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2008 MLB Season


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Scott Schowenweis grew up a Phillies fan and still pitches like one too, I cant wait to this waste of a uniform is an ex Met with the rest of the blowpen

Mets a disaster again.

It will be hard too recover from this one.

Haven't you been saying the same exact thing since ...well... since April? There's a lot of season left. No need to panic any more than you have been all season. I do have to ask one question though. Is there anything you people like about your team?

He's been saying that since... about... the end of the regular season last year.

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Scott Schowenweis grew up a Phillies fan and still pitches like one too, I cant wait to this waste of a uniform is an ex Met with the rest of the blowpen

Mets a disaster again.

It will be hard too recover from this one.

Haven't you been saying the same exact thing since ...well... since April? There's a lot of season left. No need to panic any more than you have been all season. I do have to ask one question though. Is there anything you people like about your team?

He's been saying that since... about... the end of the regular season last year.

Did your team blow a seven run lead and fall out of first?

The Mets bullpen on a nightly basis is a nightmare in August they have an ERA over 5.00.



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Oy. The Dodgers get swept in 4 by the Phillies, and now they lose the the Nationals?

Somebody better tell Manny that he is well past the trade deadline, and therefore cannot pull the "tank to be dealt" thing again.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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I'm pleasantly surprised by the Red Sox tonight. Usually when they have a chance to bury the Yankees they come out flat while the Yankees come to play. But they took the first game, have a good shot at the second (Byrd vs. Ponson) and winning the series just about puts the Yankees to rest.

Jason Bay's been great for the Red Sox. I think he's given the Sox what they could've realistically expected from Manny since he's been here -- perhaps better. And nobody's mentioned this but Ivan Rodriguez has been a terrible pickup for the Yankees. His line? 16 games, .217/.265/.304, 1 HR, 1 RBI. I didn't think he'd play a huge role in the race, didn't think he'd be such a negative for the Pinstripes.


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Scott Schowenweis grew up a Phillies fan and still pitches like one too, I cant wait to this waste of a uniform is an ex Met with the rest of the blowpen

Mets a disaster again.

It will be hard too recover from this one.

Haven't you been saying the same exact thing since ...well... since April? There's a lot of season left. No need to panic any more than you have been all season. I do have to ask one question though. Is there anything you people like about your team?

He's been saying that since... about... the end of the regular season last year.

Deja vu?

I saw, I came, I left.

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I'm pleasantly surprised by the Red Sox tonight. Usually when they have a chance to bury the Yankees they come out flat while the Yankees come to play. But they took the first game, have a good shot at the second (Byrd vs. Ponson) and winning the series just about puts the Yankees to rest.

Jason Bay's been great for the Red Sox. I think he's given the Sox what they could've realistically expected from Manny since he's been here -- perhaps better. And nobody's mentioned this but Ivan Rodriguez has been a terrible pickup for the Yankees. His line? 16 games, .217/.265/.304, 1 HR, 1 RBI. I didn't think he'd play a huge role in the race, didn't think he'd be such a negative for the Pinstripes.

Oh how I have prayed in my short years on Earth to hear that phrase used realistically. Last time someone said it like that I was watching (the original) Power Rangers.


Oakland Raiders: 0-0-0 (09/08 vs. Denver)

New York Rangers: 0-0-0, 0 PTS (11/01 @ Toronto)

Chicago Bulls: 0-0 (10/28 vs. Milwaukee)

New York Mets: 78-61 (09/05 vs. Philadelphia)

Newcastle United: 1-1-1, 4 PTS (09/13 vs. Hull City)

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Kyle Kendrick vs. Johan Santana tonight. Things may be looking up for Los Mets.

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It will be hard too recover from this one.

Uhh, they've recovered pretty well after quite a few blown games this season. I guess I ain't taking this doom and gloom pill every other Met fan is here I guess

Well, you're just not a true Mets fan then, because they live and die with every pitch. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Didn't they blow some game way back in June and Tank was like "OOOOOOOOO, ITS OVER, HAS YOUR TEAM EVER BLOWN A LEAD?! GLOOM AND DOOM, FIRE EVERYBODY"

This shows one thing: The Mets suck when it comes to keeping leads.



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It will be hard too recover from this one.

Uhh, they've recovered pretty well after quite a few blown games this season. I guess I ain't taking this doom and gloom pill every other Met fan is here I guess

You are not alone. I too refuse to take said pill.

That said, they are making me worry a bit.

Oakland Raiders: 0-0-0 (09/08 vs. Denver)

New York Rangers: 0-0-0, 0 PTS (11/01 @ Toronto)

Chicago Bulls: 0-0 (10/28 vs. Milwaukee)

New York Mets: 78-61 (09/05 vs. Philadelphia)

Newcastle United: 1-1-1, 4 PTS (09/13 vs. Hull City)

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I hate Scott Boras...


Pirates place Alvarez on restricted list; signing in jeopardy

The Pittsburgh Pirates' signing of Pedro Alvarez, the No. 2 pick in the baseball's amateur draft, may be in jeopardy.

The Pirates on Wednesday announced that at the team's request, Major League Baseball has placed Alvarez on the restricted list because Alvarez's agent, Scott Boras, informed the team that Alvarez would not sign the contract and wants it renegotiated.

In a related development, a baseball source told ESPN.com's Jerry Crasnick that the case has been forwarded to the players union and that the union planned to pursue a grievance against the Pirates, claiming that Alvarez agreed to his contract after the Aug. 15 midnight deadline.

The team, in a prepared statement, said it was informed by Boras that Alvarez, a highly-touted third baseman who played at Vanderbilt, would not report to the team until the team renegotiated his contract and agreed to pay him more than the $6 million signing bonus to which he agreed.

Boras also claimed that the contract was agreed to after the deadline, the team said.

"This claim was not raised on the evening of the 15th when we informed Mr. Boras that Major League Baseball had confirmed that the contract was submitted in a timely fashion," the team said. "Mr. Boras asserted this claim several days later, after all of the draft signings had become publicized."

"Regrettably, we are not surprised that Mr. Boras would attempt to raise a meritless legal claim in an effort to compel us to renegotiate Pedro's contract to one more to his liking," the team said. "We are, however, disappointed that Pedro would allow his agent to pursue this claim on his behalf. "

Boras, reached by ESPN.com, declined to comment on the team's statement.

The team also said it had been assured by the commissioner's office that it's contract with Alvarez is a valid, and that MLB "will vigorously defend any claim to the contrary."

The Pirates bypassed Boras clients previously because they were unwilling to meet his demands for signing bonuses over the slotting system designed when Coonelly a labor lawyer for MLB.

Once Coonelly accepted the Pirates job, he and general manager Neal Huntington said the team would not be scared off by Boras-represented clients and would draft players based on their ability, not their agent.

The signing of Alvarez has been seen as crucial to the future of the Pirates, who are headed for their 16th consecutive losing season. The team's previous management had been criticized for lackluster scouting and drafting, and the signing of Alvarez offered the new management team a chance to break from that history.

ESPN.com senior writer Jerry Crasnick and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Not that this is much of a news flash, but it really sucks to be a Pirate fan.

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Jesus, at least football players wait until they've played a freaking game before they start bitching about their contracts.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Nice move for the Red Sox. Don't know much about the kid they gave up but he probably didn't have a future with the MLB club anyway. Here's his scouting report according to soxprospects.com...

Athletic and well-built, Sumoza signed for a big bonus out of Venezuela in mid-2004. Gifted athlete, still very raw. Shows the potential to be a five-tool player, but needs a lot of refinement. High power potential. Above average speed. Strikes out too much, still has some holes in his swing. Hits from a slightly open stance. Keeps his hands around his helmet. Swing tends to get a bit too long and he can jam himself. In the field, Sumoza has above average range, a decent glove, and a good arm. Overall, he has a ton of potential, but still a long way to go.



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I hate Scott Boras...


Pirates place Alvarez on restricted list; signing in jeopardy


Well the Pirates are just another on a long list of teams that Boras has f'd over. Ask JD Drew how it felt when he was the one who refused to sign...

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Gotta' love how this one's started off Tank!

(Kendrick can't possibly beat Johan*, so I have to get my shots in while I can.)

*or can he???

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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