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2012 NBA Draft Thread


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Beat reporters are saying the Bobcats are asking too much to move down from #2. At #2, i'm hoping they take TRob, and pass on MKG. They need a scorer.

They are probably are asking for too much, but I would probably be asking for too much as well if I were in their shoes.

Worst case scenario for them they take the pick and wind up with a potential franchise player.

I would probably go with Kidd-Gilchrist myself just because I think he has the biggest upside of anybody not named Anthony Davis.

Robinson is probably the most NBA ready of people not named Anthony Davis and the guy is a physical freak. He just has to learn how to play more like a big man, but I would expect that to come.

I think Harrison Barnes probably represents the best value pick. He could wind up being the best guy out of this draft and I'm not really sure why he's not projected to go in the top five because I think he is right there if not better then Beal, Robinson and Kidd-Gilchrist.

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Raps will take Dion Waiters.

Only to end up as another Draft Bust. I think the Raps have turned out three really good NBAers in their draft time (Carter, McGrady, Bosh) a few solid NBAers (Bargnani, Peterson, Camby, Stoudamire) one that will probably be really good (DeRozan) and a whole whack load of crap (Villanueva, Graham, Araujo, Bradley, Radojevic, etc)

More than any other league you see more "busts" I wonder if that has anything to do with leaving college after one year? or in the past no college at all.

I still get always intrigued with the NBA draft, it is fun, and a lot of good depth this year.




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I'm interested to see where Meyers Leonard goes. He's probably the least NBA-ready lottery player, so someone will be taking a chance on him. I said earlier that in 5 years he'll either be an all-star or playing overseas.


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More than any other league you see more "busts" I wonder if that has anything to do with leaving college after one year? or in the past no college at all.

By in large if you look at the guys that came straight from high school to the NBA, most of them were ready. Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire. And yeah you certainly have your Kwame Brown's and Darius Miles' of the world, but I would actually say the guys that on average that have gone on to have the best NBA careers are the ones that came straight from high school and I think its simply because they were the most talented players.

That tells me in terms of how much college experience a player has, it really makes very little difference, because I fail to see any noticeable pattern in terms of players with more college experience being any better or worse then those with less.

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It's also misleading to say the NBA is the leader in busts.

In big-time North American sports, the leader in that department, by far, is Major League Baseball, since most of those prospects don't make it through the five-six levels of minor league baseball and become stars at the highest level. It's just more noticeable in the NBA since the high picks play immediately, and the draft itself is very, very shallow.


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It's also misleading to say the NBA is the leader in busts.

In big-time North American sports, the leader in that department, by far, is Major League Baseball, since most of those prospects don't make it through the five-six levels of minor league baseball and become stars at the highest level. It's just more noticeable in the NBA since the high picks play immediately, and the draft itself is very, very shallow.

Its only been in the last decade or so where being a 1st round draft pick actually means something in baseball.

If you go back to 1985 or so, being the 5th overall pick gets you nothing. Teams aren't building around you because your far from a lock to even make the majors. Let alone be an All-Star.

I think its alot better now because the top guys play against each other much more often and you can get a much better feel for who has it and who doesn't. But even now your still getting plenty of high round draft choices that wind up being complete washouts.

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More than any other league you see more "busts" I wonder if that has anything to do with leaving college after one year? or in the past no college at all.

The NBA has always had a higher potential in "busts" because when it comes down to it, there really are only 10-12 solid contributing spots, 7-8 "count on, go to" guys on each roster of each team that get significant playing time..

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Royce White to Houston.

He and Thomas Robinson are now my two favorite players in the league. Looks like I'm jumping on the Rockets and Kings bandwagons.

Not impressed at all with the Memphis pick of Tony Wroten Jr. Can anyone tell me something about this guy that will make me feel good about this pick?

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This thread could use some Jahgee play-by-play.

No. No it doesn't.

These drafts just aren't the same without the sumbitch.

Well, 'Raysfan12' just tried, but apparently he lost interest as no Louisville player has been drafted yet.

So I guess the disciples of his Professors of Press are still eating Hot Browns in Louisville.

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