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Latest Manager tirade


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LOL @ them playing Stone Cold Steve Austin's theme music.

That said, WOW. That was just mean-spirited. It wasn't like the other ones where they were sorta funny because they were over the top, this guy was just talking a whole lot of junk and being very rabid about it.



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It's embarrassing to witness some of the abuse my fellow brothers in blue have to endure when some managers decide to throw tantrums on the field, all in the sake of getting publicity and showing up the umpire.

Props to the base umpire for coming in to act as a barrier between the other umpire and baby manager.

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This is what kills me about baseball...grown ass (usually fat) men in uniform -- that don't play -- go out on the field of play, disrupting the game and showing up the umpires, to argue about some call that will not be reversed no matter what and act a pure damn fool.

Moreover, this type of boorish behavior is lauded and celebrated by fans and most observers because it's tradition and there are years of tape of previous lard assed crybabies throwing their ill-conceived temper tantrums all over the place.

I guess I just don't get baseball...and if to "get" baseball means you have to accept and/or support this stuff, I'm glad I don't get it.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Much like fights in hockey, manager tirades are just delays of game and should be eliminated from the sport.

That being said, what grown-ass man could possibly put on that uniform and not be a time bomb waiting to explode? That may be the ugliest jersey I've seen.

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This is what kills me about baseball...grown ass (usually fat) men in uniform -- that don't play -- go out on the field of play, disrupting the game and showing up the umpires, to argue about some call that will not be reversed no matter what and act a pure damn fool.

Moreover, this type of boorish behavior is lauded and celebrated by fans and most observers because it's tradition and there are years of tape of previous lard assed crybabies throwing their ill-conceived temper tantrums all over the place.

I guess I just don't get baseball...and if to "get" baseball means you have to accept and/or support this stuff, I'm glad I don't get it.

I get baseball and I'm not a fan of this, but seeing as he was the home team's manager I'm guessing he was just putting on a show for the hometown fans. Nobody acts that way with naturally.


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How much you want to bet half of his motive was showing up on ESPN, CNN, CSN, FOX, etc.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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This is what kills me about baseball...grown ass (usually fat) men in uniform -- that don't play -- go out on the field of play, disrupting the game and showing up the umpires, to argue about some call that will not be reversed no matter what and act a pure damn fool.

Moreover, this type of boorish behavior is lauded and celebrated by fans and most observers because it's tradition and there are years of tape of previous lard assed crybabies throwing their ill-conceived temper tantrums all over the place.

I guess I just don't get baseball...and if to "get" baseball means you have to accept and/or support this stuff, I'm glad I don't get it.

Y'know, I've seen guys pull acts like this at rec league softball games. It's asinine at any level.

Anytime I've ever had a situation happen where I've disagreed with the call, I've politely called for time, then walked (not run - walked) out to the umpire, and simply and calmly asked him/her "Can you tell me what you saw?" I never argue the point - they saw what they saw, and arguing isn't going to change that. I might, might take a moment to explain why my guys are going ballistic. But 95% of the time just by asking the umpire what he saw it quiets my guys down, I don't piss off the umpire in the process, and order is restored.

What this jackhole did? He ought to be fired for it.


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This is what kills me about baseball...grown ass (usually fat) men in uniform -- that don't play -- go out on the field of play, disrupting the game and showing up the umpires, to argue about some call that will not be reversed no matter what and act a pure damn fool.

Moreover, this type of boorish behavior is lauded and celebrated by fans and most observers because it's tradition and there are years of tape of previous lard assed crybabies throwing their ill-conceived temper tantrums all over the place.

I guess I just don't get baseball...and if to "get" baseball means you have to accept and/or support this stuff, I'm glad I don't get it.

Nope, I get baseball and think idiots like this should be strung up by their toes and bashed with a broken maple bat. I understand getting worked up and maybe losing it a little bit in the heat of the moment, but to see managers crawling on their bellies like soldiers and tossing rosin bags around like they're grenades is unacceptable. In ANY other line of work you would be fired on the spot and banned from that line of work ever again for publicly humiliating a respected official. Professional baseball is just like anything else. Its a profession, and to see idiots like that take that so horribly for granted disgusts me. I feel the same way about fighting in hockey. It's a pointless, gimmicky show that does nothing but slow up the game and take focus from what really matters.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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This is what kills me about baseball...grown ass (usually fat) men in uniform -- that don't play -- go out on the field of play, disrupting the game and showing up the umpires, to argue about some call that will not be reversed no matter what and act a pure damn fool.

Moreover, this type of boorish behavior is lauded and celebrated by fans and most observers because it's tradition and there are years of tape of previous lard assed crybabies throwing their ill-conceived temper tantrums all over the place.

I guess I just don't get baseball...and if to "get" baseball means you have to accept and/or support this stuff, I'm glad I don't get it.

Saved me a post. It's always embarrassing when I get asked to explain to my non-baseball watching friends why this kind of crap is tolerated because I never know what to tell them.

But FWIW, it was kind of funny when he tried to give the up a pit stop.

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This is what kills me about baseball...grown ass (usually fat) men in uniform -- that don't play -- go out on the field of play, disrupting the game and showing up the umpires, to argue about some call that will not be reversed no matter what and act a pure damn fool.

Moreover, this type of boorish behavior is lauded and celebrated by fans and most observers because it's tradition and there are years of tape of previous lard assed crybabies throwing their ill-conceived temper tantrums all over the place.

I guess I just don't get baseball...and if to "get" baseball means you have to accept and/or support this stuff, I'm glad I don't get it.

Nope, I get baseball and think idiots like this should be strung up by their toes and bashed with a broken maple bat. I understand getting worked up and maybe losing it a little bit in the heat of the moment, but to see managers crawling on their bellies like soldiers and tossing rosin bags around like they're grenades is unacceptable. In ANY other line of work you would be fired on the spot and banned from that line of work ever again for publicly humiliating a respected official. Professional baseball is just like anything else. Its a profession, and to see idiots like that take that so horribly for granted disgusts me. I feel the same way about fighting in hockey. It's a pointless, gimmicky show that does nothing but slow up the game and take focus from what really matters.

I will admit, I am okay with the "tirades" which typically involve a manager who goes out to argue an obvious blown call. He goes at it with the ump for a bit before he gets tossed and walks off. The End. Those are fine because they are move civil and don't show up the umpire in any fashion.

But when it comes to kicking dirt on home plate, throwing bases and bats all over the place, or whatever these minor league assclowns have been resorting to do just to get on SportsCenter, it's below childish. I can't say I've ever found much humor in a grown man throwing a temper-tantrum as if they're some 5 year old who's mom won't buy them candy in the checkout line.

MLB could address this if they wanted, but I suppose this kind of behavior sells or something. <_<


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