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Disgusting Hit


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Okay first off, I am a Leaf fan, NOT Kaberle fan.

But that hit in which Janssen BLIND-SIDED NOT LEVELED (as was reported on a New Jersey paper) Thomas Kaberle was disgusting!

When you literally line someone else up for at least 10 seconds, you should be suspended..or at least given a penalty. Referees Kelly Sutherland and Brad Watson did not call a penalty and were blind and stupid to what was unfolding in front of them.

OH and JANSSEN is a :censored: for hitting him and running the hell away from the Toronto players. If he is going to do something so weak and pathetic he shouldn't be hiding in his bench for that.

Here's the link for torontomapleleafs.com story about it..and if you google Kaberle's hit you can notice the difference in language when comparing NJ papers and Toronto. Kaberle's Injury

Any NJ fans should hang your heads in shame....especially since the late 6-4 only got you one point from a badly called penalty. (stajan's late 'hooking' penalty)


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Well it was a nice hit by Janssen, no doubt about it, but it was at the wrong time. Kaberle gave up possession of the puck long before the hit. As a defensemen myself, I hate when forwards do that.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Well it was a nice hit by Janssen, no doubt about it, but it was at the wrong time. Kaberle gave up possession of the puck long before the hit. As a defensemen myself, I hate when forwards do that.

man i normally agree wih everything you say, but are you blind? Nice hit? did you even watch he clip,it was a head shot! With his Elbow! A Charge, and interference! Last time i checked that's not a nice hit. The Devils knew it was a dirty hit which is why Janssen didn't see the ice the rest of the game. Guys like him and Avery don't make nice hits they make cheap dirty ones like that one.

Plus you kinda contradict what you said of that bat. you say it was a nice hit, then say Kaberle gave up the puck way before it. So it's not a shoulder to shoulder hit, it' not a nice hit,because nodbody expects to be hit when they've given up possession 5 seconds earlier.

I don't kno if anyone saw this but DarcyTucker earned a lot of respect from me last night. He cam from the dressing room to the area by the bench and got into a argument with Janssen after the hit.

Go Job Darcy! :hockeysmiley:

Go Leafs Go!

edit} fixed it sorry about the previous state it was in.

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Well it was a nice hit by Janssen, no doubt about it, but it was at the wrong time. Kaberle gave up possession of the puck long before the hit. As a defensemen myself, I hate when forwards do that.

man i normally agree wih everything you say, but are you blind? Nice hit? dd you even watch he clip,it was a head shot! With his Elbow! A Charge, and interference! Last time i checked tht' not a nice hit. The Devls new it was a dirty hit which is why Janssen didn't see theic therest of the game. Guys like him and Avery on't make nice hits tey make cheap dirty ones lie that one.

Plus you kina contradict wat you said ofthat bat. you say i was a nice hit, then say Kaberlegave upthe puck way before it. So en i it's a houldr o shouler hit, it' not a nice hit.,because nodbody expects to be hitwhen they've given up possession 5 seconds earlier.

I dn't kno if anone sawthis bt DarcyTucker arned alot of resect fro me las night. e camfom the dressing room to the area by the bench and got into a argumentwith Janssen after the hit.

Go Job Darcy! :hockeysmiley:

Go Leafs Go!

Please proof read your posts, or use the latest Firefox (it has a built-in spell-checker as you type). I can hardly understand what you said there.

Anyways, I'm not a Leafs fan whatsoever, but I think it was a very dirty hit - no doubt about it. Janssen was a straight-up goon on that play. I'm looking forward to the next Leafs-Devils game. Could be better than Ottawa-Buffalo, especially if the score isn't close.

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Alright this was the first chance I got to look at it real speed (I won't look at slow motion replays for hit, they are useless). I had heard it live on the radio coming back from the Maryland-Duke Lacrosse game but did not get a chance to see it a real speed.

Here are my thoughts. It was a late hit that deserved to be a penalty but it wasn't as bad as you make it out to be. I don't think the intent to injure was there if you look at Janssen's past hits they tend to be borderline like that as far as their lateness goes. Kaberle wasn't blindsided, Janssen came right at him in front of him. Kaberle should have seen him but his was admiring his pass which is a no-no. That made the hit seem worse that it was. That said it should have been a 2 minute penalty but nothing more. He won't get suspended (nor should he because the intent to injure wasn't there) because a penalty was not called and the league doesn't like to show up the refs like that.

Leafs fans should shut up to. This wasn't as bad as Domi's elbow to Niedermayer's head in the 2001 playoffs which was not only away from the play but was also an elbow. Niedermayer wasn't the same after that in the playoffs and it probably cost the Devils the Stanley Cup that year. Also don't forget that Darcy Tucker isn't the most upstanding player out there either. So Leaf fans should shut up.

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A few thoughts come to mind:

What a bunch of shameless honks these two cads are on "Molson Leafs Hockey".

Sure its a local broadcast and the "homer" factor always goes up on this, but these two have been honking Leafs hockey for years now.

The hit was bad, but not as bad as the original poster, nor the commentators say it is. In fact, I've seen Leafs broadcast when the tables were turned where Leaf commentators are celebrating the hit.

This is a fanbase that celebrated the thuggery of Tie Domi for crying out loud, who has laid out many a hit far worse than the one depicted here.

It was a bad hit, no question, it just wasn't a "grave injustice" like the two clowns on the broadcast would have you believe.

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OH and JANSSEN is a :censored: for hitting him and running the hell away from the Toronto players. If he is going to do something so weak and pathetic he shouldn't be hiding in his bench for that.

Well, as Joe Bowen pointed out a lot in the seconds immediately after the hit, Jannsen was definately standing around and waiting for someone. Tucker did come up and give him some words, but the refs were there to stop anything from happening. Rest assured, it'll be kindling for those in favor of abolishing the instigator rule.

He definately lifted his feet up as he hit him though. It should have been a 2-minute, and possibly a 4 minute. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it is a one-game suspension. The NHL brass is having a hearing on it today.

While we are all aware of the track records of Tie Domi and Darcy Tucker, I do not recall any Leaf fan anywhere ever praising or celebrating a vicious hit any of them ever laid out. I know a lot of Leaf fans that hated Domi after the Niedermayer incident.

I do know a lot of respectable Leaf fans who lost a lot of respect for Scott Niedermayer when, after that Tie Domi elbow, he apparently called his wife on a cell phone while on the stretcher and said he was perfectly fine, he was just staying on the stretcher to embelish it. I certainly don't think that was the case though cause he apparently missed four games.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Okay first off, I am a Leaf fan, NOT Kaberle fan.

But that hit in which Janssen BLIND-SIDED NOT LEVELED (as was reported on a New Jersey paper) Thomas Kaberle was disgusting!

When you literally line someone else up for at least 10 seconds, you should be suspended..or at least given a penalty. Referees Kelly Sutherland and Brad Watson did not call a penalty and were blind and stupid to what was unfolding in front of them.

OH and JANSSEN is a :censored: for hitting him and running the hell away from the Toronto players. If he is going to do something so weak and pathetic he shouldn't be hiding in his bench for that.

Here's the link for torontomapleleafs.com story about it..and if you google Kaberle's hit you can notice the difference in language when comparing NJ papers and Toronto. Kaberle's Injury

Any NJ fans should hang your heads in shame....especially since the late 6-4 only got you one point from a badly called penalty. (stajan's late 'hooking' penalty)


That was a bonecrushing hit, no doubt about it and I hate to see players get injured like that. Get better soon, Kaberle but Babydoll, where were you when Chris Drury got destroyed by Chris Neil? I didn't see you complaining about that, is this kind of play only frowned upon when one of your beloved Leafs gets injured? What Toronto players? The announcers even said that Janssen looked around to see if any Leafs were coming. If Janssen is a :censored: for hitting Kaberle, then the rest of the Maple Leafs are :censored: for not sticking up for their injured teammate. As a Devils fan, I won't hold my head in shame, but I won't promote that hit in any positive manner. Should Senators fans hold their head in shame because of Neil's hit on Drury? I guess that part comes down to personal opinion.


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Well it was a nice hit by Janssen, no doubt about it, but it was at the wrong time. Kaberle gave up possession of the puck long before the hit. As a defensemen myself, I hate when forwards do that.

man i normally agree wih everything you say, but are you blind? Nice hit? dd you even watch he clip,it was a head shot! With his Elbow! A Charge, and interference! Last time i checked tht' not a nice hit. The Devls new it was a dirty hit which is why Janssen didn't see theic therest of the game. Guys like him and Avery on't make nice hits tey make cheap dirty ones lie that one.

Plus you kina contradict wat you said ofthat bat. you say i was a nice hit, then say Kaberlegave upthe puck way before it. So en i it's a houldr o shouler hit, it' not a nice hit.,because nodbody expects to be hitwhen they've given up possession 5 seconds earlier.

I dn't kno if anone sawthis bt DarcyTucker arned alot of resect fro me las night. e camfom the dressing room to the area by the bench and got into a argumentwith Janssen after the hit.

Go Job Darcy! :hockeysmiley:

Go Leafs Go!

Please proof read your posts, or use the latest Firefox (it has a built-in spell-checker as you type). I can hardly understand what you said there.

Yeah, no kidding. My 6 year-old cousin can put your spelling and grammar to shame.

sorry boys my key board isn't exactly working if i type to fast it doesn't register te characters correctly. I'm getting anew one soon so sorry.

P.S. any words that need a double letter the keyboard won't put the same character twice or some reason. It will be fixed soon, and i was a little ticked someone could call that hit clean, I mean it's an elbow, clear cut and he leaves his feet. So it was a big hit but in no way a clean one.

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Leafs fans should shut up to. So Leaf fans should shut up.

Just Leaf fans in general? Or just me?

Let's face it, Janssen should be suspended and fined.

And props to Tucker...that was amazing, he's been there all the time working to get back and for him to show himself to stand up for Kaberle like that was just so amazing. Speaking of which, Sundin should have done more than just complain to the refs.

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Originally I had written a post half-defending Janssen, but after watching it again at full speed... yeesh. That was pretty dirty.

Still don't think he caught him with his elbow, though.

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man i normally agree wih everything you say, but are you blind? Nice hit? dd you even watch he clip,it was a head shot! With his Elbow! A Charge, and interference! Last time i checked tht' not a nice hit. The Devls new it was a dirty hit which is why Janssen didn't see theic therest of the game. Guys like him and Avery on't make nice hits tey make cheap dirty ones lie that one.

Plus you kina contradict wat you said ofthat bat. you say i was a nice hit, then say Kaberlegave upthe puck way before it. So en i it's a houldr o shouler hit, it' not a nice hit.,because nodbody expects to be hitwhen they've given up possession 5 seconds earlier.

I dn't kno if anone sawthis bt DarcyTucker arned alot of resect fro me las night. e camfom the dressing room to the area by the bench and got into a argumentwith Janssen after the hit.

Go Job Darcy! :hockeysmiley:

Go Leafs Go!

sorry boys my key board isn't exactly working if i type to fast it doesn't register te characters correctly. I'm getting anew one soon so sorry.

P.S. any words that need a double letter the keyboard won't put the same character twice or some reason. It will be fixed soon, and i was a little ticked someone could call that hit clean, I mean it's an elbow, clear cut and he leaves his feet. So it was a big hit but in no way a clean one.


--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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