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Redesigning the MLB Series


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Hey everyone, it's time for my first concept since getting home from Montreal. This time around, it's for the Mets. I did what nearly all Mets fans want to, get rid of the black. I did that, and eliminated the shadow in all the logos. Now for the logos. I have 2 options. Option 1 I kept the skyline, and added a banner type thing in the front. I did Option 2, because I LOVE the tertiary logo I made. I drew up the tertiary logo while flying over New York on my flight to Newark. I also kept the secondary, and script the same. So here's the logos


Vote for Option 1, or 2. Also give me C&C to make them better. Now to the jerseys. I changed a few things. I took out the pin-stripes on the home uniforms, because when I say New York, and pin stripes, who do you think of? I also made a blue alternate. and I made the logo, and numbers blue, because I like the way the Rays BP uni looks. Here they are.I also got a new template.Enjoy!


C&C please. I'll try to make updates to my Sox concept tonight.

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First of all, let me say that although many Mets fans don't like the black, I have come across some that like it. I'm really not a Mets fan at all, but I hate the black. So I like the uniforms you came up with. At least, I like the home and away. The alternate I am not fond of. The script needs to be orange or white. Looks at the Braves blue unis or the Angels in red. Not enough contrast for the wordmarks/numbers. The logo package has some potential. I don't really like the 1st primary. The second one and the Tertiary look allright, but the skyscraper is too detailed. Also why are they so pixelated? That doesn't look good. Lastly I will add on that I really like the hats.

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I don't know what to say, I'm not liking either one that much. But I'd have to go with Option 2 for the only reason that it's similar to the current one. That's not saying I do or don't like it. I think it would make a nice secondary, but I don't think it would make a good primary. And Option 1 looks awful with the tail and all in my opinion.



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I don't know what to say, I'm not liking either one that much. But I'd have to go with Option 2 for the only reason that it's similar to the current one. That's not saying I do or don't like it. I think it would make a nice secondary, but I don't think it would make a good primary. And Option 1 looks awful with the tail and all in my opinion.

yeah i most likely will try it again

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Some people are going to rip you to shreds anyway, no matter how much time you put into it. I swear some people on this site don't appreciate the work that some people do.

Ok, I wanted to put my 2 cents in on this, jayjackson, don't take this in the wrong way because I don't want to be mean or anything, I just strongly disagree with you. (sidenote: I love your MLB 2028 thread).

Anyway, I know I have been guilty of bashing a few people that don't deserve it, but really, people are being way too sensitive. People on this site need to learn how to take C+C. I know that you, specifically, have many times gotten into arguments about this very subject, defending newer members who you feel are being "bashed". Really, those people just need to learn how to take constructive criticism and apply it, so that they make their concept better. And we do appreciate stuff, just not recolors and the like; stuff that doesn't take any time is therefore not appreciated.

So just do your thing and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

But, that's where you are wrong: he does need to worry about what other people think. That's how you improve your concepts. And once you learn to take C+C the right way, you in turn become a better designer.

So, you obviously don't have to listen to what I say, but you really should stop telling newer people on the board to disregard "bashing", because that's just not a good idea. The people that don't listen to C+C just post what they want, then argue with people that are trying to help. That's not the way to go.

I hope I got my point across, because sometimes what I am thinking doesn't exactly come out right while I am typing.



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Isn't this kind of the same thing that was said about people putting thought and time into their concepts? Shouldn't people think before they type as well? Think about how you would react if people were to say the same thing to you? You should expect defensiveness or comebacks if you can't put thought and constructive criticism into your comments...Many times, when you type something that doesn't come out the way you want it to, then what reaction do you think you will get? Guaranteed, it won't be one you wanted or expected...



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Isn't this kind of the same thing that was said about people putting thought and time into their concepts? Shouldn't people think before they type as well? Think about how you would react if people were to say the same thing to you? You should expect defensiveness or comebacks if you can't put thought and constructive criticism into your comments...Many times, when you type something that doesn't come out the way you want it to, then what reaction do you think you will get? Guaranteed, it won't be one you wanted or expected...

Um, I think you are taking a very simple sentence (that had nothing to do with my original point) waaay too seriously. First of all, I don't really understand what you are trying to say. Second of all, I understand if you disagree with me, but I don't understand why you would call me out for mentioning that I hoped my point was clear. It doesn't make sense to me.

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I do like that logo that you came up with, but, as mentioned before, it might be too detailed.

If I may make a suggestion, eliminate the vertical lines in the middle of each part, the ones aside from the outlines.

And the tail on option one, if you're gonna have those words at the bottom, eliminate the tail and try to make the somewhat symmetrical to the other side.



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Hey guys. I have my next redesign. It's for New York's favorite team(oh don't act surprised Mets fans) The New York Yankees. I didn't change much, because of history. I don't like them much, but I understand the history of the team. The primary they use now is like 80% red, even though they don't use red anywhere else. I planned to make the logo with as many stars as championships, then I remembered, they have 26... So here the logo set is!


On the jerseys I didn't change much. I added Yankees script to the road, and alternate jerseys. Enjoy.


Now I have a special jersey. I decided to have a retro looking jersey. They could wear it for number retirements, or something.


So there's that set. C&C please

I'll see if I have any sketches for the next team. I think the Cubs.

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did you really change anything enough to even call it a concept?
Hey guys. I have my next redesign. It's for New York's favorite team(oh don't act surprised Mets fans) The New York Yankees. I didn't change much, because of history. I don't like them much, but I understand the history of the team. The primary they use now is like 80% red, even though they don't use red anywhere else. I planned to make the logo with as many stars as championships, then I remembered, they have 26... So here the logo set is!
I don't see the point of putting the "Yankees" script on the roads.. keep New York there.

I thought they were iconic enough to just use Yankees, I'll put New York on it to see how it looks

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Wow, I'll admit, even being a Yankees hater, I have a sort of respect for the tradition of the Yankees and their emblems and uniforms, so I was worried that you might screw this one up. But I'm pleasantly suprised. I like the primary a lot. But I have to agree with Chestnutz that you didn't really change all that much, though that's not entirely a bad thing here.



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Hey sorry guys, I haven't really been able to make any good concepts lately. I'm going to take a break from baseball concepts, try some other sports, mostly hockey. I'll try to get this back up when I have some good ideas. If you want to help with some designs, PM me. I'll give you credit.

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Hey guys, kind of a "Spur of the moment" concept, for the Blue Jays. Not much of a concept, more of a nicely tuned recolouring. Chris uploaded new WBC logos on the mother site, but this one caught my eye. It gave me an idea for a logo, with the Toronto skyline. So I made it, but I wanted more. So I used it as a logo for a Blue Jays redesign. I remember in 2004 when the Jays released their new logos. I thought they were the coolest thing ever. Now, not so much. It looks more like a rat, than a Blue Jay. I know how much everyone loves the original logo, so I used it. I didn't like the way the lighter blue looked, so I turned it into powder blue, to match the jerseys(spoiler alert!). I also kept the grey colour, instead of red. I also used the script from the 90's logos. Enjoy.


Oh and the skyline from the 4th logo is from the logo from the link. Now to the jerseys. I think the Blue Jays have the best look in the league with their powder blue jerseys, and the white hats. So I made that the away set.


I wasn't sure If I was overdoing the powder blue, so I made another set, with a different light blue colour, and a grey away, I'll post it later if you want.

C&C on these please

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