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Oklahoma City . . . Sonics?


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Here's the unfolding story.

Interesting move, especially in light of the fact that the fast food chain Sonic is headquartered in downtown OKC. In light of the impending return of the Hornets to New Orleans for 2007-08, the fact that Seattle can and should be a no-brainer expansion candidate should the (perceived) arena problem get resolved and the tremendous reception the NBA has received in OKC, I would have to believe the NBA would approve any proposed relocation plan. Please keep in mind that at this point there has been no formal word that the new ownership intends to seek a relocation but logic would suggest that's coming down the (Turner Turn)pike.

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So, does this mean the Seattle Hornets will be showing up in 2007?

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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So, does this mean the Seattle Hornets will be showing up in 2007?

No, I think the NBA is firmly committed to making New Orleans work, or at least giving them one hell of a shot. I think David Stern made it fairly clear that Seattle has to commit to building a brand new arena in order to curry favor with the league. Debate all you want about whether the gut rehab to Key was sufficient (comparing and contrasting at will to the Oakland Colisseum renovation); the NBA says it's not a facility for the long term. Accordingly, the NBA isn't going to deprive N.O. of a legitimate shot to keep the team which was displaced by a hurricane (again, debate all you want the sorry condition of the franchise before the first raindrop ever fell last August 31).

Now, if the folks in Seattle come up with the (private or public, or both) funds to build a brand new facility, then it seems like a guaranteed lock that they'd be on a fast track for a new franchise, not unlike the Charlotte situation. And I have to believe that the Sonics name will be left behind if in fact the team moves to OKC.

Oh, and here's an additional thought that just popped into my head -- my guess is that in order to avoid a rather uncomfortable situation, the NBA will likely schedule this year's SEA at NO-OKC game for one of the dates the team is supposed to play in N.O.

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Here's the unfolding story.

Interesting move, especially in light of the fact that the fast food chain Sonic is headquartered in downtown OKC. In light of the impending return of the Hornets to New Orleans for 2007-08, the fact that Seattle can and should be a no-brainer expansion candidate should the (perceived) arena problem get resolved and the tremendous reception the NBA has received in OKC, I would have to believe the NBA would approve any proposed relocation plan. Please keep in mind that at this point there has been no formal word that the new ownership intends to seek a relocation but logic would suggest that's coming down the (Turner Turn)pike.

I don't think the NBA would allow the team to use the Soinc moniker in OKC even if you stressed the "Super" part of it. Besides, the taxpayers of Washington State are pretty tired of bailing out every sports team in Seattle, especially after having to front the majority of costs to Safeco Field and Qwest Field. It's pretty much a done deal anyhow, seeing how OKC supported the Hornets this year.


The CCSLC's resident Geelong Cats fan.

Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends. Sounds like something from a Rocky & Bullwinkle story arc.

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and yet I'm sure the cities of Bellevue and/or Renton would love to have the Sonics.

I foresee Howard Schultz becoming the most hated man in Seattle...


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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I don't think the NBA would allow the team to use the Soinc moniker in OKC even if you stressed the "Super" part of it.

Well, OKC does have somewhat of a connection given the presence of Tinker AFB on the south side of the metroplex, however I don't believe any supersonic aircraft have ever used that facility. And since the ownership group doesn't have a connection (to my knowledge) to my 4 year old's favorite burger purveyor, I doubt there would be the same kind of corporate cross contamination issues that squelched the hopes of the Memphis (not Express but) Grizzlies.

Nonetheless, I believe that the NBA would likely want to reserve the SuperSonics name and identity given the fact that the franchise has a 40 year history and has an NBA championship to its name. It also makes for a nice carrot to dangle in front of the powers that be in the Emerald City and its surrounding communitites. And I believe that the powers that be in OKC want to ensure that their first major league pro franchise carries a fresh identity - one that ties in with the region. I think Twisters would be a good name - full of dynamic, powerful imagery and it also makes a darn good complement to the WNBA franchise's name - the Storm, whom I'm assuming would also make the move southwest.

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I don't think the NBA would allow the team to use the Soinc moniker in OKC even if you stressed the "Super" part of it.

Well, OKC does have somewhat of a connection given the presence of Tinker AFB on the south side of the metroplex, however I don't believe any supersonic aircraft have ever used that facility. And since the ownership group doesn't have a connection (to my knowledge) to my 4 year old's favorite burger purveyor, I doubt there would be the same kind of corporate cross contamination issues that squelched the hopes of the Memphis (not Express but) Grizzlies.

Nonetheless, I believe that the NBA would likely want to reserve the SuperSonics name and identity given the fact that the franchise has a 40 year history and has an NBA championship to its name. It also makes for a nice carrot to dangle in front of the powers that be in the Emerald City and its surrounding communitites. And I believe that the powers that be in OKC want to ensure that their first major league pro franchise carries a fresh identity - one that ties in with the region. I think Twisters would be a good name - full of dynamic, powerful imagery and it also makes a darn good complement to the WNBA franchise's name - the Storm, whom I'm assuming would also make the move southwest.

The deal does include the Storm as well.

Getting back to the potential name, I hope the NBA goes the route of the NFL and retire the Supersonics name and require the team to select a new name.

One other thing that could come out of this, assuming the NBA grants Seattle a new team, could the NBA grow to 32 teams? This may bring back Kansas City or Pittsburgh to the league, or perhaps it would open the door for Las Vegas to enter.


The CCSLC's resident Geelong Cats fan.

Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends. Sounds like something from a Rocky & Bullwinkle story arc.

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So we should expect the Hornets to remain in OKC for this 06-07 season and then they will return to New Orleans in 07-08, while the OKC-Group-Owned Sonics will stay in Seattle for the 06-07 season and then relocate to Oklahoma City for the 07-08 season, once the Hornets are back in NO, and then we should see an expansion team in Seattle that will be granted by the NBA whenever Seattle comes to terms with a new arena? Whew.

Seattle should keep the Sonics until the OWNERS pay for their own arena or a Seattle suburb steps in and offers the Sonics a home. The Sonics have been in Seattle too long to move now. The Sonics are the most history-filled sports franchise (as well as the oldest) in the city. Oklahoma City needs to start new with an expansion team and not with the Sonics who belong to Seattle, or the Hornets who haven't really even stayed in a city long enough to "belong" to a city's citizens. OKC needs a clean slate to start their first ever professional sports franchise in the city. As for the Hornets, they had enough problems getting fans to the arena before Katrina and need to show a strong following in 07-08 when their Hornets show back up in New Orleans. Or else Stern will be shipping them off as soon as that All-Star Game is over.

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Both Renton and Bellevue have been involved with talks (although I don't know how fruitful those talks were). Renton already has the Seahawks, and the available land.

This whole thing makes me irate, and I get so tired of ownership dangling the "we're gonna move" sign over fan's heads whenever they don't get their way. It happened when the M's almost moved to Tampa, and when the Hawks almost moved to Anaheim. Schultz doesn't like the deal with the city? He shouldn't have signed it in the first place.


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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I don't think the NBA would allow the team to use the Soinc moniker in OKC even if you stressed the "Super" part of it.

Well, OKC does have somewhat of a connection given the presence of Tinker AFB on the south side of the metroplex, however I don't believe any supersonic aircraft have ever used that facility. And since the ownership group doesn't have a connection (to my knowledge) to my 4 year old's favorite burger purveyor, I doubt there would be the same kind of corporate cross contamination issues that squelched the hopes of the Memphis (not Express but) Grizzlies.

Nonetheless, I believe that the NBA would likely want to reserve the SuperSonics name and identity given the fact that the franchise has a 40 year history and has an NBA championship to its name. It also makes for a nice carrot to dangle in front of the powers that be in the Emerald City and its surrounding communitites. And I believe that the powers that be in OKC want to ensure that their first major league pro franchise carries a fresh identity - one that ties in with the region. I think Twisters would be a good name - full of dynamic, powerful imagery and it also makes a darn good complement to the WNBA franchise's name - the Storm, whom I'm assuming would also make the move southwest.

The deal does include the Storm as well.

Getting back to the potential name, I hope the NBA goes the route of the NFL and retire the Supersonics name and require the team to select a new name.

One other thing that could come out of this, assuming the NBA grants Seattle a new team, could the NBA grow to 32 teams? This may bring back Kansas City or Pittsburgh to the league, or perhaps it would open the door for Las Vegas to enter.

When the Grizzlies left ofr Memphis, Fed Ex was prepared to rename the team the Memphis Express, in addition to the naming rights for the venue, since their HQ is Memphis. The NBA said no, so I am sure that they could not keep that name. As for the WNBA team, when Utah moved to San Antonio, they added "silver", but dropped the double-z.

I think they are moving to the Ford Center if true. Have you noticed that there has not been any news about interest in the Blazers/Rose Garden. Bad team aside, you cannot make money in a one team town? (Then again, look how George Shinn lost favor in Charlotte or the late Hugh Culverhouse with the Buccaneers. Hugh made big $$$ though.)

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Remember, the Hornets are on the upside because of Chris Paul and the suddenly talent-studded roster should bring them into the playoffs for quite awhile. So New Orleans should be able to manage at least a few sellouts in their first season back in 2007-08. So frankly, the Hornets are staying put in New Orleans.

It's unfortunate for the Northwest in Basketball right now; both of them are losing money, though not for poor fans and attendance (Seattle is constricted by a terrible lease and Portland just keeps screwing over itself). And both are among the most likely to be leaving their homes, even with their great histories to their home cities. Hopefully, the Sonics remain in Seattle; or at the very least, the identity and history of the Sonics there.

Yet with the article from ESPN, there's a note that there were various bids from other cities looking for an NBA team, such as Kansas City and (surprisingly) San Jose. What's really interesting is that there was an anonymous city that offered a "blank check" to purchse the Sonics. Wonder which city that was? *coughs*sincity*coughs*.


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Tell me why it makes sense for the city of Seattle to so capriciously thumb their noses at the oldest sports franchise in Seattle?

Tell me why it makes sense for Schultz to quickly sell the team to a group in OKC and believe they're gonna keep the team in Seattle?

Tell me why it makes sense for OKC, a city that has a pretty good relationship with the Hornets, to pursue a team two time zones away?

Tell me why it makes sense for George Shinn to take his Hornets back to New Orleans when he lost money there to begin with, the Hornets and New Orleans have no history there, and he basically sold out 35 games in OKC?

And tell me why David Stern is ok with all of this?


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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Tell me why it makes sense for the city of Seattle to so capriciously thumb their noses at the oldest sports franchise in Seattle?

Tell me why it makes sense for Schultz to quickly sell the team to a group in OKC and believe they're gonna keep the team in Seattle?

Tell me why it makes sense for OKC, a city that has a pretty good relationship with the Hornets, to pursue a team two time zones away?

Tell me why it makes sense for George Shinn to take his Hornets back to New Orleans when he lost money there to begin with, the Hornets and New Orleans have no history there, and he basically sold out 35 games in OKC?

And tell me why David Stern is ok with all of this?

-The city of Seattle doesnt want to put out the money for another sports venue because they already put of alot of money for the Mariners' SAFCO FIELD and the Seahawks' QUEST FIELD.

-Schultz accually took his time with the selling of the Sonics because most of the offers he recieved were accually offering more money than the OKC group, the only problem is they wanted to move the team out of Seattle immediatly. Including a group offering a blank check. The OKC group will honor the Seattle lease, and will pursue a new arena, though i dont think they will pursue hard enough because they want to move them also.

-The Hornets are committed to New Orleans. The Hornets will also honor their lease to N.O. So dont expect the Hornets to move to OKC before the Sonics commit to. The Sonics also are the only team for sale that can more than likely be relocated. The Blazers are for sale but dont expect them to leave Portland. The time zones don't matter because the Grizzlies moved from Vancover to Memphis, a longer distance, and are completly successful.

-As much as your right about this question and I totally agree. Again The Hornets have a lease with New Orleans and they say they are committed to their lease and the city. David Stern also does not want the Hornets to leave with out atleast an attempt to revive themselves in New Orleans.

-David Stern is ok with this because the Sonics revenue share lease is the worst in the NBA. Seattle is acting as if they dont want nor appreciate the Sonics anymore. Stern is also very inpressed with Oklahoma City for their commetment not only to the Hornets but to the NBA. OKC already has an brand new NBA ready arena, like u said sold out most the Hornets, and have proven to jump ahead of other cities want an NBA team with their support of the Hornets, making them #1 city for relocation or expansion, even before Las Vegas. The Hornets are commetted to N.O. So why not move the Sonics to OKC.

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NBA by 2010-2011


SuperSonics to Oklahoma City

Kings to Las Vegas

Clippers to Anaheim

Nets to Brooklyn


Kansas City & Seattle


Warriors drop Golden State for Oakland

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