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2011 MLB Season Thread


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Well there's not going to be a suspension with Posada, and he probably won't get released, but at the same time you have to ask yourself how much of the good faith did Posada use up on Saturday. I think everyone involved realized there was no need to make a bigger deal out of it then it already was. I think credit in that department should go largely to Girardi who seemed to have a very cool head about this from the start at least in public. What happens behind closed doors is anyone's guess but I haven't heard anything to contradict Girardi's apparent attitude toward the situation.

At the same time though he's still batting .165 on the year, and you have to wonder how much longer that's going to gone on for. Something has to give. Either he starts improving or there may be another blowup like this where the outcome won't turn out as well. As of now considering he doesen't even play defense you could make the argument that he is the worst everyday player to this point in the season.

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Guy is struggling, gets dropped in the order, and is dealing with not only potential feelings of being disrespected, but also coming to the realization that his career (and the only life he's known for however many years) is quickly coming to an end. I think needing a day to clear one's head is perfectly reasonable and understandable. I don't understand why the media tried to invent some huge controversy, when it turns out there really wasn't one. Not sure exactly what he said or how he handled it, so there's certainly the possibility that it could have been handled better, but I don't think that asking for a day off should result in all of these "they should void his contract!!!" talks.

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Guys do that all the time, but we never hear about it because they don't play for the Yankees. Hell, Scott Rolen, of similar age, takes two days off a week, at the least. That whole thing was blown way out of proportion.

Also, the Reds swept the Cardinals over the weekend. :winner:(dance):boogie::woot:


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Guy is struggling, gets dropped in the order, and is dealing with not only potential feelings of being disrespected, but also coming to the realization that his career (and the only life he's known for however many years) is quickly coming to an end. I think needing a day to clear one's head is perfectly reasonable and understandable. I don't understand why the media tried to invent some huge controversy, when it turns out there really wasn't one. Not sure exactly what he said or how he handled it, so there's certainly the possibility that it could have been handled better, but I don't think that asking for a day off should result in all of these "they should void his contract!!!" talks.

There was a controversy. The Yankees were on the phone with the commisoner's office right after it happened. That is serious.

I think what potentially happened was that the morning after Posada's agent called him and said right or wrong, you need to do something to fix this, otherwise your getting released. Its also possible that he did it on his own as well, but something clicked between Saturday and Sunday, because he did a complete 180 from what his position was on Saturday.

If your looking for someone to blame on how it got into the media, blame Brian Cashman. At the same time though, does Posada become that aplogetic the following day if its not in the media? Justified or not though for what I think happened in the locker room prior to the game, I don't blame Cashman for what he did. It may be written off now as a "mental day" but that is not what happened.

Now the attention is turning towards Derek Jeter for basically defending Posada and Jeter is already in hot water himself for the way he's handled himself and that is looking more and more like a volcano getting ready to blow rather then some inevitable friction between a star player and management.

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Vin Mazzaro needs a hug.

It's not often when I feel I could perform better then a major league pitcher, but I might have a chance at beating his stat line from earlier tonight.

14 ER over 2 1/3 innings. Ouch. The most runs a pitcher has ever given up for that few innings pitched in the modern era.

He was also sent down immediately after the game.

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Vin Mazzaro needs a hug.

It's not often when I feel I could perform better then a major league pitcher, but I might have a chance at beating his stat line from earlier tonight.

14 ER over 2 1/3 innings. Ouch. The most runs a pitcher has ever given up for that few innings pitched in the modern era.

He was also sent down immediately after the game.

I remember watching him fall apart with the Rivercats on several occasions the last two seasons. Most runs allowed by a reliever since 1942. Ouch.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I don't understand why the media tried to invent some huge controversy, when it turns out there really wasn't one. Not sure exactly what he said or how he handled it, so there's certainly the possibility that it could have been handled better, but I don't think that asking for a day off should result in all of these "they should void his contract!!!" talks.

This is New York AND it's the Yankees. Making a mountain out of a molehill is a media pastime. I agree that the entire situation could've been handled better, both on Posada's part (I mean, you really shouldn't be mad if you're hitting .165 & got put in the 9-spot.) & the media's part.



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Looking at the Yankees this weekend can best be summed up by Michael Ray Richardson; THE SHIP BE SINKING.

No, no it's not. You're an absolute idiot if you count out the New York Yankees this early.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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I am not counting the Yankees out but they are not looking good and they are fracturing as a team. I mean the Yankees can make a three team deal tomorrow and get both Pujols and Felix and everyone will just be picking their jaw off the floor as they win #28.

However it was a bad weekend and the ship if not sinking is taking on some water.



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Mets starter Dillon Gee had the Mets first ever no-hitter going with 2 outs in the 6th until Livan Hernandez (the opposing pitcher!) broke it up with a base hit. ^_^


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Looks like Timmy has found his freaky side once again. He tosed a 3 hit CG shutout vs the A's. He started the game by giving up a base hit, and then went on to retire the next 21 batters :shocked:


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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And Jose Bautista is up to 18 home runs on the year, with two more today. It's a shame he has to play in this era, where if you can hit the longball that prodigiously, you're assumed to be cheating.


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I dont assume Bautista is cheating, I assume theyre testing him, and hes passing.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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