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A new Lions logo


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is'nt this just the bucs flag with the lions logo??

shhhh don't let him know we're on to him.

Hey so uh...what made you choose 5 points in the sword handle instead of say 4 or 6? Is that a chip in the blade or part of the flag fabric? Why would a lion need a sword anyways? Perhaps I'm just not getting it.

Care to explain?

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Latest Photo Upload: January 7, 2012

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is'nt this just the bucs flag with the lions logo??

I believe you are 100% correct CarlB

Look up in the sky, gents. You saw that, right? No? Well it was the joke... flying right over your heads.

Or maybe not, how do I know who's kidding and who's serious anyway?

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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needs stripes

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is'nt this just the bucs flag with the lions logo??

I believe you are 100% correct CarlB

Look up in the sky, gents. You saw that, right? No? Well it was the joke... flying right over your heads.

Or maybe not, how do I know who's kidding and who's serious anyway?

And that sound that you're hearing right now? That's just me banging my head against a :censored:ing wall at the stupidity of some of the members here. One really has to try very hard to be this oblivious.... <_<

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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You guys still don't get the joke? After three people explained it to you? Can you read?

Subtle humor is lost on most people. Sometimes you have to spell it out for them!

To be fair, humorous references are only funny if they're about something relevant, which the Lions haven't been in most of our lifetimes.

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