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baseball road grays


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This is something I havent noticed here before and forgive me if it has already been discussed but I was wondering about to what extent are the shades of gray used in road uniforms different across the leagues? Some seem darker than others and I was just curiious about the different shades of gray being used. Any thoughts?

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Most of the official files show one of these colors as the Gray roads:


...but, I'm not sure how accurate these are in reality. I don't think that Majestic is really matching to these Pantones.

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Seems like all replicas come in the same shade of gray, but authentics vary by team. The Phillies authentic I have appears almost greenish-gray when held up against the replica.

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not to be a jerk in return but I have no idea what you are talking about...do you?

Don't play dumb and pretend you didn't go back and edit your post. It clearly said "garys" instead of "grays" when it was first posted.

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Geeze a typo forgive me maybe when I grow up I can be perfect like you...deal with it

You asked what everyone who was making "Gary" jokes was talking about. I clued you in.

I can "deal with" a typo, but you were trying to play us all for fools.

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not to be a jerk in return but I have no idea what you are talking about...do you?

Don't play dumb and pretend you didn't go back and edit your post. It clearly said "garys" instead of "grays" when it was first posted.

The topic title still reads "differences is shades of gary".

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Geeze a typo forgive me maybe when I grow up I can be perfect like you...deal with it

Well, according to your member profile, you're 54 years old. Where exactly do we set the bar for the "grown up" age? 70? 75?

Well, former Senator Henry Hyde referred to the affair he carried on in his 40s as a "youthful indiscretion," so maybe 70 is about right.

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To get back on topic, I hate road grays. With 162+ games a year, teams should do what the Pirates did from 1977-84, and have a bunch of uni combinations. They had nine, although I'm not sure if they ever wore all of them in a season.

Yes, I know grays are traditional...but they are traditional because baseball teams only had one uniform back then and they couldn't do laundry on the road, so their uniforms turned gray. Is that something to be proud of? B)

I mean, in the NFL the home team used to use one of their fast players to take the box holding all the ticket money out of the stadium and to the bank before the howling mob could catch him...should the NFL bring that practice back? :D

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To get back on topic, I hate road grays. With 162+ games a year, teams should do what the Pirates did from 1977-84, and have a bunch of uni combinations. They had nine, although I'm not sure if they ever wore all of them in a season.

Yes, I know grays are traditional...but they are traditional because baseball teams only had one uniform back then and they couldn't do laundry on the road, so their uniforms turned gray. Is that something to be proud of? B)

I mean, in the NFL the home team used to use one of their fast players to take the box holding all the ticket money out of the stadium and to the bank before the howling mob could catch him...should the NFL bring that practice back? :D

I thought the reason teams wore gray on the road was because it didn't show the dirt and not that they were simply dirty white uniforms.




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To get back on topic, I hate road grays. With 162+ games a year, teams should do what the Pirates did from 1977-84, and have a bunch of uni combinations. They had nine, although I'm not sure if they ever wore all of them in a season.

Yes, I know grays are traditional...but they are traditional because baseball teams only had one uniform back then and they couldn't do laundry on the road, so their uniforms turned gray. Is that something to be proud of? B)

I mean, in the NFL the home team used to use one of their fast players to take the box holding all the ticket money out of the stadium and to the bank before the howling mob could catch him...should the NFL bring that practice back? :D

I thought the reason teams wore gray on the road was because it didn't show the dirt and not that they were simply dirty white uniforms.

That's the explanation I always heard, too. Connie Mack's Philadelphia A's were the first to wear gray on the road because he didn't want to dirty the home whites. I don't think it was because the home whites became gray.

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Most of the official files show one of these colors as the Gray roads:


...but, I'm not sure how accurate these are in reality. I don't think that Majestic is really matching to these Pantones.

I keep trying to decide which one of those is the real/best gray to me, but every time I look at one, I think it is the best. Followed by me thinking the next one I look at is the best, and round and round we go...

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Most of the official files show one of these colors as the Gray roads:


...but, I'm not sure how accurate these are in reality. I don't think that Majestic is really matching to these Pantones.

Reminds of using a calibration tool to calculate the white point of my monitor.

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