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2007-2008 NHL Logos & Uniforms


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there's no way that so-called Leafs leak could be real...i mean,c'mon...we'd be the laughing stock of the league(insert joke here)with that ginormous logo!!!thats insane....i had the chance to watch the special last year that showed the whole process the Leafs went thru in designing the logo for the Marlies....they tried to stay with the traditional and historical values of the nickanme.......i cant believe for one second that they would turn around and actually put something like that on our players(or expect Leaf fans to actually purchase those fugly things)...

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I love the way the sleeves hint at barberpole but retain a modern look. The number font probably needed to be condensed just a touch as those numbers like 22 and 25 are really wide.

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I like the new Sens jersey.

I don't think it's boring. You want boring? The old Red Wings jersey. That was boring.

This new jersey is clean, not overly cluttered, and I love the change-up of the barberpole-O for the shoulders. Not only does it harken back to the history of the old Senators, but it's something completely different than using two different POVs of the same logo.


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I love the numbers font, reminds me of Team Canada circa 98, if it's not exactly the same. Though I wouldn't have minded never seeing the all-star game socks again.

Overall I find it alright, I don't even mind the side panel tails from the back. If I had to choose between the two I'd say the white one looks a bit better since the sleeves striping seem to make more sense on them. I don't like too much colors on white sweaters, but they aren't overwhelming I find.

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Wow. Those Sens jerseys are atrocious. It doesn't even look like a hockey jersey.

Sure they don't have the so-hated piping, but my god, like the random blobs of color on the sleeves are better? Use points going right into their butt area? What the hell?

That represents absolutely nothing a hockey jersey is supposed to be :(

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Courtesy of hfboards

Oh hell no! Not those freaking ugly socks that all of a sudden look like dripping paint or whoever designed them on Illustrator with the pen tool was distracted and thought the stripe going from horizontal to thin vertical stripes looked good. A "B+" uniform falls to a "D-" or an "F" based on that one element! What we should do as a community is put together the best 5 designs for each team and send tie Bettman up and say that the league will adopt our better designs!



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Wow. Those Sens jerseys are atrocious. It doesn't even look like a hockey jersey.

Sure they don't have the so-hated piping, but my god, like the random blobs of color on the sleeves are better? Use points going right into their butt area? What the hell?

That represents absolutely nothing a hockey jersey is supposed to be :(

Looks like a hockey jersey to me.

Hi, how are you?

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Wow. Those Sens jerseys are atrocious. It doesn't even look like a hockey jersey.

Sure they don't have the so-hated piping, but my god, like the random blobs of color on the sleeves are better? Use points going right into their butt area? What the hell?

That represents absolutely nothing a hockey jersey is supposed to be :(

Not entirely sure what you mean by what a hockey jersey is *supposed* to look like. Do you mean classic looks? From what era? What era should be the determining one? Original Six? 60s Expansion? the 1800s and the really truly "original" looks?

Who determines that.. you? me? I guess Reebok now?

There is no *supposed* to be.. there is only what we've grown used to. Changes hurt, and sometimes more than others. These things for all teams will either stay and become accepted in time, or will be hated and eventually changed again as has happened throughout the history of the NHL.

C'est la vie, as they say.

Of course, when the Sharks unveil their monstrosities, all bets are off. ;)

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