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2011-2012 NCAA Football Uniform Thread

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I wasn't even saying anything about Penn State's identity lol.


PSU's uniforms put me to sleep

That and they look like hand-me-down practice jerseys for a high school team

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Identity is not only their football uniforms.



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Penn State's uniforms>>>anything Oregon wears

Only in blandness and cheapness.


They look cheap. Sorry, I'm not impressed by plain white numbers on a plain blue jersey, no matter how "classic" and "timeless" they're supposed to be. I'll take Penn State's basketball uniforms over their football uniforms any day of the week.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Penn State's uniforms>>>anything Oregon wears

Only in blandness and cheapness.


They look cheap. Sorry, I'm not impressed by plain white numbers on a plain blue jersey, no matter how "classic" and "timeless" they're supposed to be. I'll take Penn State's basketball uniforms over their football uniforms any day of the week.

I'm gonna somewhat agree with you there. I really don't like Penn State's look and how it's so plain, considering how thats what most High School teams in this area look like. But I understand it and I give it a pass because of the history involved with them. And yes, their basketball uniforms are better.

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In my opinion, there is a distinct difference between "looking cheap" and looking like a high school team. I think PSU is neither of those. Sure, they might have plain, simple uniforms, but that's their style. The same way Oregon sticks to innovation, Penn State sticks to tradition. I may understand if you say they're plain or boring, but there is a huge difference between being an appropriately dressed, classic looking football program vs. a high school squad. Penn State has uniforms as technologically advanced as the big boys. Just because they don't have highlighter colors and zig zags, and butt logos doesn't mean they are cheap. Sure, I might think it's cool to see some different uniforms like Oregon, but if it were my alma mater, I'd want my team to look like men, not clowns. What's wrong with the Bamas, Georgias, USCs, Texas', etc of the football world? Sometimes I wonder what's happening with my generation. I feel like a lot of my generation has no taste in terms of style and simply follows the trends. I think a huge reason for this is the explosion of social media and the internet. Kids these days are always looking for what's the newest thing on the market and cannot appreciate tradition or simplicity. For the record, I'm nineteen years old (in case you're wondering in regards to "my generation").

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How the hell does Oregon not "look like men"? Men are only allowed to wear the plainest possible clothing in your world?

And frankly, I could care less about trends. A lot of my favorite uniforms are from trends that died a long time ago. I just don't like plain uniforms with absolutely no originality like Penn State's or Alabama's set.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Penn State = USC=Notre Dame=Alabama. I personally like recognizable uniforms but the one offs a®e nice as well for the most part. I understand that they are boring butwhen it comes down to it, its function over form and substance over style that made those four schools what they are.

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I'm actually pretty disappointed that Penn State is switching uniforms. Most people that watch the game won't even notice they're different, but I really like how Penn State's uniforms looked. Taking away the contrasting collar and sleeves really makes them look too plain to me.


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How the hell does Oregon not "look like men"? Men are only allowed to wear the plainest possible clothing in your world?

And frankly, I could care less about trends. A lot of my favorite uniforms are from trends that died a long time ago. I just don't like plain uniforms with absolutely no originality like Penn State's or Alabama's set.

I'd prefer my football team go out week to week in a standard set that clearly says "This is who we are." Think about it, the players are playing in an athletic event, not strutting out to a fashion show where they need to demo a new look EVERY single week. This is where Oregon's look falls flat for me, and why Oregon is often said to be wearing clown suits, because they literally play dress up prior to every game and bring out a new look. I go to UGA and there's a level of pride and a sense of history when I see my team hit the field in our standard red hats, jerseys, and silver britches. At schools that continually pump out new looks every few years, you definitely lose that sense of tradition. Our school colors are red and black, and I know I won't see us wearing anything but that. Oregon's colors are (supposedly) green and yellow. Why am I seeing at black, gray, neon green, highlighter yelllow, silver, etc? In what way do those colors represent the University of Oregon whatsoever? (They don't.) On the biggest stage of the school's football history, they completely abandon any sense of history and go with white, anthracite, and highlighter yellow. That's not how you establish an identifiable brand.

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I'm actually pretty disappointed that Penn State is switching uniforms. Most people that watch the game won't even notice they're different, but I really like how Penn State's uniforms looked. Taking away the contrasting collar and sleeves really makes them look too plain to me.

I agree. I'm not one who dislikes Penn State's football uniforms--sometimes, that style of uniform can look good in itself. As plain as it look(s) on the surface, the contrasting collars/cuffs did "jazz it up" somewhat--about as much jazzing as it could have done. Remove those, and now it's really plain-jane. But, that's Penn State's identity...same thing with Oklahoma, Alabama, Nebraska, Wisconsin...and I know there's teams I'm leaving off this list.

It all goes back to what I was saying earlier: advertising. The Floridas, Penn States, Ohio States, Florida States, et al of the college football world have a pre-established legacy of tradition and success with which to lure recruits. Generally speaking, the Oregons, Boise States, TCUs, et al of the same world don't have that, or don't have it as much, so then what do you use to help recruit? Jazzy new uniforms, locker rooms, different-colored fields, et al. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make it wrong...it's just what it is, such as it's gon' be. And with the advent of social media along with increased media awareness, you better believe these programs, and the manufacturers themselves, will continue to trip over each other to see who can "stay ahead of the curve"--who can come up with the latest innovations and such. And you know what the truly funny thing about that is? It pretty much falls in line with what just about every graphic design student is taught at the beginning of their schooling...identify trends, and stay ahead of them. So in that vein, I suppose it ain't such a bad thing. (Well, actually it is when new sets become superfluous...added sets in addition to the established primaries.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I wasn't even saying anything about Penn State's identity lol.

Btw, Oregon's identity is the O and more recently the wings. Those are consistent throughout the million different "random" colored uniforms.

I'm pretty sure no matter what combo Oregon wears, no CCSLC member will have problems identifying them, nor would any college football fan with any knowledge of the teams. The people who can't identify Oregon are the same people who would watch Penn State play and think they were a high school team.

I realize you didn't say anything about the identity, that was addressing what someone else said.

And no, the O is not a sufficient identity. The wings are a start, but they will be gone for whatever other crazy Nike comes up with next year or the year after. The only distinguishing thing they have is that they wear random, yes, randomly colored uniforms. Wearing 5 or 6 different colored jerseys a year, especially when 4 or more of them don't feature actual school colors, doesn't make for a strong identity. Any team could go out in black jerseys with anthracite numbers and chrome helmets or something like that. There is nothing inherently Oregon about it.

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I wasn't even saying anything about Penn State's identity lol.

Btw, Oregon's identity is the O and more recently the wings. Those are consistent throughout the million different "random" colored uniforms.

I'm pretty sure no matter what combo Oregon wears, no CCSLC member will have problems identifying them, nor would any college football fan with any knowledge of the teams. The people who can't identify Oregon are the same people who would watch Penn State play and think they were a high school team.

I realize you didn't say anything about the identity, that was addressing what someone else said.

And no, the O is not a sufficient identity. The wings are a start, but they will be gone for whatever other crazy Nike comes up with next year or the year after. The only distinguishing thing they have is that they wear random, yes, randomly colored uniforms. Wearing 5 or 6 different colored jerseys a year, especially when 4 or more of them don't feature actual school colors, doesn't make for a strong identity. Any team could go out in black jerseys with anthracite numbers and chrome helmets or something like that. There is nothing inherently Oregon about it.

I see what you're saying but until I see another team actually do it then I think it really is an Oregon thing. Due to our close relationship with Nike, we obviously get the newest stuff and the craziest designs BEFORE everyone else. You got teams who debut a ton of uniforms now and they are called "the Oregon" of their region. Tell me how that isn't "Oregon".



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I fail to see how it's random though. I get that we're adding "non" school colors "unofficially", but there is a school color literally in every uniform, save for the national championship jersey (which come on, that neon color looked close enough to yellow in certain lights in my opinion).

Once again, the crazy font, the O, the wings, all features on our "random" uniforms.

There is some rhyme and reason to each uniform. Just because it isn't block font, 2 colored, no stripes doesn't mean it's random.



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I'd prefer my football team go out week to week in a standard set that clearly says "This is who we are."

And that's what Oregon does. If the different-uniform-every-week strategy was nearly as ineffective as you claim, people like you would not be complaining about it year-round, because it would be irrelevant.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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I fail to see how it's random though. I get that we're adding "non" school colors "unofficially", but there is a school color literally in every uniform, save for the national championship jersey (which come on, that neon color looked close enough to yellow in certain lights in my opinion).

Once again, the crazy font, the O, the wings, all features on our "random" uniforms.

There is some rhyme and reason to each uniform. Just because it isn't block font, 2 colored, no stripes doesn't mean it's random.

The yellow in Oregon's official colors is athletic yellow. So no, highlighter yellow and the crap they were wearing for the championship game aren't "close enough". Besides, green is their primary color. If Ohio State made solid gray uniforms without any red in them, it wouldn't look like Ohio State. And the colors are completely random. With indications from the championship game, their colors will now include whatever Nike wants to use for their newest product push. It isn't like they have used one silver, they have used silver, graphite, gray, whatever the hell the call the carbon helmets, etc. Nike might be throwing in hot orange next year for all we know because it certainly wouldn't bastardize what they have done over the past few years.

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I fail to see how it's random though. I get that we're adding "non" school colors "unofficially", but there is a school color literally in every uniform, save for the national championship jersey (which come on, that neon color looked close enough to yellow in certain lights in my opinion).

So if USC took out the dark red (cardinal?), and just wore mixed up :censored:, like yellow and blue, yellow and green, yellow and purple, yellow and pink (c'mon, pink is close enough to cardinal), yellow and anthracite, yellow and what ever-else Nike can get them, you'd be alright with that? I mean, after all, one school color was in the uniform...that's all you need, right? One school color?

Would you be on that USC bandwagon, talking about how awesome the yellow and random colors are, or would you think it's a bit ridiculous?

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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People are seriously calling PSU's look boring? Really? It was said earlier, but it warrants repetition. It's only boring if you have nothing to back it up. PSU has the tradition to make their simple look work. You may not like it, it may "put you to sleep," and that's fine. Just realize that this look IS Penn State and that anything else would just look wrong for them.

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I'd prefer my football team go out week to week in a standard set that clearly says "This is who we are."

And that's what Oregon does. If the different-uniform-every-week strategy was nearly as ineffective as you claim, people like you would not be complaining about it year-round, because it would be irrelevant.

Absolutely not. I mean "This is who we are" in the sense that when you see a team in burnt orange and white every week, you don't have to question who it is and know it is Texas. When Notre Dame steps out in their navy and gold, you know it's Notre Dame. Oregon football does not have any single identifying uniform set that is clearly the home kit or the away kit. It's essentially non-existant for Oregon. That's what I'm getting at. Oregon does not have a uniform that clearly states who they are, frankly because they change designs every few years, and colors every seven days.

I understand the people who claim that they've got the O and the wings on each set, but that would be like me claiming as long as UGA has the G on the helmet, it's all good, and therefore an identifiable brand. The black helmet we tried didn't resemble anything that represented Georgia at all. Same thing with Oregon. You all have fiddled with the design of every component that your entire brand has been lost and muddled. White helmet this week, black the next, green the following, carbon two weeks later, retro yellow, etc.... I think I've made my point.

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