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Philadelphia 76ers ~ UNIFORMS 5/30


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Alright, so I decided to turn this into a little mini-series. I'm not usually the best with completing series, so I won't promise anything, but for now, I'm going to try to revamp the NBA, starting with the Lakers (already done), and now, the Sixers.

I hate their current identity. READ: HATE. I've seen several members successfully try to update their retro look (grubstreet, fisheatcats), and I decided to try my hand at it as well.

I set out to update this logo in particular. The first thing you'll all notice is the colors. I tried to make red and navy work, but it just didn't work at all with the logos I had drawn up. So I went with a light blue and navy, which I think looks really nice.

The primary looks a LITTLE like the Lakers logo I made, but I didn't mean for that at all. I think there's enough of a difference so that it doesn't look like I just copied and pasted, so hopefully you guys agree. It's a stylized basketball with light blue shadows and 13 stars.

The secondary is a simple 76 with a star (you'll see the stars are a constant in this set).

The tertiary (stupidly labeled it partial), is the Liberty Bell with 13 stars around it.

The wordmarks I particularly like. I did the half-tone shadow that's so popular today, and an old school cursive script, with stars dotting the "i."

Uniforms will come later.

Hope you like! And specific suggestions for a next team are always welcome.



erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Nice. Is that script custom? The scripts are my favorite part.

I feel like the primary logo is a little weak, if you combined it with the 76 mark it would look better.

It will be interesting to see if you can get this color scheme to work (on the jerseys). Red might help, though.

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Love the secondary and the third/partial....not feeling the primary or the scripts. Specifically, the primary just needs more, as others have said. The primary should at least have the team name. The scripts, I'm not entirely sure what it is I don't like, but I don't like them. Actually, upon a second look, I think the outline needs to be a little thinner and a little cleaner/consistent. If you look at where the "S" meets the "i" and star in "Sixers" and where the "Ph" meet on "Phila", the outline's inconsistent. Similarly, I'd work with the placement of the star in the 76 logo to try to smooth the transition from the star to the numbers. And as uh, do-a-voodoo or whatever said, I'd put some red in there. Not a bad start at all...just some minor tweaks, and I think you've got something here.

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The primary's kinda plain without any sort of wordmark in there, but it's very clean. Just a question on the Liberty Bell logo though, is the ring of stars supposed to look oblong, or is it supposed to be a perfect circle? As it stands, it just looks sorta squished.

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Nice. Is that script custom? The scripts are my favorite part.

I feel like the primary logo is a little weak, if you combined it with the 76 mark it would look better.

It will be interesting to see if you can get this color scheme to work (on the jerseys). Red might help, though.

It's not a custom script, it's Script MT, same as the Great Lakes Loons use. The primary is too simple, it definitely needs a wordmark. The secondary looks not quite finished. The tertiary looks pretty good, but as someone said the stars look a little squished. I don't mind the light blue, but you need some red in there. I usually like your stuff, but this one isn't at the level of your usual work.

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This one, like you're original Lakers concept, screams WNBA. I think it's the stars, plus the blue looks purple, along with the silvery colors. The ball doesn't really work for the primary either.

I usually love your work, but I'm not feelin' this one.


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I think you've got a great start here, but it's not there yet. You've heard it all with the primary and such, so I'll skip that part. I would change the light blue to silver and work in some red. Maybe not a whole lot with the logos (if you can't get it in, you can't get it in), but on the uniforms, I think you almost have to have it.

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I think you've got a great start here, but it's not there yet. You've heard it all with the primary and such, so I'll skip that part. I would change the light blue to silver and work in some red. Maybe not a whole lot with the logos (if you can't get it in, you can't get it in), but on the uniforms, I think you almost have to have it.

Agreed. The light-blue makes it very... WNBA-ish, no offense. Make it a silver and if your trying to work in red, it would do nicely as an outline. I love the scripts BTW.


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Thank you all for the honest C&C, appreciate it a lot.

Update 1

-Added red, which I agree helps it a lot

-Replaced the light blue with silver, hopefully looks less WNBA-ish

-New primary. Got rid of some of the details in the basketball, added the 76 logo (which is a bit edited with the star placement, tried to make it smoother like Shumway suggested). Looks a bit more like the logo it was based off of now

-Liberty bell now secondary logo, and the stars now form a complete circle around it

-76 logo by itself is new tertiary

-Also included a royal blue instead of navy blue version, seeing what you guys prefer

Any suggestions for what to do with the uniforms are welcome.




erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Really liking the update. You used the red very efficiently and it looks great IMO. Personally, I would go with the royal blue color scheme. Keep up the good work, can't wait for more in this series.


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I really do like the update, although I did enjoy the previous version of the concept. I prefer the navy one instead of the royal blue.

I think too the Sixers need an update of their identity: logos, script, color scheme, uniform etc...

You could work better on the crack of the liberty bell, making it a little bit more detailed.

Nice job overall.

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