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All Time Worst Professional Sports Team Nicknames


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I don't know if this has been done before so if it has I apologies. So while watching the Rays play the other day against the Rangers I was thinking of how bad their team nickname was, Rays really after a ray of sunshine, or even a devil ray, they have two things they are named after. This got me thinking of what other teams in professional sports have stupid and awful nicknames. So with out further ado I present my top 10 worst team names in professional sports.

10)Cincinnati Bengals/Detroit Tigers, not only are there no tigers in the Cincinnati and Detroit but there are no tigers in America at all

9)Detroit Lions, Same as number 10 except for lions

8)San Diego Padres, I know California has a huge mexican background but their logo is a Friar

7)Pittsburgh Penguins, one not intimidating, and two since when are there penguins in a populated city like Pittsburgh

6)Minnesota Vikings, since when are there Vikings in a state that is no where near an ocean, where vikings used to travel via boat!

5)Washington Wizards, Name is way too geeky

4)Whitesox, My main problem they don't wear white socks, also they can't even spell socks right

3)Toronto Raptors, Last time I checked dinosaurs are extinct

2)Nashville Predators, predators really? Their logo is a saber tooth tiger much like dinosaurs they are also extinct

1)Utah Jazz, Now this name would not be in the top ten if the team were still in New Orleans but how is Jazz associated with Utah?

I would have put a lot of college teams on this list but since there are like over 1000 different schools it would be too hard to choose

But counting college teams Williams College Purple Cows would be the all time #1 worst team nickname.


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10)Cincinnati Bengals/Detroit Tigers-nothing wrong with an intimidating animal to represent your team, even if it's not native.

9)Detroit Lions, Same as number 10 except for lions

8)Washington Wizards-Geeky, I can understand that. But not a horrible name.

7)Pittsburgh Penguins-They were named because they played in the "igloo" in Pittsburgh. And I was once bit by a penguin, they are intimidating.

6)Minnesota Vikings-there's a large scandinavian/large bearded men (and women) population in Minnesota.

5)Washington Wizards-Okay, it's not geeky enough to be here twice.

4)Whitesox-tradition my friend. and that's was just the cool way to spell 'socks' way back when, deal with it. It's now a baseball thing.

3)Toronto Raptors-back to 10. With your logic, movies like Jurassic Park shouldn't be made either. Dinosaurs are extinct, why make a movie about them?

2)Nashville Predators-Predators is a bit broad, but 'Sabres' was already taken. It's an intimidating name.

1)Utah Jazz-the ONLY one I actually 100% agree with. or even close to 100%.

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You know what, I've got a few minutes to spare.

10/9) There are no Bears, Cubs, or Bulls in the city of Chicago. Did it ever occur to you that, just maybe, aggressive, powerful animals make suitable representations for sports franchises?

8) Ever seen a Franciscan priest?


We had a Franciscan occasionally perform services at the Catholic Church my family went to. His title was "Father". He dressed just like the pic above.

7) This is the Pittsburgh Civic Arena. It is where the Pittsburgh NHL team played from 1967 to 2010.


See how it looks like an igloo? Most people called it that, in fact. A building shaped like an igloo, a sport played on ice, hmm, seems like a penguin would be a natural association for a mascot representation, plus the alliteration makes the team name easy to remember. Could have been Eskimos too, but since there never were any in Pittsburgh, I guess that also would have been unacceptable.

6) The hundreds of thousands of people of Nordic descent from Minnesota say "Hi."

5) I'm sure this is because you think "Harry Potter" automatically when you hear Wizard, because you are 14 (I'm not buying that '89 birth year for a second,) and you are part of the "reading's for dorks" fraternity. There are many far better reasons why Wizards is a poor name.

4) The name dates from the first decade of the 1900s, when language constructs were different. White stockings have been a part of the uniform in years prior, though not always. And yet, you have no problem with the Boston Red Sox.

3) So teams can only be named after things that are currently alive?

2) A large fossil was discovered while the Predators' arena was being constructed. Thus the name and logo.

1) Oh, Christ almighty, not this :censored: again.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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Thanks for the gang bang bashing guys nice to know I'm loved. You all for got to give me a remark about the Purple Cows, so I'm sure sooner or later someone will. Thanks for letting me realize I just wasted like 30 min of my life thinking of team names I hate all for nothing *SIGH* :( Just to be clear out of every professional team you all like everyone's nickname?


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I don't know if this has been done before so if it has I apologies. So while watching the Rays play the other day against the Rangers I was thinking of how bad their team nickname was, Rays really after a ray of sunshine, or even a devil ray, they have two things they are named after. This got me thinking of what other teams in professional sports have stupid and awful nicknames. So with out further ado I present my top 10 worst team names in professional sports.

10)Cincinnati Bengals/Detroit Tigers, not only are there no tigers in the Cincinnati and Detroit but there are no tigers in America at all

9)Detroit Lions, Same as number 10 except for lions

8)San Diego Padres, I know California has a huge mexican background but their logo is a Friar

7)Pittsburgh Penguins, one not intimidating, and two since when are there penguins in a populated city like Pittsburgh

6)Minnesota Vikings, since when are there Vikings in a state that is no where near an ocean, where vikings used to travel via boat!

5)Washington Wizards, Name is way too geeky

4)Whitesox, My main problem they don't wear white socks, also they can't even spell socks right

3)Toronto Raptors, Last time I checked dinosaurs are extinct

2)Nashville Predators, predators really? Their logo is a saber tooth tiger much like dinosaurs they are also extinct

1)Utah Jazz, Now this name would not be in the top ten if the team were still in New Orleans but how is Jazz associated with Utah?

I would have put a lot of college teams on this list but since there are like over 1000 different schools it would be too hard to choose

But counting college teams Williams College Purple Cows would be the all time #1 worst team nickname.

Reading this post actually made me angry. Needless to say, I disagree across the board. But it is a good thread idea, so here are mine:

Minnesota Wild

Tampa Bay Lightning

Tampa Bay Rays

LA Clippers

Orlando Magic

Oklahoma City Thunder

I can honestly say, as much as most of us have a long list of uni's and logos we hate, I generally think most team names are fine. Some are kinda boring, like 'Charlotte Bobcats', and Anaheim Ducks' doesn't exactly roll off the tounge. While I loathe the singular names as much as the next intelligent guy, for some reason the 'Miami Heat' never bothered me (name-wise, anyways) and I kinda like 'Colorado Avalalanche' for some reason.

Edit: - I don't mean to pile on; didn't see the last couple posts before I posted -- and like I said, it is a good thread idea. Props for that anyways...

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People are busting on you for a few reasons..

1. A lot of members here like to give newbies a hard time.

2. Your rationale for some of your picks is due to your ignorance about the history of the team names.

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Thanks for the gang bang bashing guys nice to know I'm loved. You all for got to give me a remark about the Purple Cows, so I'm sure sooner or later someone will. Thanks for letting me realize I just wasted like 30 min of my life thinking of team names I hate all for nothing *SIGH* :( Just to be clear out of every professional team you all like everyone's nickname?

Thanks Sodboy13 for enlightening him. Next time, think more about it before you post. You were on a computer, so you could have seen the history of the name, then complain about it.

I am not going to give a top/bottom ten list.

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I'll keep mine to current team names in the major 4 leagues. In no particular order, I don't like...

-Cleveland Browns

-Houston Texans

-Washington Nationals

-Anaheim Ducks

-Washington Wizards

And before anyone bursts out with "HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THAT NAME ITS SO UNIQUE AND HISTORICAL YOU JUST DONT KNOW THE HISTORY BEHIND TEH TEAM NAME, BUT I DO!!!!11" save your typing, it's just my opinion.


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Thanks slapshot. And Darth, I would have to say most NBA teams have awful names I forgot about Orlando Magic, Clippers and Thunder. I also don't care for the Golden State Warriors now that they changed their logo.


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Any name that is singular like Heat, Magic, Thunder, etc. is no good in my opinion. Also, you count me among those that do not think a team name has to have something to do with the area. There probably aren't many wild bengal tigers running around Cincinnati but it's still a pretty cool name.




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4)Whitesox, My main problem they don't wear white socks, also they can't even spell socks right

1.) This is my favorite ball club and I love the name.

2.) They actually did wear white socks at one point, go to this link: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=lukas/080701

It reads, "Speaking of the White Sox's wearing white socks, they sure haven't been living up to their name in recent years. But it wasn't always that way -- the Pale Hose wore pale hose throughout their first several decades of existence. But other colors began creeping in during the 1940s: first blue and then black. By 1951, black had become their primary sock color (a particularly odd choice, considering the Black Sox scandal of 1919)."

3.) The Red Sox don't spell it right, but does it matter? No, it's an abbreviation. I mean, as lazy as it is, why bother having three letters when you can have a simple, "x" to shorten the pronunciation? There doesn't need to be a bunch of scrutinization about this kinda stuff. As long as the team wins games (which they blew this year) I don't care what they call themselves.


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I'll keep mine to current team names in the major 4 leagues. In no particular order, I don't like...

-Cleveland Browns

-Houston Texans

-Washington Nationals

-Anaheim Ducks

-Washington Wizards

And before anyone bursts out with "HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THAT NAME ITS SO UNIQUE AND HISTORICAL YOU JUST DONT KNOW THE HISTORY BEHIND TEH TEAM NAME, BUT I DO!!!!11" save your typing, it's just my opinion.

Add "Mighty" in front of "Ducks" and place "Anaheim" towards the end with "of" in between "Ducks" and "Anaheim" and I'll be a happy camper. :D


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4)Whitesox, My main problem they don't wear white socks, also they can't even spell socks right

1.) This is my favorite ball club and I love the name.

2.) They actually did wear white socks at one point, go to this link: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=lukas/080701

It reads, "Speaking of the White Sox's wearing white socks, they sure haven't been living up to their name in recent years. But it wasn't always that way -- the Pale Hose wore pale hose throughout their first several decades of existence. But other colors began creeping in during the 1940s: first blue and then black. By 1951, black had become their primary sock color (a particularly odd choice, considering the Black Sox scandal of 1919)."

3.) The Red Sox don't spell it right, but does it matter? No, it's an abbreviation. I mean, as lazy as it is, why bother having three letters when you can have a simple, "x" to shorten the pronunciation? There doesn't need to be a bunch of scrutinization about this kinda stuff. As long as the team wins games (which they blew this year) I don't care what they call themselves.

I know it's tradition but I don't like a team named after a sock just like the Reds used to be called the Redlegs does not sound appealing to me


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