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Disgusting Hit


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As for the Fred/Matrix argument, you guys can stop now, and not restart. That'd be great. Doubly so the people trying to join up and choose sides. </mod>

You've got it Kevin.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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Fineeee, I'll back down... one of us has to show he has a pair of balls and frankly, Mr. Know-it-all makes up for his lack in them with his R/C airplane and diplomas. (And for the recrod, everything you mentioned in relation to the migration into East Germany I knew - just didn't have much relavance to the point I was making which was a disproportionate amount immigrated into the west which, during the time period you mentioned, caused East Germany to be the only country in the eastern bloc to sustain a decrease in population which was one of the contributing causes that lead to the erection of the Berlin Wall in order to prevent the population from decreasing further.)

I'm done with this, I shouldn't have to waste my time arguing with a man who acts like a whiny 13 year old. Grow up eh?


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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I will admit it was a little dirty I was at the game and didn't see it because I was looking at the puck, if Kaberle had the puck then it would be a different story but he had made the past and teh hit was a bit rough. Jansen should not get a big suspension but 3 games is probably right. I'm surprised there was no retaliation in the game I was waiting for it, but it never happened.



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I will admit it was a little dirty I was at the game and didn't see it because I was looking at the puck, if Kaberle had the puck then it would be a different story but he had made the past and teh hit was a bit rough. Jansen should not get a big suspension but 3 games is probably right. I'm surprised there was no retaliation in the game I was waiting for it, but it never happened.

if Pat Quinn was still our coach you would have seen that. But Paul Maurce knows how to keep players come, and likely told them Kaberle would rather them win the game than take a player out. Plus the fact as you stated i don't think ayone saw it.

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I will admit it was a little dirty I was at the game and didn't see it because I was looking at the puck, if Kaberle had the puck then it would be a different story but he had made the past and teh hit was a bit rough. Jansen should not get a big suspension but 3 games is probably right. I'm surprised there was no retaliation in the game I was waiting for it, but it never happened.

Paul Maurce knows how to keep players come

That's disgusting.

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I do see a great difference between this hit and the Drury hit... for one, the Drury hit didn't come nearly as late, nor did Neil jump for the hit, nor did he aim for the head (debatable) -- and the NHL agrees with me.

Now take off your homer glasses....

Are you saying some big late hits are clean, whereas other big late hits are dirty? Apparently to some, it depends on the teams playing.

I didn't say that Neil jumped. However, his upper arm and shoulder were in a rising, uppercutting motion before he hit Drury, and that can't be denied. I don't think any NHL player, other than Bertuzzi, is deliberately aiming for the head when they hit someone.

But the point is, Neil's hit of Drury was in the head area, and was after the puck had left Drury's stick. It was not a clean hit. Late hits are late hits.

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But the point is, Neil's hit of Drury was in the head area, and was after the puck had left Drury's stick. It was not a clean hit. Late hits are late hits.

It's not considered a late hit until the pass has been received. As long as the pass is is not received the passer is still "fair game."

Was Niel's hit in bad taste? Yes. By NHL rules, however, it was not a late hit seeing as Drury's pass had not yet been completed, intercepted, or broken up.

Kaberle's pass, on the other hand, had been completed, so by those same NHL rules Janssen's hit was late.

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I do see a great difference between this hit and the Drury hit... for one, the Drury hit didn't come nearly as late, nor did Neil jump for the hit, nor did he aim for the head (debatable) -- and the NHL agrees with me.

Now take off your homer glasses....

Are you saying some big late hits are clean, whereas other big late hits are dirty? Apparently to some, it depends on the teams playing.

Yes I'm clearly a homer... and so is the NHL, right? Janssen suspended, Neil unpunished.

Try attacking the non-Leafs fans in here that agree with me... can't use your witty one-liners against them.

Your last sentence is just idiotic... I never once said, EVER, that Neil's hit wasn't dirty! The only things I did was compare it to the Kaberle incident, in that the hit he received was far worse... In my opinion that Neil crap has no place in hockey -- but it is legal.


Chris Creamer
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It's not considered a late hit until the pass has been received. As long as the pass is is not received the passer is still "fair game."

I think you have to come up with a new definition of late hit. If someone sends a pass from his goal line to the red line or opposing blue line, does that mean he's fair game to get hit for longer than someone who passes the puck a couple metres away?

On topic, I dont think the hit on Drury and Kaberle are comparable. But I think both should've been punished. (good thing the hit on Kaberle was!) Any shot to the head should be punished, there's no need for it, and it's not like that was Neil's first questionable offense in his history.

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It's not considered a late hit until the pass has been received. As long as the pass is is not received the passer is still "fair game."

I think you have to come up with a new definition of late hit. If someone sends a pass from his goal line to the red line or opposing blue line, does that mean he's fair game to get hit for longer than someone who passes the puck a couple metres away?

I'm just letting everyone know what the NHL considers to be a late hit. It's up to a ref to interpret whether or not a hot was late or not. I would imagine the situation you described would be interpreted on a game to game basis depending on the officials.

It is stated in the NHL rule book, however, that a hit isn't "late" as long as the pass hasn't been received, intercepted, or broken up.

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Am I the only one who thought it was a simple late hit, aggrivated by the fact that his face hit the boards immediately after?

I thought it was a text book hit, but with illegal and jerky timing.

Then, what followed was the guy who got hit, falling face-first into the boards.

He came form in front of him, and I never saw anything that looked clearly like he used his elbow or hand.

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That's pretty much what I said, too, payno.

As for the pass being accepted, Icecap has a point. In USAH rules, the way the rules are written, the player can be checked as long as he has "posession and control," which is not transferred until another player receives the pass. I don't know how the NHL's are phrased, but they may well be the same way. Posession and control had obviously been transferred from Kaberle to his teammate long before the hit.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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But what would you expect from an old Norris Divison team

Didn't that division dry up and move to Texas? Remember the wretched unbalanced schedule back then?

Every time I looked up at the marquee at Maple Leaf gardens it seemed to always read:

TONIGHT: vs. Blues 7:30 PM

SATURDAY vs. Blues 8:00 PM

In between those two games, was an on the road game against the Blues.

The entire division and season was just a contest to see who would be humiliated by the vastly superior Smythe division.

"How long will the Norris bore us?" - became a pretty popular slogan at the time.

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Fineeee, I'll back down... one of us has to show he has a pair of balls and frankly, Mr. Know-it-all makes up for his lack in them with his R/C airplane and diplomas. (And for the recrod, everything you mentioned in relation to the migration into East Germany I knew - just didn't have much relavance to the point I was making which was a disproportionate amount immigrated into the west which, during the time period you mentioned, caused East Germany to be the only country in the eastern bloc to sustain a decrease in population which was one of the contributing causes that lead to the erection of the Berlin Wall in order to prevent the population from decreasing further.)

I'm done with this, I shouldn't have to waste my time arguing with a man who acts like a whiny 13 year old. Grow up eh?

Way to get that last word in while telling us all how you'll stop. Nice work.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Grow up? Isn't this hockey where every team has at least one "enforcer" and guys are allowed to act 10 years old so long as no one gets seriously injured? I'm kinda wondering, after the rep that a lot of people seem to think the Leafs have for cheap shots, why did not a single player on the team stand up for Kaberle, grow some testicles and take Janssen out? Forget the Leafs. Forget the Devils. Forget the Senators, the Canucks, the Flames, the North Stars or the Wolves for Chrissakes.

A late hit is a late hit. This...on the replays looks a lot worse than it was. What appears as him taking the butt of his stick to Kaberle's shoulder, slamming his head into the boards and then bringing the stick down on him, is really a hard check that came in too hard and late.

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