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Toronto Argonauts


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I keep hearing that the Buffalo Bills will most likely relocate to Toronto within 5 years (if they don't end up relocating to LA). Personally, it's okay by me since I've never liked the name Bills (should have been Bisons) but I've also heard that the Canadian government would block any NFL expansion as long as there's a CFL. And for some reason, the NFL has been subsidizing the CFL to help keep her afloat. So, I'm going to assume that sooner or later, the NFL would stop that and let the CFL go belly-up.

If that happens, Toronto would be a great market for the NFL. Would you favor the NFL keeping the Argonauts name (with a revamped logo) or coming up with a new name... since Toronto Bills wouldn't work. And if not Argonauts...what?

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Personally, I'd favor maintaining the Argonauts name. It is synonymous with professional football in Toronto... and a damn fine identity, as well!

As for the team's logo, I'd be in favor of a slight update to this guy...


... being used as the team's primary mark, with something like one of these...



... as the secondary mark.

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Argonauts is one of my favorite professional sports names. I would really hope that they go with that.

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Personally, I'd favor maintaining the Argonauts name. It is synonymous with professional football in Toronto... and a damn fine identity, as well!

As for the team's logo, I'd be in favor of a slight update to this guy...


... being used as the team's primary mark.

Brian, I agree....I'm not that overly fond of any of the CFL logos but revamping the Argo logo would look great.

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Argonauts is one of my favorite professional sports names. I would really hope that they go with that.

It's been ages since a league was absorbed (or merged) with the NFL but the Browns, 49ers, and Colts came over intact to the NFL from the AAFC so it could happen. Something tells me that in this day and age, some marketing guys would thrust Cobras or Rhinos or some other name on a Toronto franchise rather than keeping the Argonaut name.

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I keep hearing that the Buffalo Bills will most likely relocate to Toronto within 5 years (if they don't end up relocating to LA). Personally, it's okay by me since I've never liked the name Bills (should have been Bisons) but I've also heard that the Canadian government would block any NFL expansion as long as there's a CFL. And for some reason, the NFL has been subsidizing the CFL to help keep her afloat. So, I'm going to assume that sooner or later, the NFL would stop that and let the CFL go belly-up.

If that happens, Toronto would be a great market for the NFL. Would you favor the NFL keeping the Argonauts name (with a revamped logo) or coming up with a new name... since Toronto Bills wouldn't work. And if not Argonauts...what?

I may be wrong but I don't believe that the NFL subsidizes the CFL. They did loan them several million in the mid 90s (??) but I believe that's been paid back in full.


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I, for one, would hate to see the NFL in Canada and the death of the CFL.

But that's me.

It's not just you. There's many of us.

I echo that.

I would like to see both leagues somehow coexist up here. I love both leagues. I don't understand the NFL or CFL fans up here that just bash the opposite league back and forth and only believe that you can only like one or the other.

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I, for one, would hate to see the NFL in Canada and the death of the CFL.

But that's me.

It's not just you. There's many of us.

I echo that.

I would like to see both leagues somehow coexist up here. I love both leagues. I don't understand the NFL or CFL fans up here that just bash the opposite league back and forth and only believe that you can only like one or the other.

I have nothing against the NFL. I'm a huge San Diego Chargers fan, and I look forward to watching NFL football every Sunday from week one to the Super Bowl.

That said I love the CFL too, and I wouldn't want to see it threatened by a northward NFL expansion/relocation.

The two games are different enough and cater to different markets that coexisting is possible, as evidenced by, well, the entire time the two leagues have existed.

I love my NFL and I love my CFL. Leave the NFL south of the border and keep the CFL in the True North.

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I, for one, would hate to see the NFL in Canada and the death of the CFL.

But that's me.

It's not just you. There's many of us.

I echo that.

I would like to see both leagues somehow coexist up here. I love both leagues. I don't understand the NFL or CFL fans up here that just bash the opposite league back and forth and only believe that you can only like one or the other.

Exactly. They are two very different games and both enjoyable for different reasons. Why some would prefer a single franchise expanded in/relocated to Toronto at the presumed expense of the rest of the CFL's existence is beyond me. Does the enjoyment that one local NFL team offers really outweigh that of an entire league with support from coast to coast. This is assuming that the CFL requires the Argos to remain viable.....which unfortunately I think it does.


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I'd personally like to see the CFL try their U.S. experiment again, albeit on a different and much smaller scale. Establish a semi-pro minor league circuit playing under CFL rules. Players wouldn't get paid, but if they're good enough the league could feed CFL clubs up north. It'd expose fans to the CFL-style game, allowing them to bring the family along for comparatively bargain-basement prices, it'd give both the CFL and NFL additional players they could scout and recruit after seeing them in game situations, and it'd also expand the potential front-office talent pool for both leagues.


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In the event that the CFL cannot be protected and continue to exist (and ONLY in such a scenario), I would love to see the Argonauts identity used. I could be wrong, but I think the Argos are the oldest professional sports team in the world (founded in 1873).

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there are older FCs (England's Sheffield FC and Australia's Melbourne FC come to mind), but the Argos are the oldest gridiron club, American or Canadian.


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Give the Bills name to the Toronto CFL team and move them to Buffalo and give the Argonauts name to the Buffalo NFL team and move them to Toronto. Its a compromise, and I'd love to see the NFL expand to Canada and CFL expand to America. This will probably never happen, but thats the way I'd do it not being a huge football fan.

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Give the Bills name to the Toronto CFL team and move them to Buffalo and give the Argonauts name to the Buffalo NFL team and move them to Toronto. Its a compromise, and I'd love to see the NFL expand to Canada and CFL expand to America. This will probably never happen, but thats the way I'd do it not being a huge football fan.

The CFL doesn't belong in the United States. It's the Canadian Football League and should stay that way. The CFL and NFL both do great coexsisting with each other and I would hate to see the CFL go under.


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Let me correct myself, I'd like to see the CFL expand into the US, but only to cities close to the canadian border in the northern US, like buffalo's location. Sort of how the CHL uses a couple American cities in their leagues.

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The Bills will not move to Toronto. The CFL will not expand into the US in the forseeable future, and if, somehow the NFL does get into Toronto, it will not be the end of the CFL.



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I hope the Bills don't move. Although I've never really had a favorite football team (didn't get into football until my teens, and by then I had already moved around enough that I hadn't built up any team loyalties as I had w/ baseball, b-ball, or hockey earlier in my life), I've always had a soft spot for the Bills b/c I had family that lived in Buffalo, so I'd watch them when they were on TV. That being said, I also love the Argonauts identity, so I hope they stay where they are, as well as the rest of the CFL. Both leagues have coexisted for this long, I don't see why they couldn't do so now or in the near future at least.

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