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My helmet site

MG helmets

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Awesome work! A couple of things I found on your site that put a smile on my face where the helmets for high school football in Hawai'i and of course my old high school Coachella Valley Arabs. Too bad its the Michigan ripoffs and not the classic block CV but I'm happy that the school gets some pub. The only thing that needs to be altered is the helmet decal for San Diego State. The letters in AZTECS should be closer.

You have a new fan right here, and keep up the good work!!!

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Outstanding site!

Found my old high school, the West Jefferson Buccaneers of Harvey, La.:


When I was there though, the helmets looked like this:


Both are very cool but I like the black better personally.

Also from the Louisiana section, one of the most unique helmets I've ever seen, Shreveport's Loyola College Prep Flyers:


From the NFL concepts...

Fantastic Denver concept, blending the old and new:


And another great one, this one for the 49ers. Excellent!



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Absolutely amazing site. I've had it bookmarked on my computer for a few months now and I love going to the high school helmets and seeing just how many of their logos are stolen from colleges or pro teams. How did you possibly compile all of those?

here's my school's helmet (taken from your fantastic site)"


and I am joint enrolling next year (spending my sr. year of hs at college) so here is my new school:




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That SF is fan-effing-tastic. Not a fan of the gray mask and the old-school stripes, but with a little modernizing, it would be terrific.

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Wow! I haven't been on the boards in a while and no idea about all the very kind words and great comments I was getting. Thanks guys. I was starting to wonder if anyone ever checked out my site. It's a great escape for me, but glad you guys like it.



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That's my alma mater: the Chicago Cubs of Georgia football, the Lithia Springs Lions. :P

Fantastic work. I can try to help you out with some teams in Mississippi that you missed.



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I found that he has both of my schools:


He's missing the two biggest high schools in my county, but he has my old school, which is very small. I like it, though.

Sweet! I'm also a Carthage Alumnus. And that's my logo!

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It's taken me over 2 years to get to 4000 high school helmets. 10 here, 5 there.

I have a to-do list that I use to keep track of what people request. It never gets below 20 or so.

That's the amazing thing to me. I never go looking for high school helmets to add. They are all sent to me from visitors to my site.

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Hey man, awesome site. Really, really aweosme site. Great job! Hey, I was wondering if it'd be ok if I got a few helmets togethr from Utah and sent them to you so you could add them to your Utah HS section? I could provide you with a few schools from the valley where I'm from and then a few from my division where my school plays (we play a in a class under the other valley teams so we play teams outside the valley). Would that be ok to do? Again, aweosme job! Great work!!

Jimmy Eat World



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