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Since 1988 I have waited for an NBA Championship. Through Jon Sunvold, Rory Sparrow, Rony Seikaly, Grant Long, Glen Rice, Steve Smith, Tim Hardaway, Alonzo Mourning, Dan Majerle, Shaquille O'Neal, and Dwyane Wade finally I can call the Heat NBA CHAMPIONS!

Ironically, the Gators and Heat both won basketball titles in the same year. I wonder how often that's happened where one state has taken both the pro and college titles of a sport.

I'm just so excited, and so happy for everyone. Pat Riley, Mourning, Payton, Shaq, asst. coach Askins. Everyone! GO HEAT! YEAAAAAH THIS IS AN AMAZING FEELING! WOOOHOOOO!






"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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By the way, extra credit to whoever can figure out who the tall guy is in my photo. He's a friend of mine, but I don't know if any of you would recognize him.

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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Ironically, the Gators and Heat both won basketball titles in the same year. I wonder how often that's happened where one state has taken both the pro and college titles of a sport.

There's nothing ironic about that. It's a coincidence, sure. But there certainly is no irony.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Ironically, the Gators and Heat both won basketball titles in the same year. I wonder how often that's happened where one state has taken both the pro and college titles of a sport.

Congrats to Miami, good to see another title in any sport coming to the state of Florida.

On the note of UF and Miami winning, I think I read somewhere that the Lakers and UCLA won it once in the same year, can't remember the year though.

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Ironically, the Gators and Heat both won basketball titles in the same year.  I wonder how often that's happened where one state has taken both the pro and college titles of a sport.

There's nothing ironic about that. It's a coincidence, sure. But there certainly is no irony.

That is very true. I was going to say the same thing.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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It pains me so to root for a former Marquette Golden Chicken, but it was nice to see Dwayne Wade win his first NBA title (even though I was rooting for the Mavs in this series).

On a personal note, I'm glad to see hockey and basketball finally end their seasons so I can finally concentrate on baseball.


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am I the only one who's picked up on how Dwayne Wade's shoe commercial slogan makes no sense? Fall down 7 times get up 8. You can't get up more times than you fall down. If you fall down 7 times the most times you could possibly get up is 7.


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am I the only one who's picked up on how Dwayne Wade's shoe commercial slogan makes no sense? Fall down 7 times get up 8. You can't get up more times than you fall down. If you fall down 7 times the most times you could possibly get up is 7.

It's the same principle as giving 110%, considering the fact that it's mathematically impossible for anybody to give more than 100% effort in any given task (thank you, Mr. Burns's softball ringers)...


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I was against the Heat...but now I realized that if they got Gary Payton, Alonzo Mourning, and Antoine Walker (the guy who chucks up 3 pointers for the hell of it) to be role players to follow Dwyane Wade, who is MJ reincarnate, then this is a great team. Hooray Heat :D



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Finally? Yeah, it's been a brutal 18 years for the fans of the Heat. :rolleyes:

Noone has the right to say "Finally" except for Knicks fans, let's get that straight, lol.

All hatred aside, what can I say? The Heat took full advantage of what was given to them, and you absolutely cannot take that away from them. Sure, I don't think there was a foul in Game 5, sure I and most other non-Heat fans think Dwyane Wade is untouchable in the referees eyes, but that's the NBA - thats always been the NBA. As a Knicks fan, I witnessed Larry Johnsons four-point play on a phantom foul, so I really can't complain too much about the refs. Miami took care of buisness, Dallas didn't. Game over.

That said, I think it's worth noting that Dallas gave away this series in the last 6 minutes of Game 3. Blowing a 13 point lead like that was the worst way they could've lost that game (combined with GP's game winner). Miami had their heads down after Game 2, and the last thing Dallas needed to do was give Miami and DWade confidence. The rest is history. Rode all 3 home games and taking care of home court advantage, and then totally showing up Dirk to be the softy we all hoped he wasn't.

So I guess I have to swallow my pride and say congrats to the Heat for proving everyone wrong, including myself.

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that anyone living anywhere else has got to be, in some sense, kidding."

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Since 1988? Wow, your long and tortured wait is over. As noted above, Chicago northsiders, Knicks fans, Astros fans, Indians fans, Maple Leafs fans, Suns fans, etc. all say "please shut up".

Well, I was actually there last night for game 6, and I can say that the Heat played much better than the Mavs in an extremely hostile environment and deserved to win...the game. The series? That's debatable. They were handed two of their wins by some seriously awful officiating, and that is too bad.

And yes, Wade is awesome. I think he's the best player in the NBA right now. But it's very hard to defend him when you can't breathe on or look directly at him.

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Hard not to feel happy for DWade.

Hard not to barf a little knowing guys the likes of Antoine "Chucker" Walker, The Griesel and Gary Payton rode his coattails to a title.

Typical NBA series full of unprovable, but obvious slanted officiating (both ways) to try to engineer a classic 7 gamer. Was there any doubt that after Wade's second missed FT the refs would call a ..........travel?!?! on both Heat rebounders to set up a final desperation 3? Travel? The NBA hasn't called travelling since the 60s...unless it suits the proper end of game scenario that is.

All that said, and as much as Dallas probably got jobbed a couple times, you really can't take anything away from the Heat. They stepped up and Dallas threw bricks.

Nicely done.

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The series?  That's debatable.  They were handed two of their wins by some seriously awful officiating, and that is too bad. 

Wait...are you talking about the Mavs-Spurs, or Heat-Mavs? Because I can't tell the difference. If you're going to tell me that the officiating was phenomenal in that second-round series, you're on crack. And if you're telling me that Dallas didn't get away with any calls against Miami (like a phantom Shaq foul on a Dirk jump shot in Game 3, or Dirk pushing Haslem on Terry's desperation 3-pointer in Game 6 before Payton grabbed Terry, or any of the 7 moving screens Dirk got away with in Game 6), then you need a strait jacket. I'll admit the Heat got a few calls here and there, but they didn't win the series due to bad officiating...

And not to pick on you, pflava, but reading posts on a number of sites, I've learned this...

People are always going to blame officiating because they need to have something to blame a bad performance. SEE: Super Bowl. It certainly isn't the Mavericks' fault that they blew a 13-point lead in the 4th quarter of Game 3 and a 14-point lead in the first half of Game 6. It certainly isn't Dirk Nowitzki's fault that he missed crucial free throws in Game 5. It isn't the Mavs fault that they assaulted Shaq in Game 5, which led to early FT bonuses, and therefore more FT's for anyone that got fouled (namely Wade). It couldn't possibly be Josh Howard's fault that he clearly signaled a timeout to the official not once but twice. It isn't the Mavs' fault they couldn't shoot straight when it mattered - I mean, every great team misses 10, 11 shots in a row in the 4th quarter, right? It couldn't be the Mavs fault that they stuck to the open jump-shot plan instead of driving to the basket and taking advantage of gracious refs. It MIGHT be the Mavericks' fault that they got blown out in Game 4...maybe...I'm sure there were some horrible calls that led to a 24 point loss. It certainly wasn't anything the Heat was doing. Seriously, it couldn't be any of those things...I mean, Mark Cuban and the Mavericks are pretty much God's gift to the NBA...so IT HAS TO BE THE REFS FAULT. DOWN WITH STERN!!! THIS LEAGUE IS F'IN RIGGED!!

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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