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2012 NFL Season Thread


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If Peyton gets #2 this year, he has to start getting more consideration, though.

Why is that? Does another Super Bowl ring somehow make him a better QB than he already is? You can't diminish Brady's "greatness" by saying his championships were "team" wins and then turn around and say if Manning gets another ring he's got to be considered the GOAT. The rings count or they don't. Can't have it both ways. My feeling is SB titles shouldn't be how we determine how "great" a QB is. QBs don't win Super Bowls, teams do.






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If Peyton gets #2 this year, he has to start getting more consideration, though.

Why is that? Does another Super Bowl ring somehow make him a better QB than he already is? You can't diminish Brady's "greatness" by saying his championships were "team" wins and then turn around and say if Manning gets another ring he's got to be considered the GOAT. The rings count or they don't. Can't have it both ways. My feeling is SB titles shouldn't be how we determine how "great" a QB is. QBs don't win Super Bowls, teams do.

That's my whole point of contention with these discussions as well. Way too many put emphasis on the rings. If that was the case, both Mark Rypien and Trent Dilfer would be two of the greatest quarterbacks of all-time--both have one more ring than Dan Marino does, and NO ONE's going to tell me Marino wasn't one of the best that ever did it. Let that sink into your heads for a minute, folks.

As for Peyton vs Brady, one can look at team records, victories, championships, the whole nine--but I look at it like this: who was more valuable to the team? When Brady was knocked out for the year, the team still finished 11-5 behind Matt Cassel (and we all see what kind of QB Cassel is now). Two seasons ago when Peyton was out for the season, the Colts barely clawed to 2-14...which tells you what kinds of teams they had around them. (To be fair, New England's system also has had a proven track record of success.) But here's where it really sticks out for Peyton in my mind: the guy consistently made overnight celebrities out of no-name nobodies...over the course of several seasons. This is best seen with slot guys/TEs. Remember when Mike Gonzalez went down? Enter Austin Collie, who ended up becoming a fan favorite. Dallas Clark goes down? Enter Jacob Tamme, who before then no one had ever heard of. And hell, look at Pierre Garcon. Dude got made into a star practically as a rookie (who if I remember right got his start in the slot before becoming the other starting wideout after Marvin Harrison left). And all this is in addition to the Colts barely having a half-decent rushing attack after Edgerrin James left for Arizona, meaning Peyton barely had the benefit of a half-decent running game, which seems eerily similar to Marino in Miami all those years. And even without all of that, I watched firsthand what he did to my Buccaneers on Monday Night Football nearly 10 years ago...and we saw damn near the same thing earlier this season in San Diego. That's the stuff of legend right there.

/just my own two cents on the matter

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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If Peyton gets #2 this year, he has to start getting more consideration, though.

Why is that? Does another Super Bowl ring somehow make him a better QB than he already is? You can't diminish Brady's "greatness" by saying his championships were "team" wins and then turn around and say if Manning gets another ring he's got to be considered the GOAT. The rings count or they don't. Can't have it both ways. My feeling is SB titles shouldn't be how we determine how "great" a QB is. QBs don't win Super Bowls, teams do.

All I said of Brady is that he wasn't the machine he is today. His numbers were still solid, and there's always value in limiting turnovers. And Peyton does kinda have that stigma of a few excellent seasons that went one-and-done. 14-2 in 2005, 13-3 in 2007, 12-4 in 2008.

At the end of the day, all great players are compared to each other on the basis of how many championships they have won. Part of the reason I personally rate Brady above Peyton is based on his championship credentials. It's not a slight on Peyton by any means - his numbers cannot be argued, and there's no shame in being #2 in your generation, when it still places you in the top-10 (minimum) all-time. It's like arguing whether the Steelers of the '70s or the 49ers of the '80s were a greater dynasty - they were still both great dynasties.


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Why does Mike Carey draw playoff games? He's easily the worst the head official.

I couldn't agree more. Get ready for a whole bunch of flags.

Sometimes I think Mike Carey believes people watch the game to see him, which is the worst quality a ref can have.



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CuJo, that wasn't a boatrace. It was still a two score game, and really it should have been a lot closer.

Defensively, the Colts secondary was flaming garbage in the second half. Couldn't cover the deep ball and couldn't tackle to save their lives on short routes.

Offensively, they started handling the Ravens line a little better and were running the ball fantastically. They held the ball on several long and time consuming drives, but they just couldn't finish. Several dropped balls in key situations, a couple turnovers. The pressure from the Ravens was really coming against the Colts right tackles. Krueger was demolishing both of the right tackles used today. Luck played tremendously though. I thought he handled the Ravens pressure fairly well, but he did miss on a couple of the long balls and the receivers didn't help with some of those drops.

All in all, I'm not terribly disappointed in the game. Some missed chances and plenty of room to improve, and this group will have plenty of chances in the future to do so.

Playoffs were gravy in a season where I only expected 5-6 wins. 11 wins, playoffs, in the division race almost down to the end coming off of a 2-14 season with rookie QB, even if it was Luck, and losing your head coach for the majority of the season. Granted they did have an easy schedule, and there were several games pulled out with a little bit of luck, but still an amazing result for this group and this season.

This team will mature as a group, the holes will be filled through the draft and free agency, and this new edition of the Colts will be around and competing for a long time. Future is bright in Indianapolis. Go Colts.

And for the rest of these playoffs, Go Peyton!



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Russel Wilson is good and doesn't play like a rookie.

DeAngelo Hall is good but plays like a guy looking for penalties.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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At the end of the day, all great players are compared to each other on the basis of how many championships they have won.

No, they're really not.

If they were, then evaluating QBs would be easy. Show your math, people!

And everyone would know that Bart Starr was and remains #1 of all time. ;)

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Disaster might have just struck DC.

Somehow I had a feeling the Skins would manage to botch things with RGIII, like throwing him back into action before he's sufficiently healed. Botching things comes as naturally to that team's brain trust as breathing. Their season is toast now, but Skins fans can only hope his injury doesn't keep him out or hinder his performance in 2013 and beyond.

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