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March Mayhem


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Conference tournaments are underway and about to begin, you allready have teams that are in via their conference tournaments, are "locks" by their records, and you have your common "bubble team" that's season hangs in the hands of the selection comittee.

Since Northern Iowa made it they're going to be the team I'm pulling for to win it all. Iowa's season hangs on how well they do in the tournament and Iowa State will probably be dancing in the NIT again this year.

So who are you going to be pulling for or picking to win it all in the end? No matter how unlikely it may be for them to win?

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I'm a Homer just like Hrivnak, so I'll say Georgia Tech. Unlikely, but they should go Great 8 based on their record, and who they've beaten this year. Hopefully even further!

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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ON WISCONSIN! i'm pullin for the badgers to at least get to the sweet 16, though they're too inconsistent to win the whole thing. they can, but it'll take some luck.

also pulling for ND, depending on where they end up.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Im a Seton Hall fan Im just glad to see them going back to the tourney.

However I think ill be pulling for St. Joe's it will be a great story if they are able to defy the odds and stay unbeaten all the way through the Tournament.



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On the banks of the Red Cedar

Is a school that's known to all;

Its specialty is winning,

And those Spartans play good ball;

Spartan teams are never beaten,

All through the games they fight;

Fight for the only colors,

Green and White.

Go right thru' for MSU,

Watch the points keep growing.

Spartan teams are bound to win,

They're fighting with a vim.


See their team is weakening,

We're going to win this game.

Fight! Fight! Rah! Team, Fight!

Victory for MSU.

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Speaking of March Madness

I have signed up for a group on Yahoo for all of us to join and make our tournament predictions. I will be trying to get as members on the board to join this group as possible over the next few days.

However we can start now

The group is called CCSLB March Madness

and to sign up just fill in the

Group ID #11448

& Passowrd: logosrule

Anyone with a yahoo Id can sign up with their yahoo id especially those in fanatsy leagues run by yahoo.

I would like as many people as possible to join so if you like office pools please sign up.



For the best in sports history go to the Sports E-Cyclopedia at



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Down, Down the court goes old Syracuse,

Just see those guards take the shot and go thro';

Down, down the court they go marching,

Fighting for the Orange staunch and true.

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Vict'y's in sight for old Syr-a-cuse,

Each loyal son knows she ne'er more will lose,

For we'll fight, yes, we'll fight, and with all our might

For the glory of old Syracuse.

Oh, and thanks Tank.

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