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The OFFICIAL Weekly NFL Uniform Notes, Rants & Raves Thread


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I don't get on this site as often as I once did, so I may have missed a thread on this. But I know it's been talked about a lot in the last few years. Still, I have never seen an OFFICIAL (i.e., from the teams themselves) explanation for these two decisions:

When Seattle and Buffalo introduced their new uniform sets, each showed non-monochrome looks. The Bills and Hawks both had white jerseys with blue pants, and blue shirts and white pants. These sets looked fairly good. Chris' main site still shows these combos as the main ones, with monochromes officially shown as alternates. But we NEVER see the original sets anymore. Did either team ever give out an explanation for the changes -- both of which are virtually universally loathed?

Good luck on getting an official explanation...but from what most have heard and have been told, the decision to go mono-dark was players' preference, for both teams. Sooner or later, that bug caught flight leaguewide, which is how now we have looks like the Arizona Bloodclots, Gang Green (for REAL) up in New York/Jersey-A, and, if memory serves me correctly, even midnight-green-from-head-to-toe Philly Eagles (I wanna say they pulled that stunt against the 49ers during a prime-time game a couple years back, maybe '04--but I do remember shaking my head in disgust at that look, though).

If the Vikes ever gut up the courage to trot out onto the field looking like a pack of grapes, Paul Lukas and the rest of the PAP Coalition (People Against Purple) might just vomit their insides out. (I actually wouldn't mind seeing that, just to see how it'd look.)

If you've ever seen on ESPN.com, when they do the Madden preview for each NFL week, I've seen at least 2 different occasions, they used the Vikes in all purple for the screenshot. Wishful thinking by someone at ESPN, or just completely random, I don't know.

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If I were a Jets fan, there is no way I would ever purchase a Titans jersey. The New York Titans were abominable. You don't see the Packers selling late '50s jerseys, do you?

I was actually hoping they would wear 1957 throwbacks to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Lambeau Field. IIRC, it was the first year that they permanently wore green jerseys, but they used a metallic shade of gold.

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I don't get on this site as often as I once did, so I may have missed a thread on this. But I know it's been talked about a lot in the last few years. Still, I have never seen an OFFICIAL (i.e., from the teams themselves) explanation for these two decisions:

When Seattle and Buffalo introduced their new uniform sets, each showed non-monochrome looks. The Bills and Hawks both had white jerseys with blue pants, and blue shirts and white pants. These sets looked fairly good. Chris' main site still shows these combos as the main ones, with monochromes officially shown as alternates. But we NEVER see the original sets anymore. Did either team ever give out an explanation for the changes -- both of which are virtually universally loathed?

Good luck on getting an official explanation...but from what most have heard and have been told, the decision to go mono-dark was players' preference, for both teams. Sooner or later, that bug caught flight leaguewide, which is how now we have looks like the Arizona Bloodclots, Gang Green (for REAL) up in New York/Jersey-A, and, if memory serves me correctly, even midnight-green-from-head-to-toe Philly Eagles (I wanna say they pulled that stunt against the 49ers during a prime-time game a couple years back, maybe '04--but I do remember shaking my head in disgust at that look, though).

2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.



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I don't get on this site as often as I once did, so I may have missed a thread on this. But I know it's been talked about a lot in the last few years. Still, I have never seen an OFFICIAL (i.e., from the teams themselves) explanation for these two decisions:

When Seattle and Buffalo introduced their new uniform sets, each showed non-monochrome looks. The Bills and Hawks both had white jerseys with blue pants, and blue shirts and white pants. These sets looked fairly good. Chris' main site still shows these combos as the main ones, with monochromes officially shown as alternates. But we NEVER see the original sets anymore. Did either team ever give out an explanation for the changes -- both of which are virtually universally loathed?

Good luck on getting an official explanation...but from what most have heard and have been told, the decision to go mono-dark was players' preference, for both teams. Sooner or later, that bug caught flight leaguewide, which is how now we have looks like the Arizona Bloodclots, Gang Green (for REAL) up in New York/Jersey-A, and, if memory serves me correctly, even midnight-green-from-head-to-toe Philly Eagles (I wanna say they pulled that stunt against the 49ers during a prime-time game a couple years back, maybe '04--but I do remember shaking my head in disgust at that look, though).

2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.

Ooh damn...how'd I forget about the "Aqua-fresh" look of '02? Maybe it's because I wanted to forget it just as quickly. And, if memory serves me right, that too was a prime-time game. Did San Diego really go navy-over-navy that year, or at all? I wouldn't doubt it, but I just don't remember seeing that. And I probably wouldn'y have minded it, either. Cincinnati I did and still do remember...the last game of the '04 season (i believe) they went black-over-black (the year before the Tiger-striped travesty they call uniforms now), which I believe was a pretty good look, too. My feelings for both Denver and the 'Lou...meh at the very best. The Titans? Hmmpf...and can someone help unjog my brain on whether or not Tennessee actually did trot out the all-insert-whatever-sahde-you-wanna-call-it-blue look (the light color)? A piece of me wants to say they did...and that the blues didn't exactly match up. Now the Falcons...actually don't mind their black-on-black-on-black-on-black look. Rather decent. The Jaguars and Ravens, on the other hand...not so much. Even though all-black lends itself well to a team named after a bird that IS black, I just think it could be pulled off a helluva lot better than what they do with it currently.

BUT, again, this IS all just one man's opinion...my two rusted Lincolns.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Ooh damn...how'd I forget about the aqua-fresh look of '02? Maybe it's because I wanted to forget it just as quickly. And, if memory serves me right, that too was a prime-time game. Did San Diego really go navy-over-navy that year, or at all? I wouldn't doubt it, but I just don't remember seeing that.

It was in 03, when they played that one game in Arizona because of wildfires.




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2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.

I looked it up, and it was 10/27/2003 on MNF. I think the Chargers looked kind of cool, like super heroes:


1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.

I looked it up, and it was 10/27/2003 on MNF. I think the Chargers looked kind of cool, like super heroes:


Now if THAT ain't Darth Vader-esque, I don't know what is...

(BTW...thanks for clearing my cobwebs on at least the Charger monochrome issue...)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.

I looked it up, and it was 10/27/2003 on MNF. I think the Chargers looked kind of cool, like super heroes:


That's a really sick look. I wish they would wear that more often.

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2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.

I looked it up, and it was 10/27/2003 on MNF. I think the Chargers looked kind of cool, like super heroes:


That's a really sick look. I wish they would wear that more often.

Unfortunately they can't, since they switched to the Best Uniforms in the NFL*




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2002 was the year of the monochrome. IIRC, San Diego, Miami, Cincinnati, Denver (though they still do it on a regular basis), Saints, Rams, Titans, and all the teams you mentioned up there all did it that year, and all of them were amazingly ugly.

I looked it up, and it was 10/27/2003 on MNF. I think the Chargers looked kind of cool, like super heroes:


That's a really sick look. I wish they would wear that more often.

Unfortunately they can't, since they switched to the Best Uniforms in the NFL*


The navys or the powders? ^_^

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Powders by far. The Raiders black and Chargers' powder blues are jerseys that I would wear and buy just because they look good.

That, I can agree with you on.

Something else I realized in looking for that aqua-fresh look of the Dolphins: in the game vs the Bears in '02, the Bears trotted out a rare mono look of their own...white-on-white.

(For anyone curious, do a search for "2002 Miami Dolphins vs Chicago Bears" on viewimages.com. Can't right-click-gank the pictures off that site, but they're there.)

And now we have photographic evidence of the black-on-black look of the previous-era Bengals uniforms--incidentally, the last of the 2003 season (I was off by a year, initially), versus the Browns:


*EDIT: Apparently the Browns have had that "AL" thing on their sleeve stripes for a while, now.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Powders by far. The Raiders black and Chargers' powder blues are jerseys that I would wear and buy just because they look good.

That, I can agree with you on.

Something else I realized in looking for that aqua-fresh look of the Dolphins: in the game vs the Bears in '02, the Bears trotted out a rare mono look of their own...white-on-white.

(For anyone curious, do a search for "2002 Miami Dolphins vs Chicago Bears" on viewimages.com. Can't right-click-gank the pictures off that site, but they're there.)

And now we have photographic evidence of the black-on-black look of the previous-era Bengals uniforms--incidentally, the last of the 2003 season (I was off by a year, initially), versus the Browns:


*EDIT: Apparently the Browns have had that "AL" thing on their sleeve stripes for a while, now.

So 2003 was the year of the monochrome then. All I know is, half of the freakin' NFL went monochrome, except for the Chiefs, who have yet to do the all-red look.



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Powders by far. The Raiders black and Chargers' powder blues are jerseys that I would wear and buy just because they look good.

That, I can agree with you on.

Something else I realized in looking for that aqua-fresh look of the Dolphins: in the game vs the Bears in '02, the Bears trotted out a rare mono look of their own...white-on-white.

(For anyone curious, do a search for "2002 Miami Dolphins vs Chicago Bears" on viewimages.com. Can't right-click-gank the pictures off that site, but they're there.)

And now we have photographic evidence of the black-on-black look of the previous-era Bengals uniforms--incidentally, the last of the 2003 season (I was off by a year, initially), versus the Browns:


*EDIT: Apparently the Browns have had that "AL" thing on their sleeve stripes for a while, now.

So 2003 was the year of the monochrome then. All I know is, half of the freakin' NFL went monochrome, except for the Chiefs, who have yet to do the all-red look.

Oh, yes they have--I just haven't posted it yet. Anything's possible in B's World of Photoshop Phantasies! :D

And by the way, I think we kinda misplaced our blame for the mono craze. I think I shoulda went all the way back to 1997, when we first saw dark mono lunacy--and I knew I wasn't crazy for remembering this, just was off on the exact year--courtesy of, of all teams, the PHILADELPHIA EAGLES:


(And lookie here...we have the 'Niners, just like the Bears against the Aqua-fresh Dolphins, in all-white!)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Powders by far. The Raiders black and Chargers' powder blues are jerseys that I would wear and buy just because they look good.

That, I can agree with you on.

Something else I realized in looking for that aqua-fresh look of the Dolphins: in the game vs the Bears in '02, the Bears trotted out a rare mono look of their own...white-on-white.

(For anyone curious, do a search for "2002 Miami Dolphins vs Chicago Bears" on viewimages.com. Can't right-click-gank the pictures off that site, but they're there.)

And now we have photographic evidence of the black-on-black look of the previous-era Bengals uniforms--incidentally, the last of the 2003 season (I was off by a year, initially), versus the Browns:


*EDIT: Apparently the Browns have had that "AL" thing on their sleeve stripes for a while, now.

So 2003 was the year of the monochrome then. All I know is, half of the freakin' NFL went monochrome, except for the Chiefs, who have yet to do the all-red look.

Oh, yes they have--I just haven't posted it yet. Anything's possible in B's World of Photoshop Phantasies! :D

And by the way, I think we kinda misplaced our blame for the mono craze. I think I shoulda went all the way back to 1997, when we first saw dark mono lunacy--and I knew I wasn't crazy for remembering this, just was off on the exact year--courtesy of, of all teams, the PHILADELPHIA EAGLES:


(And lookie here...we have the 'Niners, just like the Bears against the Aqua-fresh Dolphins, in all-white!)

As a Niner fan during that time period, they had white pants only until 2000. The white pants have never seen the light of day again.

And yes, I went from 49ers to Raiders with Jerry Rice, and I like the Raiders more. Besides when I was a baby I wore Raiders clothing. :P



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Another Bears player lost part of his decal yesterday. I think it was Nathan Vasher who had the lower part of the wishbone C tear off his helmet.

It was Adrian Peterson, #29.

No...not that Adrian Peterson...the other Adrian Peterson. :P

(Yes, people...there WAS an Adrian Peterson in the league before there was--well...THE Adrian Peterson.

Pretty much the same way there was another Ricky Williams in the league--a running back, no less--who had the misfortune of running for the Colts while THE Ricky Williams was running for the Saints and the Dolphins.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Another Bears player lost part of his decal yesterday. I think it was Nathan Vasher who had the lower part of the wishbone C tear off his helmet.

It was Adrian Peterson, #29.

No...not that Adrian Peterson...the other Adrian Peterson. :P

(Yes, people...there WAS an Adrian Peterson in the league before there was--well...THE Adrian Peterson.

Pretty much the same way there was another Ricky Williams in the league--a running back, no less--who had the misfortune of running for the Colts while THE Ricky Williams was running for the Saints and the Dolphins.)

Thanks, and now our Adrian Peterson is the starting running back for the rest of the season as Benson is out for the year.


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I completely forgot to open this thread and post up about the 'Boys going faux retro on us Thursday night against the Pack.

BUT...in glancing around, I see that the New York Jets have decided to again play the part of the New York Titans.

Anything else going on out there? (And if I can somehow get my paws on a picture or two, I'll put them up.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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