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Pirates phasing out alternate logo?


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Nothing major here....just something to pass along...

The gold 'P' on the Pirates' cap suddenly is taking the place of the angry, bearded pirate on just about all of the team's printed matter.
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I think they should go back to this guy personally...


I also think they shoudl go back to their jerseys of the early 90's too, but that may be because I'm a Pirates fan and I associate those jerseys with losing.


Interesting Baseball fact: In 1960: Baltimore, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and Pittsburgh had 2 AAA affiliates, while Los Angeles had 3 teams...and the New York Yankees had the Kansas City Athletics.

Interesting Hockey fact: In 1974, the Buffalo Sabres draft Taro Tsujimoto of the Toyko Katanas with th 183 pick in the draft. It was later revealed that Taro didn't exist, but Taro is still listed as an offical draftee of the Buffalo Sabres in their Media Guide.

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Either get rid of the red (1) or, dare I say it, the gold (2). The Pirates could use a rebranding, one that intentionally avoids stirring memories of 1960 or 1971.

(1): Oh, yes, definately!

(2): ............never

My Idea:

Scrap any and everything designed on the year of 1997 and after, and any form of red. period. ESPECIALLY the Heinz ketchup vests. Go back to one of the old logos or make a new one that doesnt look so corny (and, once again, uses not red). Then, either keep the current jerseys (same as the ones form the 60's), or go back to the ones from the late 80's, early 90's. Keep the current hat design, only...maybe...possibly...PILLBOXED...except for the stripes and Stargell stars of course.

Heck, a uni change may create some kind of revenue with which they can waste even more on fireworks and bobbleheads!

But whatever they do, they must not use current the pirate head more than they already do. And if I read the first post right, and they are perhaps maybe thinking of replacing the gold P with the pirate head, they will be making a huge mistake. Their hats will be even worse than the '79 star and stripes pillboxes.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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From the day I saw this logo, I hated it.

Personally I'd like to see the Pirates rebrand using their 1979 championship season apparel as an inspiration, rather than 1960 or 1971. Fans under 45 could then at least sort-of be reminded of a championship Pirate team.

No, I'm not advocating the return of the umpteen-gazillion combinations the '79 Bucs had, but I think they'd look good in pillbox caps (both gold and black, one as the home and one as the away), decked out in a pinstriped home jersey with black pants, and perhaps a gold jersey for road games, also with black pants. Want an alternate? Howzabout a black jersey with gold pants? <nudges in approval> Huh? Huh?


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they're probably ditchin' it because some liberal parents group decided that it scares children.


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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Here's some recent events in Pirate design history, in chronological order:

- Pirates introduce red to color scheme, used in sleeve/alternate logo and as trim on alternate jersey.

- Pirates publicly state intent to de-emphasize red from color scheme.

- Pirates introduce reprehensible red sleeveless vest alternate.

- Pirates de-emphasize sleeve/alternate logo, team's only connection to the color red.

Given the pattern, I expect the Pirates' next move to be an introduction of red uniform pants. People can say that uniforms and logos have nothing to do with the performance of a team, but they can certainly function as an excellent indicator of a team's operations. If the front office can't figure out what to wear on the field, how can they be expected how to properly field a team?

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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they're probably ditchin' it because some liberal parents group decided that it scares children.

I think what you meant to say was that "they're probably ditchin' it because some conservative parents group decided that it wasn't wholesome."

I mean... go Rays! Right?

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If I read the first post right, and they are perhaps maybe thinking of replacing the gold P with the pirate head, they will be making a huge mistake. Their hats will be even worse than the '79 star and stripes pillboxes.

Even worse than one of the greatest ballcaps of the modern era? Thanks in no small part to those distinctive Bicentennial-holdover pillbox caps, the Pirates in the late 1970s and early 1980s had a nationwide fan base and national merchandise sales. In the pillbox era, you were more likely to see people outside Pittsburgh wearing Pirates caps than you were to see non-New Yorkers wearing Yankees caps. Since the disappearance of the pillbox caps, the Pirates haven't even been a regionally popular team, and in my experience the Pirates are one of the first three or so caps that a cap store will drop if it isn't going to carry every big-league team. Here on the East Coast, I've seen Lids stores stocking Royals caps but not Pirates caps.

Just to, you know, give the aesthetically awesome and commercially successful Pirates pillbox caps the defense they deserve, in case there are any young 'uns here who don't remember how popular the pillbox caps were.

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If I read the first post right, and they are perhaps maybe thinking of replacing the gold P with the pirate head, they will be making a huge mistake. Their hats will be even worse than the '79 star and stripes pillboxes.

Even worse than one of the greatest ballcaps of the modern era? Thanks in no small part to those distinctive Bicentennial-holdover pillbox caps, the Pirates in the late 1970s and early 1980s had a nationwide fan base and national merchandise sales. In the pillbox era, you were more likely to see people outside Pittsburgh wearing Pirates caps than you were to see non-New Yorkers wearing Yankees caps. Since the disappearance of the pillbox caps, the Pirates haven't even been a regionally popular team, and in my experience the Pirates are one of the first three or so caps that a cap store will drop if it isn't going to carry every big-league team. Here on the East Coast, I've seen Lids stores stocking Royals caps but not Pirates caps.

Just to, you know, give the aesthetically awesome and commercially successful Pirates pillbox caps the defense they deserve, in case there are any young 'uns here who don't remember how popular the pillbox caps were.

True, and Id like 'em to if they didnt have the stripes and stars on them making them so busy (especially those who got alot of stars from Mr. Stargell), but the majority of people I know who are old enough to remember that era didnt like those caps...I guess theyre more of a love it or hate it kind of hat.

Like I said, black pillbox hats with no stripes or stars would be great.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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- Their home and roads (the vests) need to stay. Reflecting on the "Maz Era" is a plus.

- Also, they're about the only team that looks like they belong in vests. Remove all red. It is unneeded and unwaranted.

- Maybe bring back a black alternate with a pillbox hat to go with it to satisfy the "Stargell Era" fans, or some other throwback alternate, like other teams have tried.

- Get New Ownership!

Although they are consistently one of the worst teams in the league, recordwise, they could very well be the best dressed team in all of MLB... once they ditch the red, that is.

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Personally I'd like to see the Pirates rebrand using their 1979 championship season apparel as an inspiration, rather than 1960 or 1971. Fans under 45 could then at least sort-of be reminded of a championship Pirate team.

Me too!

I'm not advocating the return of the umpteen-gazillion combinations the '79 Bucs had

I am! I loved the 5-9 combinations that the Pirates could wear on any given day. Besides, they've sucked since then so why not?? White for home and gray for road for 162 games a year is pretty bland.

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