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Seattle Sea Lions


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Keep the native styling. The Canucks change their identity too often to call anything their own. Keep your unique attempt at this and really make it your own.

Thanks m.

I'm gonna try one more variation and then maybe put them all up in a poll type of thing.

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Keep the native styling. The Canucks change their identity too often to call anything their own. Keep your unique attempt at this and really make it your own.

You know, this is very true in the end.

To the point to ask what is their primary logo? The rink or the totem?

VEry good point.

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I think the "Indiginous" look takes this identity to the next level. Not sure i'm on board with the sublimated Seattle flag wave pattern... maybe better as part of the actual stripe pattern.

I think the wordmark needs work too. Seems too thin, unsubstantial.

Overall though, this is an amazing look, and i love watching the evolution.

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I think the "Indiginous" look takes this identity to the next level. Not sure i'm on board with the sublimated Seattle flag wave pattern... maybe better as part of the actual stripe pattern.

I think the wordmark needs work too. Seems too thin, unsubstantial.

Overall though, this is an amazing look, and i love watching the evolution.

Thanks J.

I agree; the sweaters really don't need the sublimation. It might actually be a bit distracting. Maybe I'll put it on a fan sweater.

The wordmark needs some work too, although I like the font (IFC Hardball).

So guys...Here's some more of the "evolution"...

It's sort of a Sea Lion Logopalooza...4 quite different looks to a common theme (a sea lion holding a trident).

Please let me know which one you like best, and what changes you would make to improve on it, if any.

Logo 1 is the original logo. This could maybe evolve into the sea LION that GFB suggested earlier...


Logo 2 is the "Native American" design. I'm beginning to agree with mcrosby...the Canucks really haven't grabbed the First Nations theme whole-heartily.

Perhaps it just needs a few tweaks so that it's not quite so similar to Vancouver (maybe it just needs to be flipped?)...


Logo 3 is more of a contemporary style...more of an illustration really. It has more depth than the others,

but would still look good in black and white...


Logo 4 is interesting. It's the simplest one of the bunch and it opens up the potential of a single colour uniform...green and white (like the Saskatchewan Roughriders or the N.Y. Jets or the Boston Celtics).

It contains the 'wave' element found in the Seattle flag...


Anyway, let me know what you think and thanks for the help.

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I like #4 as kind of a faux-back jersey logo. But I think you might want to add ear nubs, break in the coat along the back of the neck and whiskers because right now it looks more like a dolphin.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I like #4 as kind of a faux-back jersey logo. But I think you might want to add ear nubs, break in the coat along the back of the neck and whiskers because right now it looks more like a dolphin.

Good point BJ1. That can definitely be fixed. I'll do it tonight. Thanks.

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I'm really torn between 1 and 2. #1 is so clean and strong; #2 has depth and meaning.

I do like the others as well, they just don't look aggressive enough. Excellent job. I literally check this thread 3 times a day to see what you're up to.

Thanks tlph. I appreciate that. (Shouldn't your name be 'tigerslionspistonswings'? You kinda had a Detroit theme thing going there.)

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Its like putting a child in a room full or candies.

After reflexion, and taking more in consideration the name SEA LIONS, I think 1 reflects more the name but 2 is a awesome if not better oeverall logo.

Not easy eh?

I vote 1 but gee! It's not easy..

Can we get that native art head look more Lion? I don't know..

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combine #1 and #3 together. i think that will give the best results. also try placing the trident top downward and place a hockey puck at the bottom, to give a refrence to hockey.

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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I think you are on the right track with the native look but I think it needs some tweaking. One thing that bothers me is the thinness of the body, it almost looks snakelike or serpent like. I am probably one of the few that doesn't like the color scheme either. When I think of Seattle I think of grey's and deep blues (like the cold waters of Puget Sound). While I think option one is a beautifullogo on its own, I think Seattle presents a great opportunity to do something unique to the league. OK, I know Vancouver technicaly does it too, but as others have said, they don't really embrace it.

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I guess a color scheme issue has come up. The greens and blues are outdone in Seattle sports imo so perhaps taking a more original route could help. I took to making a Seattle Totems concept once and I went with the colors found in the art you posted here. Only I went with a more plum shade of red, a more tealish green, and platinum as trimming but the end result was fantastic. Just my 2¢ if you're looking for a color scheme.

As far as the logos go I really like the idea behind the 2nd one the most. But as it stands the best one right now is 4th one because of the subtle wave pattern in the tail, the effective simplicity and the tons of potential. You could toy around mixing elements of both

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