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Isiah is insane


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6 years 30 million to Jefferies? Didn't he just draft Renaldo Balkmen who I believe is a F. They already have channing and Frye at the PF spot which Jefferies played. Even if they put him at SF it still makes very little sense.

Isiah is the worst GM in all of sports.

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6 years 30 million to Jefferies? Didn't he just draft Renaldo Balkmen who I believe is a F. They already have channing and Frye at the PF spot which Jefferies played. Even if they put him at SF it still makes very little sense.

Isiah is the worst GM in all of sports.

can't any be worse than Milbury.



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6 years 30 million to Jefferies? Didn't he just draft Renaldo Balkmen who I believe is a F. They already have channing and Frye at the PF spot which Jefferies played. Even if they put him at SF it still makes very little sense.

Isiah is the worst GM in all of sports.

can't any be worse than Milbury.

He is worse than milbury. Atleast milbury has stopped acquiring big useless contracts.

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Isiah is the worst GM in all of sports.

Not to mention the worst team president and the fact that we'll soon find out that he's also the worst head coach, too.

What's happened to this team is inconceivable. They were in the finals less than a decade ago and now they're the laughing stock of all professional sports.

Save the slugalo.

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i believe our last big contract was to that useless piece of crap, Alexei Yashin.

Wasn't that a 10 year deal in a hard cap league?

I think the Millbury/Wang/Snow love triangle is giving the Knicks a serious run for their money.

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Well I guess it's my duty to respond to any thread involving Jared Jeffries. He's been my favorite player since Dec. 10, 2004 when I went to my first ever Wizards game and saw him have an excellent performance including a monster dunk that turned the tide of the game on Jared Jeffries bobblehead night nonetheless (Ironically, they were playing the Knicks). From that night on I've been a diehard Wizards and Jeffries fan. I even bought a personalized Jeffries #1 jersey this winter which I'm pretty sure is the only Jeffries jersey in existence, besides the ones he wore obviously. Needless to say I've been checking NBA transactions page regularly ever since the Knicks offered him the deal and it is disappointing to see him go. Although I'll continue to root for Washington, Jared will still have this fan's support.

Now as for the actual deal, I agree that Isiah is the worst GM in sports, period. Jeffries can play anywhere from 2 to 5 but I don't see him as an improvement over the current starters 2-5 on the Knicks, even if most of the players are combo guards or combo forwards like Jeffries, which begs to ask the question, "Why are you paying someone starters money for someone who won't start?" For the money that the Knicks are spending on Jeffries the Wizards were able to get Deshawn Stevenson and Darius Songaila. Both of whom you could argue are better individually than Jared.

In summary: Good move on paper for the Wizards, another "What was he thinking?" for Isiah. Still doesn't make losing a fan favorite any easier.


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Jim Vance of WRC-4 here in DC made a crack on the 11 PM newscast tonight, saying that Jeffries "should use some of that money to get a mental evaluation" for wanting to play with the Knicks. Touche.


Tomorrow's just your future yesterday.

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i believe our last big contract was to that useless piece of crap, Alexei Yashin.

Wasn't that a 10 year deal in a hard cap league?

Wasn't that deal made long before the cap was in place?

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Jeffries was a rookie in the 2002-2003 season. That means he's now a four-year vet. I think at the four-year mark, you have a good handle on whether or not a player will be worth $6M per year.

Isaiah is a complete idiot. Once I heard Jeffries was a free agent and the Knicks were interested, I knew the Wizards would say goodbye. Good for Jared because that's a lot of money, but the Knicks are just beyond repair at this point. What a shame for one of the league's marquee franchises to be so bad!

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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