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2012 NFL Season Thread


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Yup, we got to see a salsa to ice it for the G-Men.

The Boys are gonna survive an ugly one against the Panthers.

Survive is right. That was an ugly game. At least we got the W, but damn, they had me worried there for a bit. They have to play better if the Cowboys want to beat the Giants for the first time in Cowboys stadium next week.

Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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Good win by the Pack! Bring on the Jags.

Indeed. Gotta be honest, playing the Rams in St. Louis had me a little nervous. My team looks like they're starting to get it together. Money well spent. Being an NFL owner is fun. Probably too soon to start sizing up my Super Bowl ring, but the Pack has looked good these last two games.






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Freeman was outside the pocket therefore Williams cannot be the first to touch the ball, even if forced out by the defense.

That is a terrible rule.

Bucs gotta have the worst pass D in the NFL.

Redskins would like to challenge for that position.


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Freeman was outside the pocket therefore Williams cannot be the first to touch the ball, even if forced out by the defense.

Yep. When it comes to the redzone, it's a bit of a bad rule, but it's still a rule and the refs got the call right.

Also, congratulations to the Saints (& Cowboys) for helping out the Falcons. 4 game lead in the NFC South. Thanks fellas, you guys did a bang-up job today.



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Cam Newton is either having one of the worst sophmore slumps ever,or he is not a NFL QB. As great as his rookie season was last year, he has been terrible this year.

Eli Manning is clearly now one of the best QBs in NFL history with the game on the line and his team trailing, had no doubt Giants would at least tie the game after the Redskins took the lead.

Chan Gailey is a terrible coach, how do you not go for two after taking the lead? There is no difference between a five point lead and a six point lead, they needed to get the full TD lead there and it bit them at the end.



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Eli Manning is clearly now one of the best QBs in NFL history with the game on the line and his team trailing,

Let's not get too carried away here, Francis. Let's see Eli do this for as long as Montana and Elway did it before we go all ESPN on him.






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Eli has already won two Super Bowls leading come from behind drives

Let's not forget that one of those comebacks was helped a great deal by one of the luckiest greatest catches in SB History. The other was helped a great deal by a pretty incredible catch in it's own right. And Eli didn't win those Super Bowls, the Giants won them. Eli is pretty good, but he's got a ways to go before he's in Montana/Elway territory.

Not to mention, Super Bowl rings aren't the only indicator of a QBs greatness. If they were, Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson would be in the discussion and we'd have to boot Marino and Fouts out of the HOF.

Calm down, Francis. Eli's a good player, but let's let him have a little more career before we build him a statue.






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I heard the crowd EXPLODE earlier and it was because Clay Matthews sacked someone. Weird.

So dark in there!

My guess is they were trying to spare the viewers' knowledge that their crowd was 2/3rds Packers fans.

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