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MLS Cup 09 Seattle


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ive been a big fan of the mls branding over the last few years, especially the cup. not so much this year

Created in-house by the MLS Creative Services Department, the new logo marks a turning point in the branding of MLS Cup. Past MLS Cup logos integrated strong visual and architectural elements of each host city while the new logo highlights the Philip F. Anschutz Trophy through a simple and elegant glyph of the trophy. This glyph will remain a consistent element in the MLS Cup logo for years to come. In the new design, the host city -- Seattle for the 2009 edition -- is symbolized by a specific typeface and color accents in the handles of the trophy.


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the new logo highlights the Philip F. Anschutz Trophy through a simple and elegant glyph of the trophy. This glyph will remain a consistent element in the MLS Cup logo for years to come.

Well, so long, beautifully branded MLS Cup logos. You were truly the only inspired branding in all of the sports world, and went from exemplary to just..well, bland.

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There stepping into UEFA Champions League territory with this, which might not be such a bad thing.

Agree...while its not what the MLS has put out in recent years, its definitely more on the level of Champions League.

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I like it. I haven't liked the previous ones--the uniqueness was good, I guess, but I often found them tacky (especially last year's, with the film strip motif. Ugh). I'd like to see them keep some subtle city-centricness in the new design, but I can live with this.


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The film strip was brilliantly simple.

This is underwhelming. The cup rendering looks strange to my eyes.

Moreover, if I go to it (I've gone to the last two), I can't imagine there being a nice scarf. The 07 and 08 scarves were quite nice.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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The film strip was brilliantly simple.

This is underwhelming. The cup rendering looks strange to my eyes.

Moreover, if I go to it (I've gone to the last two), I can't imagine there being a nice scarf. The 07 and 08 scarves were quite nice.

i agree with both of those statements. the whole package was great last year. id like to see the trophy a bit more stylized in its shading, without the tacky gradients. i'll give them credit for designing a logo without a single outline, but i like outlines. big, bold ones. makes me wonder how they'll apply this to merchandise.

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As corporate branding, this is excellent. Clean, crisp, easily adaptable across a wide range of applications. Also unlikely to become dated anytime soon. This is really top-level stuff. Except that it's not intended to be the basis of a brand & reg system for a company; it's meant to form the identity of a recurring sporting event. And as such, I just don't think this works. It's too loose, and relies too much on white space and floating elements, to work well in the most common applications for which it will be used.

On the other hand, it's increasingly common for major sporting events to use this sort of corporate identity system rather than what Americans would regard as an event logo. This compares well with the Olympics, the World Cup, or any number of European and Asian soccer league and federation championships. I regard the fact that this looks like an Olympics logo rather than like a Super Bowl logo to be a fault, but I can see how MLS might regard it as a feature. However, I still think I'm right, unless MLS intends to use this identity package more like the Olympics than like the World Series -- that is, putting it in the hands of sponsors and partners for branding existing merchandise like cereal and batteries and cell phones and whatnot where the mark serves more as an advertisement or endorsement than as the primary marketing identity of the merchandise.

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I think it's decent for a start but I don't get the gradient. Didn't we get rid of that in the 80s? It's definitely more of an initial round of concepts than a finished piece to my eye.

I don't know about the gradient; these days I'm seeing a lot of logo where gradients are incorporated in digital versions but not in most print or fabric iterations. I'm fine with that; gradients like in this logo work well online even if they don't look good in print. But it does mean that one needs to be cautious about assuming that any gradient one sees online will be present in the logo when used offline.

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Guess im in the minority in thinking its the only decent logo the MLS Cup has ever had, its actually pretty good. Glad to see they changed the cup to.

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