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Enough Already!


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I don't want to vent so I'll keep it short.

Is it just me, or am I noticing an embarrasing lack of respect in general on this board lately? More rude and unconstructive criticism with some concepts, people making immiture cheap shot insults, more venting and bitching about things that annoy them, causing even more disrespect between people.

Look, I know that it's only a select few who this goes out to... but it just goes to show that it only takes a few people to spoil it for everyone.

I just want people to think about what you post. If you have a beef with someone, that is what PMs are for.

I'm not asking anthing from the Mods, I'm just asking for some people to grow up.


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One never really knows if a sharply worded post could be directed at them.

Sure will make you self concious.

I imagine each of us have in our head two or three real tools around here that really should take the hint and vamoose.

Problem is.... i bet a lot of us owuldn't agree on that list of 3.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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You're not the only one noticing it. I have noticed more than a few snippy reponses to what appear to be constructive critiques lately, and not just anger from misguided sarcasm. Either that, or I thought the tone of some of them seemed to be very defensive.

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I have noticed more than a few snippy reponses to what appear to be constructive critiques lately, and not just anger from misguided sarcasm. Either that, or I thought the tone of some of them seemed to be very defensive.

No it wasn't! Damn you! Sucka!

...oh.. wait..


NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Is it just me, or am I noticing an embarrasing lack of respect in general on this board lately? More rude and unconstructive criticism with some concepts, people making immiture cheap shot insults, more venting and bitching about things that annoy them, causing even more disrespect between people.

The sad irony is that there's a high likelyhood this thread could end up being living proof of this...

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The growing immaturity and nonsense was why I finally bolted the fanhome forum and came oer here.....several months after I should have actually.But I havr noticed a few snipes here and there and I jus want to say I know I post a lot of concepts and I appreciate any and all advice,critiques,criticsm if you will because I know thats the only way I'm gonna get better and do designs that more and more people could agree on.Secondly knowing how it feels I would never disrespect anyones concepts because I know the work that goes into them.I just wish a very select few others would do this same.


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If this involves me about the Red Sox/Yankees argument on the board, all I'm doing is kidding around. If you can't take that as kidding around, somethings wrong with you.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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I never liked mean and hurtful critisim. If a design is bad, not much can help it, but if you just say, "It's a bad design, but keep working on it" it helps keep the people interested and makes them want to get better. Most of my designs are bad, but even from people who don't like them, i get a kind word. It means alot.

Don't slam bad designs, or the people that made them.

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Don't slam bad designs, or the people that made them

JQK and others of you are correct. I have seen several designs or concepts that I do not like - it is not to say I dislike the person, just that the 'concept' does not appeal to my "subjective approval".

I don't comment on everything, I try to be selective. But if you do, keep your comments short and to the point, no need to elaborate your total dislike for the project. Be constructive and understand what your 'typing/saying' is not to be a knife pointed at that person. Be professional and be respectful - If you can't do these things, then please move on to another board. We have wonderful people here and their input is for your artistic development.

I tend to think this group as a family, and we should respect those in our group. If you have something hateful to say, PM them or move on down the road.

Just my thoughts - KCScout76

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I wouldn't want to completely trash a concept, especially when I make very few myself. I don't have the tools to make a really good concept. Most of my best work is done by hand, but I don't have a digital camera or scanner. I just use MSPaint or even AutoCAD to make a concept.

I really like the messages on this board, especially the good nature humour, like Nitroseed's April Fool's joke. :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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I'll bet if you went back and looked through every post over the past few weeks, there's a definite pattern to those negative posts. There's two or three users who seem to constatntly mix it up with just about everyone else. I'll even admit to taking a few uneccessary cheap shots at one of those users, mostly out of frustration that an intelligent response didn't seem to be working.

For the record, I'm 100% against trashing a concept or the person who did it. If you're going to comment, for a good or a bad design, you should offer something useful to the designer.

As far as heated debates (especially in the Misc boards) are concerned, I'm all for a good back & forth, as long as it stays at a more refined level.

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I'm gonna weigh in things here...

I'm all for quality debate about a topic, and I'm all for constructive criticism. Like some of the other users here, I don't chime in on every topic because there are already too many people who feel the need to post LOL or :D in repsonse to something, in an effort to boost their post count. Fine for those users, I'm not gonna be one of them.

But there are certain users who come here, it seems, for the express purpose of either knocking anything certain others do, or to ask silly questions or to start a flame war. Not that any of that is unique to this board, mind you, I deal with my fair share of trolls over on the Blue Bomber message board too.

As I type this out, there is one user I have in mind who feels the need to act like a complete and utter ass in every single post (no, it's not paynomind). To you, sir, I say 'grow up or go to hell.' If you can't be constructive, or if you cant be funny, then just shut the hell up. No one appreciates your silly commentary, and no one appreciates your whining and complaining. After posting this am I guilty of the same thing? Maybe. But it's gotta be said once and for all. I'm almost positive that said party knows who they are.

I've been around this board since...I dunno when. Since Christ was a cowboy, anyway. And yes, we've dealt with trolls in the past. But it's reaching epidemic proportions, and it's from the efforts of a select few.

If you can't say anything nice about a concept that someone's probably put hours of work into, then shut up. Offer suggestions for improvement. Don't tell the kid it blows and then disappear. Got a problem with the quality of a found logo? Get off your ass and find a better one. Don't bitch about what's been provided for you.

There. My two cents. Worth what you paid for it.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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I appreciate Bradens concern, he always comes across as a respectful, decent guy in his posts.

But i think i am going to start a "im sick of people being sick of things" thread.

For anyone whos graced these fine halls for a year or two, you know that this isnt the first time some people have come across and rocked the boat. People get mad, and nothing happens, and either harsh people get booted, or they come around.

But what i dont get is why people dont name names. Lets speed up the process a bit. If they are so bad, call them out, and let them explain their actions. Maybe by confrontation they will realize they are coming off abrasive, then it can all be forgiven, as the kinder-gentiler version of them can come across.

Edit 640

Touche Braden,

I edit this because as much as i hoped naming people would help, im sure it would just cause a riot. If you read it before, you knew my point. Nothign personal to anyone involved. But i stand by my point, if you have a problem with someone, bring it to them, no more veiled complaints!!

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Taj... I like how you're standing up for it... but I don't think it's the right thing to do to point people out. I'm sure everyone has good intentions with everything they post. If there was someone who was intending to piss everyone off, they would have had to deal with me and many other good people here well before now.

The problem is... I think there are people who just naturally rub other people the wrong way. This includes things from concept reviews, to sarcasm. What I am asking everyone is just to be considerate of other people, and double-check your posts. If there is someone or bugging you, have the testicular fortitude to PM them so you can sort it out. That's what Paynomind did with one post I did, and I REALLY respected that.

Think about the message that you're putting out in your posts... that's all...


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Well as far as concepts are concerned, I've tried to be nice and blunt at the same time. I don't believe I'm one of those who say "Your design blows, go somewhere else". I'll either say "I like it or I'm not too thrilled about it'. I'll sometimes add a few words of advice if I feel like I can be of any help.


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