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NBA Re-brand


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Hey guys, it's been a while since I been on here and I want to re design the whole entire NBA series of teams and bring some new creativity. Also, I want to test my creativity and skills to see how good I am. I love the Knicks. I basically tried to use classic looks fused with the new style. The blue jersey is the away and the orange is the alternate away and the logo is based off the New York Mets logo since both teams have a lot in common and share similar colors. I used an apple to symbolize the "Big Apple" and it is an old concept I tried to re-do and I borrowed the court concept from Darth Brooks. What do you guys think of it so far?


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The apple may have sounded like a good idea, but it came out looking rotten. It looks too much like a real apple in shape, deformed and imperfect. A logo apple should be rounder and more bloated I think.

It almost looks like a strawberry that someone bit the tip off.

As for the uniforms, I love them. The taxi-cab stripes fit NY perfectly.

The logo with the skyline and the entire court look great, no changes needed.

I think, just ditch that apple and you have a huge winner.

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I agree about the apple, but it may be salvagable. Make it shorter/rounder so that you don't have to distort the seams of the ball. As it is right now, it looks like the ball is melting. Also, I feel like something is off with the arching of the letters. If they're vertically arched, then the width at the top of each letter should be the same as the bottom. Right now, that width varies, and it makes it look distorted to me.Lastly, I'd try to work a bit more blue into the white set.

Great start though, love where this is heading.

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Yeah the wordmark looks really weird because some letters are straight, and some letters are angled.

The basketball/circle shape in the main city-scape logo looks a little lumpy, especially at the bottom.

The apple is a great idea, but as mentioned earlier, it looks like a strawberry.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Thank you so much for the feedback guys! Wells, I see exactly what you all mean and the concept looks well on paper but I'm a beginner at making logos and jerseys and I'm trying to make my work look better. I will go back to the Knicks and update the look but right now I'm working on the New Jersey Nets and it won't be a Brooklyn Nets concept!

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I love the apple concept, with some tweaking it should work. One thing I find a bit offsetting is the sort of emptiness on the skyline part of the logo. I understand you wanted to make the skyline clear, but I just feel like something is missing.



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What's up guys? I updated my Knicks concept and fixed the apple logo a bit and tweaked the checker board design on all the jerseys and I added an extra border to match with the shorts and I also fixed the wordmark on the jerseys since the original wordmark on the jerseys looked very weird. What do you guys think of the update?


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Apples come in lots of shapes, some of them are a lot rounder than others. I'd suggest looking at a bunch of varieties of apples as reference photos for inspiration on how to tweak the shape. It's still coming off, some have said, as "rotten," I guess because it looks like it's drooping.




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The apple logo needs something... it doesn't look right. The apple appears to be too long. The basketball logo needs more seems to it. It looks empty.



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This is a fantastic concept. I love the currents Knicks look, and this is a great twist on it. I love that orange alternate. I actually think that the apple basketball logo looks great as is. It's a very unique idea.

Great start to this series, and I look forward to seeing more.

Oh, and I like how you're also designing courts. Looks nice.


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I think at this point it'd be okay to draw the apple in a "stereotypical" or cartoonish manner. Something not so different from this one:



koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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Why is the NOB straight on one jersey, but arched on the other two?

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A lot of New Yorkers, including myself, have a fair bit of disdain for the whole "Big Apple" nickname. It seems like the only people who really like it at all are those who live outside of the city. I would ditch the Apple idea altogether. It has no place with any New York sports team.

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