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Flames observation


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Something I noticed tonight, thought it might be of interest ...

The Calgary Flames called up Richie Regehr, brother of Robyn Regehr, for tonight's games vs. Minnesota. In watching the game on TSN, I noticed that they didn't go with "Ri. Regehr" and "Ro. Regehr" nameplates or the like. It was just "Regehr" for both. Robyn was wearing 28, Richie 49.

Perhaps they just aren't anticipating Richie being around long. I dunno ... just throwing it out there.

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I'm glad to see Richie finally made it to the NHL. I watched him played junior hockey here in Portland and he has quite alot of potential. Cool too that he got to suit up with his brother, that would be something else. I'm surprized Richie went with #49, as he wore 5 during his career in Portland and Kelowna.


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The Niedermayers in Anaheim don't wear initials and neither do the Thorntons in San Jose. Numbers oughta be enough to tell the difference.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Neither do Cam Ward and Aaron Ward for Carolina.

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I agree with both of Gradients Kick Butt's points.

The first time I looked at the screen last night, I was wondering why Robyn Regehr was wearing 49. Then they flashed Richie's name onscreen...identification problem solved. I always thought jerseys with first names or initials looked a bit strange.

On a side note, I bet it was quite a blast to play in your first NHL game on the same team as your brother (or to have your brother play his first NHL game on your team)!

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The Niedermayers in Anaheim don't wear initials and neither do the Thorntons in San Jose.Β  Numbers oughta be enough to tell the difference.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Neither do Cam Ward and Aaron Ward for Carolina.

And yet, Carolina's Kevyn Adams has no leading initial and Craig Adams (called up earlier in the fall) does.

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I'm glad to see Richie finally made it to the NHL. I watched him played junior hockey here in Portland and he has quite alot of potential. Cool too that he got to suit up with his brother, that would be something else. I'm surprized Richie went with #49, as he wore 5 during his career in Portland and Kelowna.

I, too, got to watch Richie play with Hawks and it's great to see that he finally got to play in the NHL with his brother. As for the number issue, I don't know if #5 is being worn in Calgary (and I'm too lazy to go check! :P) but if you think of #49 as 4 taken away from 9, that gives you... 5!!!


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On a side note, I bet it was quite a blast to play in your first NHL game on the same team as your brother (or to have your brother play his first NHL game on your team)!

It was probably even more of a blast to get his first NHL assist on the game-winning goal too. ^_^

Actually, that goal looked like Richie Regehr scored it from the point shot, but I guess Steven Reinprecht must have tipped it in front.

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I saw Richie play here in Lowell last season. Statistically, he had an ok season (25 points or so), but I do remember he played hard and hustled every time out on the ice. His brother Robyn came by a few times to watch him play (what else was he going to do with all his free time?)

I think Robyn is spelled that way because the family is part Brazilian.

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looks like the sedin twins are an example of brothers that do use the extra initial


In that case, any help we can get to distinguish them is welcome.

Yeah, that's kinda unusual. It's rare enough to see brothers on the same team, let alone twin brothers.

With that being said, I know its a different sport but for the Pistons, the Wallaces don't wear initials on their back, but I guess it's pretty easy to tell the Afroman from Sheed.



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Yeah, I would guess the reason that the Sedin's have the H. and D. is becuase they are twins and even their body language looks alike. I think when you have a situation like that (and numbers like 22 and 33) it probably really helps out the comentators to have the first initials.

And Frylock, good too see another Hawks fan here on the board. (Great game last night, did you go?) I didnt think about the 9-4 thing and no 5 isnt being worn nor is it retired. Unless some other prospect already had claim to it, but I dont know of anyone or how that works exactly.

Just wondering JPSlapshot, what number did Richie wear last year?


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I'd like to see all teams just put the guy's last name, and let the number tell you the difference.


...across a jersey bothers the crap out of me.

Side Note: I think the funniest thing I've seen on this board was a photo once of a QB, and the defender's name on his jersey was "Jackson Sr." or something liek that. I didnt notice at forst, but then someone (WiB?) posted, "Does that mean that junior is on the team, too?"

Hysterical. Still laugh about that.

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On the subject of Regehr (Robyn), he has to be the absolute worst choice to be on Team Canada for Turin.

Booo team Canada for that selection! Many other deserving players out there **cough** PHANEUF **cough** for example, regardless of whether he's a rookie or not.

Regehr is a great choice for Torino...

(Although I'd like to have seen Phaneuf as well)

Richie was called up due to injuries to the Flames blueline--he may stay up for a bit, he may not be up too long.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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