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Girl scores 113 Points in HS Basketball Game


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Just heard on Sportscenter that a girl from a NYC High School scored 113 points in a basketball game, easily breaking the state record for points in a game. I have not been able to find a story for this. I believe the news has just been released because ESPN just quickly mentioned it at the conclusion of the 11 o'clock Sportscenter.

"I must be butter, because I'm on a roll."

Turn Two Design // Facebook

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54 of 60 from the floor, now that's impressive.


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137-32 !!! Thats uncalled for at a certain point you need to call of teh dogs and show some sportsmanship.

I agree with Tank here. When the girl has 58 points at halftime, the game is clearly in the bag. Show some class. I believe in the article it mentions how Lisa Leslie once had 101 points in the first half and refused to play the entire second half. If she had stayed in there she may have scored 200. At some point you have to know when to let up.

"I must be butter, because I'm on a roll."

Turn Two Design // Facebook

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137-32 !!! Thats uncalled for at a certain point you need to call of teh dogs and show some sportsmanship.

I agree with Tank here. When the girl has 58 points at halftime, the game is clearly in the bag. Show some class. I believe in the article it mentions how Lisa Leslie once had 101 points in the first half and refused to play the entire second half. If she had stayed in there she may have scored 200. At some point you have to know when to let up.

No, Lisa Leslie didn't refuse to play the second half. The opposing team did.


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I'm really not impressed with this "record". Sure you could claim she must have skill to score what she did, and perhaps if it were in a playoff game against another team of somewhat equal talent it might mean something. But beating up a weaker school just to see if one can break a record is neither an impressive accomplishment nor a good example of sportsmanship. Whoop-dee-doo so you humiliated another team by running up the score, the only thing stopping you was the clock.

There comes a point where it becomes less impressive and more selfish. Maybe the other team, had mostly underclassmen, maybe they were collectively short or slow, maybe they were poorly coached- who knows? And what kind of example does this girl's teammates get? "Sure this is a team sport, but one person gets to score all the points." I wonder just how effective the rest of this team might be if she ever twisted her ankle. I see her high school team floundering bad next season in her absence.

And in Wilt Chmaberlain & Kobe Bryant's cases at least the other teams were also a group of paid athletes. I suppose I'm one of those people that believes ametuer athletes should remember that everone here is playing for the love of the game. Defeating someone- even soundly is one thing, I cannot see any example of sportsmanship other that from the other team who decided to tough it out despite this little display.

She might be a talented player, but she cannot even say she did all this to get into college as she's already committed to ....Rutgers?!?!? :blink: Yeah, not exactly a basketball powerhouse, but a far better program than most of their other sports. Maybe a few years of getting her ass handed to her by other college teams, not to mention competing against her own teammates might put her in perspective. I highly doubt her coaches at Rutgers would approve of her ballhog ways.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Kinda puts Kobe's 81 in a difference perspective, huh? His actually came in a close game (well except deep in the 4th quarter).

The girl did nothing wrong, but her coach should be ashamed for: 1) having the other four girls continually "feed" this one girl so that only she would shine, and 2) not "calling off the dogs" as Tank said. Just uncalled for, really.

I just hope this girl makes it to the WNBA.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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On one level you have to be impressed with 113 points, but it sure would mean more if the other team had at least 70 points of their own.

I was at a high school game recently that was 8-1 with three minutes left and the game had gone to "running time" and, just after scoring goal #8, some Dad yells "Don't let up!!" <_< Dude, this is exactly when you are supposed to let up. Sheesh.


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There are too many gloryhounds in charge of athletic organizations. Everyone is trying to make SportsCenter. Take away the 113 points, and the game's 32-25, right? At some point, she should have been removed from the game. It serves no purpose besides ego-boosting to keep that player in the game beyond a 25 or 30-point lead. She will now come across as a very selfish player, and the coach a huge jerk for running up the score. Sure, her shooting percentage was phenomenal. But why was she allowed to put up 60 shots? Was she camped out in the paint? Did she tower over the opponents?

Sad thing is, blowout games are far more common in girls' basketball than boys'. Too few teams have basic fundamental skills to compete. The few teams that do have skilled players compete against the many that don't, and final scores of under 20 a game are the norm.

I've refereed about 10 high school games this year at the junior-varsity level. Granted, it's not varsity, but it's a good indication of things to come, and I've witnessed enough varsity games to know it for fact. I've had one game that was close this year, the winning margin was 2 points. all my other games averaged a 25-point margin of victory, with one game at 43 points.

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137-32 !!! Thats uncalled for at a certain point you need to call of teh dogs and show some sportsmanship.

I agree with Tank here. When the girl has 58 points at halftime, the game is clearly in the bag. Show some class. I believe in the article it mentions how Lisa Leslie once had 101 points in the first half and refused to play the entire second half. If she had stayed in there she may have scored 200. At some point you have to know when to let up.

No, Lisa Leslie didn't refuse to play the second half. The opposing team did.

Yeah, Morningside was playing South Torrance (one of my HS's rivals). I know the HS game uses quarters and all, but 101 points in a half has to be by far a better achievement.


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I agree with the sentiment that she should've been taken out,or been instructed to pass the ball. What do you need all of those points for? What does a 105 point victory mean?

I've coached, refereed, and volunteered for youth basketball for 10 years. There's nothing more infuriating than this. It happened to my team the other night -- we were down 30 points and the other team was showboating a little bit.

If I'm a referee, I look for any small violation -- palming, travelling, whatever -- and call her on it every time.

If I'm on the losing side of this, I tell my center that the next time she goes for a layup, foul her. HARD. Not dirty, not cheap, not meant to injure. Just go after the ball and put everything you have behind it. And keep doing it until she shoots from the outside or you foul out.


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I have to agree with some of you guys on this. 113 points is a lot but it depends on how you look at it. it's easy to see that the opposing team was really bad and she was really good, i mean last summmer against Ramara in soccer ! scored 6 goals and after the sixth, i looked over at my coach i he gave a signal to stop, but i was playing good. i only had like 8 shots so everything was going in. anyways at the end of the game the score was 22-0 and anyone who knows soccer knows well that's a pretty high score especially at the under 14 level. so if i where to score 6 goals against a good team it would be a lot more special. like my town record for the fastest 3 goals (3 goals in 2:30) even though my team lost that game 4-3 it was still better then the 6 goals game. so this girl is good at basketball but i want to see her go into a game against the best team and score 113 points in that game!

sorry for going on for so long just trying to get my point across.

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It is pretty ridiculous not to pull back after a lead that big. My team started off the game with a 17-0 lead a couple weeks ago. The halftime score was something like 28-10. My coach told us to just pass the ball around. We still won by about 10 points but it was much closer. Also some of our bigger players started taking 3-point shots in the second half, so it helped us practice in a game-time situation. I don't understand why some coaches won't put in there less-skilled players in when they have big leads. It only helps the team out. However today, everyone is worried about being the best and getting the best players. This coach isn't right, but there are way too many coaches like them. Sports are made into too big of a deal in today's world.

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The coach should have pulled her after the first half, how selfish. I see why Kobe got 80+, it was a competitive game, this was a slaughter and someone in High School Athletics Governing Board should suspend the coach.

Good idea. Here you go;


New York State Public High School Athletic Association

N.Y.S.P.H.S.A.A. Inc.

PHONE: (518) 439-8872 FAX: (518) 475-1556

E-MAIL option is at the bottom of their homepage.

Just because many of our pro athletes are spoiled showboats with no sportsmanship or class, doesn't mean our kids and their coaches need to be.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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If I was the coach, she'd come out about midway through the 2nd quarter. At this level, I don't want her getting hurt.

(I remember when Wagner got 100 points in a game - he was benched with 90 points in a game that Camden had well in hand... he begged his coach to let him score 100, which the coach did.)

Frankly, I was more impressed with a game a few years ago, where every player on the HS team's roster scored in double figures.


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The coach should have pulled her after the first half, how selfish. I see why Kobe got 80+, it was a competitive game, this was a slaughter and someone in High School Athletics Governing Board should suspend the coach.

Good idea. Here you go;


New York State Public High School Athletic Association

N.Y.S.P.H.S.A.A. Inc.

PHONE: (518) 439-8872 FAX: (518) 475-1556

E-MAIL option is at the bottom of their homepage.

Just because many of our pro athletes are spoiled showboats with no sportsmanship or class, doesn't mean our kids and their coaches need to be.

Nice thought, but if it was an NYC school, they're affiliated with something totally different...the PSAL, which I don't think works with NYSPHSAA

Hopefully someone from NYC would be kind enough to clear this up (if the PSAL is affiliated with the NYSPHSAA or not), I was never sure about it..


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