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University of Nevada


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Hope you don't mind me cleaning this up a little--


Not at all - I was kind of hoping someone would. I would love to get back into using Illustrator for concepts, but the computer I'm running on currently doesn't have quite the firepower.

I really can't decide whether sans-serif or with serifs looks better. Really appreciate the feedback though, keep it coming!


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Hope you don't mind me cleaning this up a little--


Not at all - I was kind of hoping someone would. I would love to get back into using Illustrator for concepts, but the computer I'm running on currently doesn't have quite the firepower.

I really can't decide whether sans-serif or with serifs looks better. Really appreciate the feedback though, keep it coming!

Looks to me like the northwest border is slightly too short in this one. It should be about half as long as the diagonal border.

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Hope you don't mind me cleaning this up a little--


Not at all - I was kind of hoping someone would. I would love to get back into using Illustrator for concepts, but the computer I'm running on currently doesn't have quite the firepower.

I really can't decide whether sans-serif or with serifs looks better. Really appreciate the feedback though, keep it coming!

Looks to me like the northwest border is slightly too short in this one. It should be about half as long as the diagonal border.

Not being from the US I'm not totally up on the shape of all the states, but with that said, whether geographically accurate or not I'd increase the size of the "bump" for want of a better phrase at the bottom a little. I'd do it for a few reasons, it'll aid readability from a distance or when the logo is reduced down, and it will also speed up recognition that the negative space is an integral part of the design.

Like I said I know little about the shape of all the states, but the shape change was so minimal that at first I put it down to error or glitch. You have to consider that when placed on helmets the logo could get nicked up a bit and you want to be able distinguish whats deliberate from what's damage.

It's a clever idea and I really like it, but think you need to be slightly more aggressive in it's application even it means playing a little fast and loose with geographical accuracies. This is after all a logo not an atlas. Hope you update this some more as I think it's a strong idea.


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Hope you don't mind me cleaning this up a little--


I think the gray outline should also have that little bump so that the white negative space is still looks like Nevada. Im a fan of this with serifs on the outsides. Also, maybe a thin white gray line that goes half way across the top would give the top a hint of the state border. But all in all, it's a clever idea you have here.

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OK, this is really weird. But I put my laptop on the couch next to me, and the screen was to my left and sideways. I glanced over at the logo, and the blue and silver APPEARED REVERSED. The blue was the outline and the silver was the inside. (It actually looked quite cool.)

So I called up the current Nevada logo, on the Chris Creamer library, and IT TOO APPEARED REVERSED. Again, the blue was the outline and the silver was the inside. (This looked even cooler than the concept.)

So I tried this with other logos to see what was the deal, and none of the logos I called up worked that way. I tried all sorts of logos, but no deal.

Can anyone explain this, other than I'm going bonkers?

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