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PETA wants Eight Belles jockey suspended


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At first glance, I almost thought the thread topic was as it appears on the web board menu;

PETA wants Eight Belles jockey...


Oddly enough, they probably do.

I don't think you'd find anyone more devastated of this horse's demise that the people who owned and trained it. And hey, last I checked they put the horse down right then and there on the track rather than allow it to further suffer. I think that qualifies as humane.

Really, why does anyone listen to these hypocrites? They're annoying, offensive, fanatical, and altogether unrealistic.

It's one thing to promote humane treatment of animals, it's quite another to go overboard with it. I'm sure in the eyes of most of the PETA people's rose-colored world, we would all live in harmony with our animal brethren in some large scale reenactment of Ace Ventura's apartment. But the reality is that while I'm all for treating animals as fairly as possible, I'm still in favor of eating them, wearing them, keeping them as pets, using them as beasts of burden, and as residents in zoos. While an animal lives I feel it should have a comfortable life as best that can be provided, but in the end, WE are the top of the food chain. Bottom line is if you don't want to do anything I've just mentioned with an animal,- then don't do it and don't patron places and businesses that do. Otherwise, please leave the rest of us alone and stop bothering us with this nonsense.

Can't wait for PETA's annual drive to make all of us not eat turkey again this Thanksgiving....eat tofu instead! <_< Yeah whatever, pass the gravy and be sure to leave something for the dog.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I just herd a PETA sokeswomen on Mike Tireco show. He asked her three times If she had ever been with a horse before a race and she hardly answered the queston anyways.

It may sound silly, but, I thought it wasn't a good question in of itself because if PETA against horse racing, why would they attend a horse race in the first place? Now if the question was asked have they seen how they train, how the track surface is, etc. then he would be up to something.

I saw, I came, I left.

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I just herd a PETA sokeswomen on Mike Tireco show. He asked her three times If she had ever been with a horse before a race and she hardly answered the queston anyways.

It may sound silly, but, I thought it wasn't a good question in of itself because if PETA against horse racing, why would they attend a horse race in the first place? Now if the question was asked have they seen how they train, how the track surface is, etc. then he would be up to something.

I was wrong, It was more about telling if the horse was in pain, I can't remember though.

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I just herd a PETA sokeswomen on Mike Tireco show. He asked her three times If she had ever been with a horse before a race and she hardly answered the queston anyways.

It may sound silly, but, I thought it wasn't a good question in of itself because if PETA against horse racing, why would they attend a horse race in the first place? Now if the question was asked have they seen how they train, how the track surface is, etc. then he would be up to something.

I was wrong, It was more about telling if the horse was in pain, I can't remember though.

Oh. See that's a more legit question because no one really knows, including the owner, though except for the jockey perhaps, if the horse was in pain and when the injury occurred.

I saw, I came, I left.

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The horse got hurt after the race, right?

Then why is PETA saying she got hurt during the race? Doesn't make sense.

Now, I feel sad because she put up a valient effort in a race where very few fillies win, let alone compete. I think it's absolute bullcrap that PETA would think that the jockey did anything wrong. How could he tell if she was hurt, hm?


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Horse Racing both Thoroughbred and Harness Racing are very dangerous for the jockey/driver and the horses, when I worked at a track I saw a driver killed and another paralyzed and too many horses put down on the track like Eight Belles.

Horses in Triple Crown races, the Breeders Cup or Breeders Crown are treated like gold but when you get to the low end of horse racing a lot of the horses are treated badly, that is where the Animal Lovers should be trying to help.

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Horse Racing both Thoroughbred and Harness Racing are very dangerous for the jockey/driver and the horses, when I worked at a track I saw a driver killed and another paralyzed and too many horses put down on the track like Eight Belles.

Horses in Triple Crown races, the Breeders Cup or Breeders Crown are treated like gold but when you get to the low end of horse racing a lot of the horses are treated badly, that is where the Animal Lovers should be trying to help.

That is another point the show made, its too bad no one cares about the damn people instead of the future Elmer?s Glue mascots.

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"I wish to express my sincere sympathies for 'Eight Belles,' and to express my wish that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals continue their crusade to help us."


Sarah Jessica Parker

Did Sarah ever finish in the money during her racing days? I know they had to suspend shooting on Sex And The City a few years back so she could run in The Derby. I think it was the same year that A.J. Hawk's girlfriend won the thing. Or maybe it was Rebecca Lobo...




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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"I wish to express my sincere sympathies for 'Eight Belles,' and to express my wish that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals continue their crusade to help us."


Sarah Jessica Parker

Crusade? PETA members are Christian? OK, then I propose jihad against PETA!

I saw, I came, I left.

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PETA is a joke, nobody wants the horse they ride or train to get hurt, its too valuable.

I agree with Tank to a point. PETA, like a lot of things, is good intentions gone way overboard. They need to rein it in. When an animal advocate like me thinks PETA is nuts it might be time for them to reassess their mission. I am all for the ethical treatment of animals but these PETA people border on zealotry most of the time. Fight the fights that need to be fought.

That's exactly the way I feel. Seriously, if your group is for humane treatment of animals, who on Earth can you possibly come across as looking like stupid idiots? By being sensationalistic Media-whores at each and every opportunity by saying the stupidest things possible without seemingly any shred of common sense when it comes to the fine art of picking your battles.

If there was ever an organization on this planet that needed the guidance of a highly professional public relations firm, this is it. They are their own worst enemy. Seriously, can you imagine an organization possibly being so inept at public relations that is somehow manages to actually turn the tide of public opinion against humane treatment for animals? It's staggering to thing you could actually manage to do a cause like that harm, but they have managed to pull it off like no other.


Amazingly stupid.


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"I wish to express my sincere sympathies for 'Eight Belles,' and to express my wish that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals continue their crusade to help us."


Sarah Jessica Parker

Dear Sarah Jessica Parker,

While we appreciate your passion for the ethical treatment of animals, I speak for most everyone when I say "please shut the hell up" and go back to what you do best and thats buying pointy shoes and having orgasms with random men in low rent New York City apartments.


Everyone outside of the Entertainment Belt



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"I wish to express my sincere sympathies for 'Eight Belles,' and to express my wish that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals continue their crusade to help us."


Sarah Jessica Parker

Dear Sarah Jessica Parker,

While we appreciate your passion for the ethical treatment of animals, I speak for most everyone when I say "please shut the hell up" and go back to what you do best and thats buying pointy shoes and having orgasms with random men in low rent New York City apartments.


Everyone outside of the Entertainment Belt

Dear Coast2Coast:

Please get jokes.


People Who Get Jokes

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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"I wish to express my sincere sympathies for 'Eight Belles,' and to express my wish that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals continue their crusade to help us."


Sarah Jessica Parker

Dear Sarah Jessica Parker,

While we appreciate your passion for the ethical treatment of animals, I speak for most everyone when I say "please shut the hell up" and go back to what you do best and thats buying pointy shoes and having orgasms with random men in low rent New York City apartments.


Everyone outside of the Entertainment Belt

Dear Coast2Coast:

Please get jokes.


People Who Get Jokes

Ha ha, it's because she has a horseface! I get it! Ha!


Welcome to DrunjFlix

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