be unnoticed by the large majority is pointless.


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As it does to me.

This smells of urban legend. I'd have to see public confirmation from the team or designers before I believed it.

Why wouldn't somebody admit it, if true?

So they can hide the fact that next year they're changing their name to the South Carolina Panthers of North Carolina ^_^


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To be honest, the shape of the logo looks more like N. Carolina alone than the combination of both states right now to me...


The angle where the cat's upper and lower jaws meet is about where Myrtle Beach is. I concede that they took major liberties with this, but I can see it. South Carolina makes up the cat's lower face and the bottom edge of the neck.

I feel like this is a discussion about those "Magic Eye" prints that were so popular a couple years ago, where there was a spaceship or a horse hidden in the print design - either you see it, or you don't.

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