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Spotlight on net after goal in NHL


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Recently, my Phoenix Coyotes started putting the spotlight on the net after the team scores a home goal. I know several teams (Anaheim & Atlanta notably) do this.

Personally, I find this distasteful. If you're going to put a spotlight on some one or thing, light the person who scored the goal.

Your thoughts?

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Speaking as a goalie, it seems obnoxious :D

Speaking as a fan, I like the idea. The NHL needs to grab the attention of the casual American sports fan. If making a bigger spectacle out of goals may work, sure, give it a shot.

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If the goalie doesn't like it, he shouldn't have let the goal in. This is professional sports, not peewee hockey. If anything about goal celebrations needs to go its the overly loud goal horns that some rinks have, off the top of my head Atlanta and Ottawa have these. It's to the point that it annoys me, and I'm watching tv, I can't imagine what it's like in person at the rink.

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I have no real opinion on it, if a team does its their business, the Devils this year started having a lit up logo in one corner of the arnea that shoot smoke when a goal is scored.



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While I think unique light effects are great (my favorite is in Calgary how the arena flashes red when the Flames score a goal), Id say keep the spotlight off the net. Put it on the scorer.

I forget which arena does it, but I remember one that puts a strobe light on the net. If I was a goalie, I would be really pissed if I had to put up with that.

A couple years ago, when the pens made the playoffs, red plastic tube Christmas lights were installed at the ends of the balconies at the Mellon Arena and flash when a goal is scored/the team enters/win... This gave me an idea.

Why not do the same thing around the top of the boards? Put red rope lighting around the top on the outside side of the glass, and when a goal is scored, have it flash red.

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If the goalie doesn't like it, he shouldn't have let the goal in. This is professional sports, not peewee hockey. If anything about goal celebrations needs to go its the overly loud goal horns that some rinks have, off the top of my head Atlanta and Ottawa have these. It's to the point that it annoys me, and I'm watching tv, I can't imagine what it's like in person at the rink.

It's amazing :D

The home fans love it and that's sort of the point.

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While I think unique light effects are great (my favorite is in Calgary how the arena flashes red when the Flames score a goal), Id say keep the spotlight off the net. Put it on the scorer.

I forget which arena does it, but I remember one that puts a strobe light on the net. If I was a goalie, I would be really pissed if I had to put up with that.

A couple years ago, when the pens made the playoffs, red plastic tube Christmas lights were installed at the ends of the balconies at the Mellon Arena and flash when a goal is scored/the team enters/win... This gave me an idea.

Why not do the same thing around the top of the boards? Put red rope lighting around the top on the outside side of the glass, and when a goal is scored, have it flash red.

That kind of reminds me of what the NBA does with their backboards to signal the end of a period.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
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I think that's a pretty good idea. It might help more than the lamps when it comes to signalling goals and figuring out buzzer-beaters (well, horn-beaters). Would you have a laser running between the posts that the puck (and only the puck) would trip?

As for spotlights directly on the creases, I think the one in Vancouver annoyed me last spring, but annoyed me less when they got their asses beat. Such is life.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I think that's a pretty good idea. It might help more than the lamps when it comes to signalling goals and figuring out buzzer-beaters (well, horn-beaters). Would you have a laser running between the posts that the puck (and only the puck) would trip?

As for spotlights directly on the creases, I think the one in Vancouver annoyed me last spring, but annoyed me less when they got their asses beat. Such is life.

The problem with the laser idea is that the entire puck has to cross for it to be a goal. The puck can cross flat, or on its side (and any direction in between), so there's no true goal line that you can use for the laser wall.

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That's pretty cool, except I wish it wasn't flashing. I can see where that would get annoying pretty quick. . It would be cool if they could make the posts light up green to signal the end of the period too.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I think it lacks class and agree the spotlight, if even used at all, should be on the goal scorer.


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In Calgary we have a spotlight plus flames that shoot out of boxes hanging from the roof so that's a double take for goalies. Although we haven't been scoring a lot at home lately so can't really see it as much.




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Speaking as a goalie, it seems obnoxious :D

Speaking as a fan, I like the idea. The NHL needs to grab the attention of the casual American sports fan. If making a bigger spectacle out of goals may work, sure, give it a shot.

I think it's going to take a little more than that to grab the attention of the "casual American sports fan." Why? Because any "casual" fan is going to remain just that; "casual." If the only reason a fan is showing up is to see flashing goals and spotlights do you really want that fan in the first place?

Don't get me wrong, I like hockey but it's probably time to start getting used to the idea that the sport is about as big as it's ever going to get in The United States. Hockey is like soccer, it's not a casual acquaintance sport. The "casual fan" can walk in and out of football, basketball, and baseball, and have a rudimentary idea of what's going on. To the uninitiated, hockey is probably pretty confusing. 20 minutes of 0-0 hockey with goalies standing on their heads is thrilling to a hockey fan. To a casual observer it's going to look like a bunch of guys skating around 20 minutes. If the lights don't flash for them they won't be back. Gimmicks aren't going to bring in casual fans.




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Speaking as a goalie, it seems obnoxious :D

Speaking as a fan, I like the idea. The NHL needs to grab the attention of the casual American sports fan. If making a bigger spectacle out of goals may work, sure, give it a shot.

I think it's going to take a little more than that to grab the attention of the "casual American sports fan." Why? Because any "casual" fan is going to remain just that; "casual." If the only reason a fan is showing up is to see flashing goals and spotlights do you really want that fan in the first place?

Don't get me wrong, I like hockey but it's probably time to start getting used to the idea that the sport is about as big as it's ever going to get in The United States. Hockey is like soccer, it's not a casual acquaintance sport. The "casual fan" can walk in and out of football, basketball, and baseball, and have a rudimentary idea of what's going on. To the uninitiated, hockey is probably pretty confusing. 20 minutes of 0-0 hockey with goalies standing on their heads is thrilling to a hockey fan. To a casual observer it's going to look like a bunch of guys skating around 20 minutes. If the lights don't flash for them they won't be back. Gimmicks aren't going to bring in casual fans.

I don't necessarily disagree with you. I've probably said it more times then people could to hear it, the NHL needs to stop pretending they're in the same league (no pun intended) as the NFL, NBA, and MLB and accept their status as a rather large niche league/sport.

That being said, I made the comment about trying to get the average American fan in a "hey, lets give this a shot, if it doesn't work, oh well" manner.

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A spotlight on the net is no more obnoxious to the opposing team than a giant foghorn blasting through the arena. I love the idea of the flashing goalposts! It's no different than the goal light behind the net, it's just a little more entertaining, plus it frames (shames) the goalie that let in the goal!

Like Breakwood said

If the goalie doesn't like it, he shouldn't have let the goal in. This is professional sports, not peewee hockey.
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