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2011NCAA Football Thread


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You wouldn't know an exciting game if it kicked you in the ass.


The most exciting game I have ever seen had a 43-42 final score.

That game was more exciting than USC-Texas?

I'm not some SEC homer (and the totality of my posts can back that up) waving a mythical conference flag around. I'm just an honest college football fan. You could have inserted any two random schools in that #1-vs.#2 game, and my assessment of the game doesn't change. The two teams both had two weeks to prepare for the game, two weeks to hear the hype, and all season knowing that this game means so much...not only nationally, but for the conference championship (which most rational, honest SEC teams' fans care about more so than the national championship). Both teams had to be on their toes for every single play in the game, knowing that one small mistake very well could be the difference. If you don't get that logic, you simply don't get college football.

These 66-63 games only excite those college football fans that are 21-years-old or younger....i.e. the video game generation. College football realists and fans such as Infrared and I know the difference between an entertaining game and an exciting game. We're probably the most objective college fans on here. We 'get' the game.

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You wouldn't know an exciting game if it kicked you in the ass.


The most exciting game I have ever seen had a 43-42 final score.

These 66-63 games only excite those college football fans that are 21-years-old or younger....i.e. the video game generation. College football realists and fans such as Infrared and I know the difference between an entertaining game and an exciting game. We're probably the most objective college fans on here. We 'get' the game.

Uhm, 19 year-old supporting the low scoring game over the MAC touchdown on every drive game. But really, I don't know how a 66-63 game is exciting. The exciting part about seeing a touchdown is that it doesn't happen every single drive. Seeing that is just boring and makes both defenses look horrible.


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Sorry to interrupt the MAC/SEC dick measuring contest, but THE Ohio State University has received a second notice of allegations letter, just as they're awaiting a NCAA ruling on the "Tat 5" and other improper benefits. Now tOSU will face the dreaded failure to monitor charge.

They've also will forfeit 5 scholarships over the next three years. Not 5 per year, 5 total. Wooooow, now that's a steep price, let's not get crazy here, tOSU! :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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These 66-63 games only excite those college football fans that are 21-years-old or younger....i.e. the video game generation. College football realists and fans such as Infrared and I know the difference between an entertaining game and an exciting game. We're probably the most objective college fans on here. We 'get' the game.

You as the "most objective college fan"? I'll just let that one sit. Wow.

And also, LOL at painting your side as the "realists", as if your opinion is the only correct view.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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You as the "most objective college fan"? I'll just let that one sit. Wow.

Care to prove me wrong, then?

Golden opportunity for you to make me look like a fool.

Well, seeing as you are giving your opinion (as LightsOut mentioned) on the matter of "exciting vs. entertaining", I would say that you are the exact opposite of objective. That's not a bad thing, mind you. Your opinion is as valid as the rest, but don't go declaring other's opinions invalid just because you may or may not be the most objective fan in college football.

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These 66-63 games only excite those college football fans that are 21-years-old or younger....i.e. the video game generation. College football realists and fans such as Infrared and I know the difference between an entertaining game and an exciting game. We're probably the most objective college fans on here. We 'get' the game.

You as the "most objective college fan"? I'll just let that one sit. Wow.

You aren't going to like hearing this LO but Hedley is indeed one of the most objective college football fans we have here. There are very few people around here who I believe do not let their allegiances cloud their judgement. Hedley is definitely one of them. He calls it as he sees it without regard to what others may think. (and that includes Georgia and SEC fans) When it comes to college football, I believe Hedley is one of the best posters in our little community. The guy definitely knows his stuff. And I'm not just saying that because he included me in the post. I have nothing but respect for Hedley's "work" with college football around here.

The merit of a 66-63 game is certainly open to debate, but I believe Hedley's points are valid. A game like WMU - Toledo is certainly going to have more appeal to younger, "casual" college football fans than it will to hardcore "traditional" college football fans like Hedley or myself. That's not a knock on fans who enjoy 66-63 games, and it's not meant to imply that we're "better" fans, it's just the reality. A "sign of the times" if you will.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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When it comes to college football, I believe Hedley is one of the best posters in our little community.

Easy for you to say when he's not following you around the boards sniping at you at any given opportunity.

That's not a knock on fans who enjoy 66-63 games, and it's not meant to imply that we're "better" fans

I don't think you're implying that you're a better fan, but I don't see what else Hedley could be implying by calling himself a "college football realist" and saying that only he and people who agree with him "get the game". Far from objective there.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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That's not a knock on fans who enjoy 66-63 games, and it's not meant to imply that we're "better" fans

I don't think you're implying that you're a better fan, but I don't see what else Hedley could be implying by calling himself a "college football realist" and saying that only he and people who agree with him "get the game". Far from objective there.

I'm 26, I enjoy high scoring games yes is 66-63 a crazy game yes, but just because I like scoring and teams actually scoring touchdowns doesn't mean I don't get the game. Just saying that I believe is an outrageous comment. Just because I like high scoring games doesn't mean I dont get the game and Im just some "casual video game watcher"

I follow every team, I know the ins and outs of a lot of teams that nobody in their right mind would even care to know. I have my allegiances to certain a teams and I would consider myself as a hardcore fan of college football, just because I don't care for 9-6 games doesnt mean I don't get the game, that's a bs comment, I'm sorry.


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A little off-topic, but Texas and Arkansas are scheduled to play each other in 2021. Why teams want to schedule their seasons a decade-plus down the road is beside me.

All the schools do this, and have been doing this for decades. And now that most of the BCS conferences have TV contracts guaranteed for the next 10+ years, they've got dates that need to be filled, especially if they want prime competition and national TV exposure. Also, believe it or not...it helps with recruiting, both now and later on.

I don't know if it's been formally announced/secured yet, but Georgia and Ohio State plan on playing a home-and-home in 2020 and 2021 (or somewhere around there).

When it comes to college football, I believe Hedley is one of the best posters in our little community.

Easy for you to say when he's not following you around the boards sniping at you at any given opportunity.

I'm not following you around. You just happen to post in every goddamned thread on here. You post at Tnakian-adjacent levels.

Besides, you're the one that decided to engage in argument with me when discussing high-scoring vs. low-scoring game. Quit being such a martyr.

That's not a knock on fans who enjoy 66-63 games, and it's not meant to imply that we're "better" fans

I don't think you're implying that you're a better fan, but I don't see what else Hedley could be implying by calling himself a "college football realist" and saying that only he and people who agree with him "get the game". Far from objective there.

I call myself a realist because I don't jump to assumptions and conclusions about college football, unlike yourself. The BCS is biased towards the SEC? Really? I can give you a ton of reasons how that statement is far from accurate.

You were whining and crying and pouting the very moment it was announced that Alabama was #3 in the latest BCS poll, and already declaring that we're going to see a rematch. I, however, explained that even if a couple teams lose, that it was still highly unlikely that we'll see Alabama and LSU play again. I get how the system works. You don't, as evidenced by your "BCS is SEC-biased" remark.

Your instinct is to make hurried assumptions and hope that one of your proclamations stays true from one day to the next. You fail to see the big picture, and instead you focus on the short-term. I've been pretty consistent in saying.....multiple times every season....that none of these polls mean much until all the games have been played. They're an incomplete body of work. That logic never seems to enter your thought process.

I never mentioned that one fan was better than the other. All I said was that regularly seeing high-scoring games from a particular conference just wasn't exciting football. It's Arena-like, and having previously worked for an arena football team, seeing a ton of touchdowns in every game (and let's not even get to the number of defense-hindering penalties that further tilts the scales to the offense) just didn't appeal to me.

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It's Cortaca weekend... where's the big argument between DG and KevinMcD over who will win? :P

Also, good god Syracuse. Beat West Virginia then play like that the past 3 weeks. With Cincy and Pitt left on the schedule, it's very possible we end the season on a 5-game losing streak and don't clinch that bowl berth.


Twitter: @RyanMcD29

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Will OkState hang half a hundred before halftime?

They have a very good shot at it. I thought that this was a trap game for the Cowboys, but TTU decided not to show up and now it's turned into a glorified cupcake game.

Also, yikes. TTU's defense actually looked better when Leach was there. Idk how much of this is just Oklahoma State's offense going into video game Godmode, but Texas Tech's defense looks absolutely atrocious.

And as I say that, Oklahoma State goes up 49-0 w/ :37 left in the half.



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Nah, the trap game for Okie State comes next week when they come to Ames on Friday night. :P

As for the arguement that has argued here about what makes a good game: To some like Hedley and infrared, a good game may mean watching two defensive powerhouses just slug it out and trade blow after blow in a defensive bar room brawl.

To some other people, a good game may mean watching a game whose score might remind you of an Arena League game.

It's basically different strokes for different folks, you know. As long as the game doesn't turn into a one sided curbstomp, I don't care either way.


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