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2010 Stanley Cup Playoffs


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And then PK SoupCan goes and says this

I'm sorry, I don't see the issue there.

The issue is not that he is only thinking that it is "Stanley Cup or Bust" (which is correct for MTL), but he is called "soupcan" via YouTube and even here, which is a stereotype for many Anglo-Africans. If you hate him for his play at least try to attempt to be less bigoted and try to make him more like a sport version Scatman Crothers. "Soupcan" is unnecessary.

When you google, "P.K. Subban + soup can" and the initial results via the NHL are now deleted (Preds and Sabres), then they even know this is not right.

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Now I obviously expected the referees to be biased towards the Pens. It was somewhat true in the first 3 games, but still didn't really affect the game. Yesterday they tried their hardest to gift the Pens the game, but couldn't do it thankfully.

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And then PK SoupCan goes and says this

I'm sorry, I don't see the issue there.

The issue is not that he is only thinking that it is "Stanley Cup or Bust" (which is correct for MTL), but he is called "soupcan" via YouTube and even here, which is a stereotype for many Anglo-Africans. If you hate him for his play at least try to attempt to be less bigoted and try to make him more like a sport version Scatman Crothers. "Soupcan" is unnecessary.

When you google, "P.K. Subban + soup can" and the initial results via the NHL are now deleted (Preds and Sabres), then they even know this is not right.

I don't have a problem with him saying "after we win the stanley cup". I think every team in the playoffs should be making statements like that because otherwise what's the point of you being in the playoffs. What's he supposed to say? "After we lose to the penguins".

I have never heard of soup can used as any sort of racial slur. Neither has google, neither has urban dictionary. According to them a soup can is a poop that is as round as it is long.


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Meh, I dont need to be motivated, but if it takes something like that to get the Pens going, I really dont rightly care. Find a way to win two games, preferably back to back and get this over with. The Pens are carrying the play in this series, they just arent getting the breaks, and that happens, but it means they need to push that much more, and I hope Disco is driving that point home.

Im pretty sure 17k+ raging fans dressed in white will be enough motivation for them.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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This is gonna be a tough game for the Bruins. The Flyers are facing elimination AND on home-ice, so their motivation has probably never been higher.

I'm also not a fan of having Michael Ryder and Blake Wheeler on the same line. Not even the high energy that Vladimir Sobotka brings every single game can level out both of their "meh" attitudes.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Yeah, good call on Ryder/Wheeler.

Flyers score their second now.

2-1 Philly.

I swear, Wheeler's got martini glasses in his pants that he can't afford to have shatter. Thus, why he never plays physical. 'Tis a shame to see, especially when I was so excited after they first signed him.

As for Ryder, well, he's just happy to be there.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Man, Luongo hasn't lost a step from last year! Yet again, 7 goals, and not just one this time, but TWO hat tricks! Captain Serious and Big Buff doin' work


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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Apparently, the Canucks defense likes watching hockey as much as we do. Jesus :censored:, clear a :censored:ing puck you clowns.

My allegiances switch to whoever comes out of the East this year. Unless it's Pittsburgh, in which case, it's baseball season.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Tonight's Flyers/Bruins game was a perfect showing of why Zdeno Chara isn't a Norris Trophy finalist this year....

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Tough loss.

I was confident the Bs would tie it

in the final minute, and was confident early in OT.

Somewhere around the 10 minute mark

I felt Philly was going to win.

Hopefully Boston doesn't let Philly hang around

too long Monday.

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